You are finally here!

I gave dream his two squares :/ and he attempts to smother me with marsh mallows!

Salt... Look at your rep list now ;)

and here is what I mean about grey...


I guess it is like not good and not bad... Just netural... Then why post it?
Grey? What does Grey have to do with it? Unfortunately for You that just is not the response I am looking's one more marsh mellow for you (*shoves in another marsh-mellow*) and once again I'd like to hear you say 'Chubby bunny'.

What's the matter Dream? Can't except criticism?:D
What's to criticize? This is about green rectangles. Think of them as Euros but without the actual retail value and they don't actually improve your posts. Say Chubby Bunny.

Alex, those marsh-mellows weren't meant against ya. I would not disrespect ya like that. I and I.

There was, actually another forum once where I just got obsessed with the public evaluation system. I just had to score points. I felt guilty and horrible when someone scored me down. I don't want that experience again. I think there can be a sense of jealousy and envy when people start saying good and nice things about you, or otherwise . . . Don't get me started.

Be happy.
I'm ok don't worry about me. Love & peace back at you, and you are still the dangerous dinner.
Greetings fellows,

You sure you gave you negative reputation? Why would you do that to you? You should be like the Mexican bandits;

"Green squares? Green Squares? We don't need no stinkin' green squares!"

Hasbun Allah wa ni'am al-wakil.
I gave dream his two squares :/ and he attempts to smother me with marsh mallows!

Salt... Look at your rep list now ;)

and here is what I mean about grey...


I guess it is like not good and not bad... Just netural... Then why post it?
Newbies probably don't have any rep power points, so any reputaion they give, either positive or negative, would be worth zero rep points.
Interfaith forums - FAQ
Well it actually looks gray, however now that You has gotten onto my blacklist they have to stay there. I have to consider my reputation. If I start backing down all the time one thing leads to another and then suddenly its like green squares don't really matter and we're all back to square one! You must still eat marsh mellows. I am truly sorry but it cannot be helped now.
Thing is I think I have seen the current you avatar somewhere before. It may be someone famous. I just run into fame all over the place. Its just like that for me.
Dear fellow,

Oh such laudatory! Dream;

I am not famous, perhaps one day this may all change though hmm? I am just your run of the mill, nothing special servant of Allah the most merciful and benevolent being! Maybe you saw me on, 'Wheel of Fortune'. As I have been on this.

Dream this insect on your picture what is this?

Hasbun Allah wa ni'am al-wakil.
dear fellow You

l cant help thinking there is something fishy, err salty, going on here or is it just my imagination?!
Ah Peace be upon you fellows!

@greymare; You was selected, because I am you. Also the fine fellows of this establishment requested and even begged for someone to take upon themselves the title of "you"; I decided to do them a favour!

@Nativestral; Salty? Why whatever are you suggesting? If you mean my fine fellow Saltmeister, who introduced me. He has no connection, honestly.

Hasbun Allah wa ni'am al-wakil.
Greetings fellow!

Thank you for the reply. No, not at all no-one begged me per-se! Just you could see in the "How would you like to log on as you" thread. People really wanted you. So We gave them what they wanted. No I am not that important, as I said just your average servant of Allah! The most merciful and benevolent!

What is the story dear fellow with your name? Is Greymare the name of this schooner I see before me?

Hasbun Allah wa ni'am al-wakil.
hey you fellow
pardon my paranonia but since l suggested You l feel somewhat responsible for You..but maybe thats just me!
Are you a muslim from birth? ie parents and country islamic? what are your thoughts and aspirations regarding your religion and world peace?:)
Thank you for your posting fellow;

Native of the stars; I am from 'the city of palm' trees (Jericho; Northeast of Jerusalem). Which has quite some history I can tell you that. Yes, I believe it to be a city of Islam. This is where I would say You is from. Per contra, You make a claim of responsibility for me. (You are the creator of you! gasp.) So, I reverse this question; Where would you like you to be from?

Technically, Indeed I am a muslim from birth. What are my aspirations for world peace? That I (YOU) need to look and reach within first and foremost. If one cannot be at peace with themself how can they even begin to look for peace from this world? My aspirations are to aspire to be a better person and find my inner peace. And I believe if you are true, and you are guided correctly, and for me this is with Islam (submission; to His will...) I truly believe you will find what you are looking for. (6:82)

It is those who believed, and did not pollute their faith with zulm (wrong doing fellow....) that are truly in security and are rightly guided.

All muslims should unite, and they should observe and obey Qur'an.. There are those that put such a terrible misrepresentation of Islam upon others, and many still hold this misunderstanding on all muslims, we do not all carry expolsives and wish harm to the infidels! But, naturally, for aspirations of world peace, unity of muslims is not the end of it, all must unite, unity is strength. All sects of the Christian faiths and the Judaism faiths (6:159) ~ As for thos who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou has no part in them in the least; their affiar is with Allah; he will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did. ~ Unite. Qur'an has this message; (7:100)

To those who inherit the Earth in succession to it's (previous) possessors, (That's YOU) is it not a guiding(lesson) that, if we so willed, we would punish them for their sins and seal up their hearts so they could not hear?"

I feel as if it is. Saying; "Hey, fellow. You not learn from the previous peoples?"

Hasbun Allah wa ni'am al-wakil.