You are finally here!

You said:
Dream this insect on your picture what is this?

I am not certain, because I grabbed it off Google images. I call it a 'Computer Bug'. Maybe it is a Walking Stick, but it only seems to have 4 legs! It is colored like a Cricket or Spider. I think it may be a Harvestman.

Two cool websites to help identify bugs: What's That Bug? Insect identification
dear fellow You

l cant help thinking there is something fishy, err salty, going on here or is it just my imagination?!

It was . . . I think, either your idea or mine (I can't remember), so to "hit back," :))) I would like to suggest that nativeastral might also be involved in something fishy.

This is very much like the question, "Who farted?" that people used to enjoy asking in primary school whenever they smelled flatulence in the room. I'd like to declare that I am certainly smelling flatulence here. (The cynicist in me believes that a lot of the time, it was the person who farted who asked the question.:))

But here is something that I would strongly insist is truthful: I didn't create the account for the username "You" and had no knowledge of or involvement in its creation.

I have, however, been in the "boss's chair" (so to speak) a few times in the last seven days, doing all the wonderful unspeakable things that you do. You made your password public so what can I say?

Do you want to be different or do you want to be the same as the rest of us? That is the question.
Ok, I can see this escalating to a place we don't want to go. I, created the user "You".
It was . . . I think, either your idea or mine (I can't remember), so to "hit back," :))) I would like to suggest that nativeastral might also be involved in something fishy.

This is very much like the question, "Who farted?" that people used to enjoy asking in primary school whenever they smelled flatulence in the room. I'd like to declare that I am certainly smelling flatulence here. (The cynicist in me believes that a lot of the time, it was the person who farted who asked the question.:))

But here is something that I would strongly insist is truthful: I didn't create the account for the username "You" and had no knowledge of or involvement in its creation.

I have, however, been in the "boss's chair" (so to speak) a few times in the last seven days, doing all the wonderful unspeakable things that you do. You made your password public so what can I say?

Do you want to be different or do you want to be the same as the rest of us? That is the question.

hehe l thought We had all agreed We were You! jus farting around as You say!

@ You
thanks for sharing that; l am happy to be where l am from - the uni verse [one song]:)
Ok, I can see this escalating to a place we don't want to go. I, created the user "You".


If You don't want to go there, I do!

s. (satisfied with just the one personality ;))
lol, it looked like it was gonna get bitter

So I thought I'd say I made You and save some cross words lol...

Satisfied with one personality? So am I, and I am also. But, Alex isn't.

You wanna go there!? You really wanna go there snoops?! You are such an aggressor!!