Referring to my long post a few days ago, let me clarify 2 minor things.
First, in referring to 'liberal' I was not using the term as widely used today, and this was my mistake. In my use I was thinking of the original sense, meaning, the liberation of the 'estates' and classes of people at the end of feudalism. This enabled upward mobility and allowed freer transit.
The real point is this: That the 18th cent. revolutionary zeitgeist which toppled the ancient regime has never really stopped rolling for 200 yrs. For the past 40 it has been pushing sexual promiscuity. There've been some good scholarly books showing the long-range connections.
Second point to clarify, because it was lost within my lengthy style, is that Jesus' early Church actually discouraged family values in the blood-relative sense, but not due to a desire for promiscuity for free-thinking; rather it was because family obligations conflict with the kingdom of God and its other-worldliness. IN this thinking, a same-sex bond, or living a monastic life, would be preferable to raising a family.