In post 229 I wrote clearly that "the majority of homosexuals are not involved in intolerance and fascist activities"
At this point, I will accept your apologies. You have me all wrong citizen
Well, don't wait for any apology because it ain't coming. You made we look through the history of this thread on the off-chance that I did get you wrong and like I suspected, you're living in dream land. Shall we review?
Your first introduction of the term. No mention of it being a minority of the overall homosexual community...
06-03-2009, 12:40 PM post #116
Now if it is Nazism, Communism or Homofacism, they are all based on a flawed Godless ideology.
06-04-2009, 05:33 PM Post #138
Exposing flawed ideologies like Nazism, Communism or Homofacism is not hating my enemy. Being silent in front of Homofacism is totally irresponsible especially for the future of our children.
06-04-2009, 10:52 PM Post#141
I just like to add that I have nothing personally against people who struggle with same sex attraction. They are the first victims of homofacism.
To the direct question, What is "Homofacism"?, you answer...
06-06-2009, 12:29 PM Post#159
Homofacism is an ideology that want to break down biological parenting and spread gender confusion.
It basically wants to destroy the 2 biological parents child relationship, destroy the concept of blood lineage and descendants. It want to institutionalize one parent orphan "marriage"
Like Communism and Nazism, it wants to target children and youth first and infiltrate public schools, media and political spheres etc
It is against God's blueprint and design for the family. It wants to block God's love.
It will use deception, force and hide by playing the victim while accusing other of intolerance. It will misuse the concept of equality to gain superiority and become a legally select protected class.
Satan uses it to break up God's plan for humanity.
All humans want love. Love is the strongest force in the universe. Love can bring life or death if it is misused.
To the question, Do you mean that we should not give homosexuals equal rights? you answer...
06-08-2009, 04:20 PM Post#174
Homosexuals have equal rights. They can marry. Redefining or hijacking marriage is a complete different issue. They should call it something else or they should refund every married couple their marriage licence and a new name for marriage should be created.
Forcing other people to change their world view and the meaning of their life is un-American. It is homofacism. It does not respect other. It violate equality itself.
Homosexuality and heterosexuality is like oil and water. They are opposite. I think homosexuality is totally sexist and reject the other half of humanity. Anyway, you are going to accuse me of gay bashing so I will stop here
Finally, after 9 days and many opportunities to clarify your position you finally write...
06-12-2009, 04:38 AM Post#229
"I am not homophobe and the majority of homosexuals are not involved in intolerance and fascist activities but I have done my own research and seen with my own eyes what I am saying."
By that point Soleil, it's back-pedaling. That's you putting on the old political spin to ward off condemnation that was building against you. Why did it take 9 days and over a dozen opportunities for you to finally attribute homofascism to a minority of the homosexual community? Were you unable to see how repugnant that phrase was to so many in the thread?
So please, if anybody owes an apology here it's you apologizing to us for dragging this thread through the muck of bigotry. Nice try, attempting to turn it around to where you're suddenly the victim. But that ain't playing here.