Why is Christianity loosing the cultural war ?

If Adam had waited to reach maturity before eating the fruit their marriage would had been blessed by God. They would not have been kicked out of the garden.

Genesis Chapeter 3
[9] But the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?"
[10] And he said, "I heard the sound of thee in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself."
[11] He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?"
[12] The man said, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate."
[13] Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this that you have done?"

Just to ask a thorn-in-the-side question... if God is supposed to be all-knowing, how come he didn't know what was going one when there were only two people to keep track of? How is he supposed to keep up now that there are 6.5 billion?

To those in another thread that speculated that there is no free will because God already knows everything that has and will happen, does the depiction in Genesis contradict this notion? Or did God only start to pay attention after the fall?

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Scriptural references, please.
Yes. However there is this scripture which needs to reconciled with your interpretation:Luke 2027 Some (AH) of the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, (AI) came up and questioned Him: 28 "Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a man's brother has a wife, and dies childless, his brother should take the wife and produce offspring for his brother. (AJ) (AK) 29 Now there were seven brothers. The first took a wife and died without children. 30 Also the second [m] 31 and the third took her. In the same way, all seven died and left no children. 32 Finally, the woman died too. 33 Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife will the woman be? For all seven had married her."
1) We can see in past history (in the bible, in the Qoran and even at the early time of the Mormons) when a woman became a widow, she had no way to survive and she would being cared for by her husband's younger brother. Polygamy often resulted from this practice of survival.
Since carrying the family lineage was important and also since the elder brother received the inheritance as the head of the family in many cultures, he is the primary responsible for the parents.
2) It is good to remind ourselves that past history is fallen history. Jesus is not supporting this practice of remarrying.
3) Ultimately,we can have only one spouse. Also until God can have his own lineage on earth at the marriage of the lamb, all the previous marriages need to be grafted to the Messiah's sinless family. He is the tree of life to which the wild olive branches need to be grafted.
4) Jesus is saying that until the ressurection of the dead, we are all singles in front of God. After the human fall A&E became dead spiritually, humanity still had to continue and procreate but as fallen descendants. We need to be ressurected from spiritual death. Our marriages are outside the garden like the one of A&E. St Paul said the same thing. It is better not to mary if you can. Until the Messiah can have his own bride, many Christians reached a higher spiritual level as a single person waiting for the sinfull marriage of the lamb. Through Jesus and the Holy Spirit (spiritual Eve), we are still born with the original sin and we are waiting for the Messiah to come again.

[n] 34 Jesus told them, "The sons of this age (AL) marry and are given in marriage. (AM) 35 But those who are counted worthy (AN) to take part in that age (AO) and in the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. 36 For they cannot die anymore, (AP) because they are like angels and are sons of God, (AQ) since they are sons of the resurrection. 37 Moses even indicated [in the passage] about the burning bush that the dead are raised, where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. (AR) (AS) 38 He is not God of the dead but of the living, because all are living to [o] Him." (AT)
Yes as I already explained Jesus said that we should be waiting for the Messiah like a bride waiting for his bridgroom.
Christianity is the "single salvation" religion because Jesus could not marry but died on the cross as a single man. As his disciples, the first Christians had to follow his course. In the last days all the seeds of the fall are coming out. It is the harvest in preparation of the ressurection of the dead. People in the spiritual world are coming down to receive the benefit of this age.
It will not be on the clouds but in the flesh. As God, humanity has been waiting for this moment when God's true lineage can finally exist on the earth.
The world spreading of free sex, incest, homosexuality, lesbianism, drug use, pornography, stds, teen promiscuity etc is a sign of the last days.

Satan wants to catch as many people as he can now. Smoking (air) drinking (liquid), drugs (solid) are some of satan's weapons to make everything including our spirits rot, from he nostrils to the lungs.
Genesis Chapeter 3[9] But the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?" [10] And he said, "I heard the sound of thee in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself."[11] He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?" [12] The man said, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate." [13] Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this that you have done?"
Just to ask a thorn-in-the-side question... if God is supposed to be all-knowing, how come he didn't know what was going one when there were only two people to keep track of? How is he supposed to keep up now that there are 6.5 billion?To those in another thread that speculated that there is no free will because God already knows everything that has and will happen, does the depiction in Genesis contradict this notion? Or did God only start to pay attention after the fall? :confused: :confused: :confused:
God knew the potential for the fall. This is why, precisely, he gave Adam and Eve the commandment.
That is pretty clear.
Parents with teenagers experience the same situation. We are scare to death of that period of adolescence when children become more independant and can make major mistakes if they do not follow our "commadements". Teen pregnancy is a major worry of parents.

Some of the real questions are;
What motivated Lucifer to disobey God and tempt Eve
What was the fruit in the Garden that Adam and Eve were willing to die for
What happened when A&E choose to follow Lucider's commandment instead of God's commandment.

Yes with 6.5 billion people on earth and many more in the spirit world, God has major headaches and heart breakes. God tried to send the messiah much earlier on before the world grew but could not. It tokk 4000 biblical years and still his son was killed.
God knew the potential for the fall.

Okay... but why didn't He know where Adam was hiding? How can He be an omniscient, all-powerful God, but He can't see somebody when they're crouched down?

Again, with the confused smilies... :confused: :confused: :confused:
1) We can see in past history (in the bible, in the Qoran and even at the early time of the Mormons) when a woman became a widow, she had no way to survive and she would being cared for by her husband's younger brother. Polygamy often resulted from this practice of survival.
Since carrying the family lineage was important and also since the elder brother received the inheritance as the head of the family in many cultures, he is the primary responsible for the parents.
2) It is good to remind ourselves that past history is fallen history. Jesus is not supporting this practice of remarrying.
3) Ultimately,we can have only one spouse. Also until God can have his own lineage on earth at the marriage of the lamb, all the previous marriages need to be grafted to the Messiah's sinless family. He is the tree of life to which the wild olive branches need to be grafted.
4) Jesus is saying that until the ressurection of the dead, we are all singles in front of God. After the human fall A&E became dead spiritually, humanity still had to continue and procreate but as fallen descendants. We need to be ressurected from spiritual death. Our marriages are outside the garden like the one of A&E. St Paul said the same thing. It is better not to mary if you can. Until the Messiah can have his own bride, many Christians reached a higher spiritual level as a single person waiting for the sinfull marriage of the lamb. Through Jesus and the Holy Spirit (spiritual Eve), we are still born with the original sin and we are waiting for the Messiah to come again.

Yes as I already explained Jesus said that we should be waiting for the Messiah like a bride waiting for his bridgroom.
Christianity is the "single salvation" religion because Jesus could not marry but died on the cross as a single man. As his disciples, the first Christians had to follow his course. In the last days all the seeds of the fall are coming out. It is the harvest in preparation of the ressurection of the dead. People in the spiritual world are coming down to receive the benefit of this age.
It will not be on the clouds but in the flesh. As God, humanity has been waiting for this moment when God's true lineage can finally exist on the earth.
The world spreading of free sex, incest, homosexuality, lesbianism, drug use, pornography, stds, teen promiscuity etc is a sign of the last days.

Satan wants to catch as many people as he can now. Smoking (air) drinking (liquid), drugs (solid) are some of satan's weapons to make everything including our spirits rot, from he nostrils to the lungs.
Scriptural references, please.
Mary was a teen pregnancy yeah? Just barely teen.
And Jesus was born out of wedlock....hmmmm

Yes, the fall also happened when A&E were in their teenage years.
When Jesus was born, Joseph was in the position of the Archangel. He had to reverse and overcome what happened during the human fall.

During the fall Lucifer stole God's children from him. Joseph in the opposite had to recognize Jesus as his son, even he was not the father.
He experience God's situation in the reverse order. By doing this he indemnified the past.

Through all the preparation of Jesus coming, there are many situations where chosen figures had to reverse the process of the fall and overcome injust situations.
Cain and Abel, Jaco and Esau, Tamar, Ham and Noah, etc..etc..

It is impossible to understand their story without understanding the process of the human fall
Okay... but why didn't He know where Adam was hiding? How can He be an omniscient, all-powerful God, but He can't see somebody when they're crouched down?Again, with the confused smilies... :confused: :confused: :confused:
Citizen, when you are allowing your teenager more space, more freedom meanwhile letting them know that you want to trust them. You are not watching them like a 5 years old even if you worry. It is the paradox of parents to protect their kids when they are small so they can let them go later on in life.

A&E had their portion of responsibility to fulfill. God decided not to be watching every second and intervine. This was the risk he had to take.

When the scriptures say "Where are you ?" it may mean that God gave them that space and freedom. It is the cry of of a parent saying what have you done or where are you after feeling something went wrong because your children are not back home or are hiding something.

God can choose not to intervine or not to see. This is what free will requires.

Still today each one of us does the same to God.
God can choose not to intervine or not to see.

While A&E may have been teenagers in human years, they were actually just born, naive, and innocent. God left the tree of knowledge out there like bright colorful bottle of floor cleaner for the newborns to find and chug down.

So God's choice to not pay attention to his newborns could be seen as child neglect, and then to punish them for their innocent mistake would qualify Him as an abuser as well.

It's interesting that we accept behavior in God that we wouldn't accept in humans. Where would we be if our own parents treated us like God did A&E?
While A&E may have been teenagers in human years, they were actually just born, naive, and innocent. God left the tree of knowledge out there like bright colorful bottle of floor cleaner for the newborns to find and chug down.
So God's choice to not pay attention to his newborns could be seen as child neglect, and then to punish them for their innocent mistake would qualify Him as an abuser as well.
It's interesting that we accept behavior in God that we wouldn't accept in humans. Where would we be if our own parents treated us like God did A&E?
Angels were created before humans. Lucifer was placed as a teacher for Adam and Eve. Unfortunately as Adam and Eve were growing , Lucifer became jealous of God's love for his children. He started to feel a lack of love and this is why trouble started.

God did not leave A&E alone without guidance.
Angels were created before humans. Lucifer was placed as a teacher for Adam and Eve. Unfortunately as Adam and Eve were growing , Lucifer became jealous of God's love for his children. He started to feel a lack of love and this is why trouble started.

God did not leave A&E alone without guidance.
Scriptural reference, please.
Angels were created before humans. Lucifer was placed as a teacher for Adam and Eve. Unfortunately as Adam and Eve were growing , Lucifer became jealous of God's love for his children. He started to feel a lack of love and this is why trouble started.
God did not leave A&E alone without guidance.
Most of this is known. I do not have the time to post every scripture, everytime I write a post

You can go to my blog I am in the process to post the information once and leave it there
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Most of this is known. I do not have the time to post every scripture, everytime I write a post

You can go to my blog I am in the process to post the information once and leave it there
Namaste S10,

I removed the link from your post. We are not advertising your blog here.

This method of circumventing a direct question by SG is baloney. She's asked three times, for three different statements of yours and you've ignored them all.

The only reason she is asking...our queen of research and instant availability of information...is because what you are stating is contrary to what she knows. And she'd like you to prove your point.

Feel free to post your responses here, and you can easily copy them to your blog, surely cntrl c/cntrl v isn't out of your realm of ability...so time consuming it is.
My user name is soleil not soliel

I am a unificationist not a moonie
Interesting by the definition at Unificationist.org it appears you are not...a unificationist that is.

Unificationists express faith in philosophies and religious ideologies
which encourages the sharing of opposing ideas so that
an individual can be more active in the understanding
and knowledge of their own justified beliefs.

II) We must remain open-minded about our personal quest for truth and cannot blindly submit ourselves to other people or to a single document as the source of our truths. We must search for and reflect on the meaning of our own lives.
I just haven't seen that from you here.