Good article.
Thomas Jefferson was a complex man. Seems I heard this story of Jupiter before, but of course people are more familiar with Sally Hemmings. Tommy J. was...controversial?...on a lot of matters of what was considered socially acceptable. Ever got the gist of the Jefferson Bible? Fascinating human being, whether you like him or not. And again contrary to typical social behavior at the time, he set his servants free at his death instead of willing them as property to relatives, or so I've heard on more than one occasion.
PBS had an episode not all that long back about the first black indentured servants, and how that was gradually changed into slavery in the north. Another episode was about the foundation of Liberia, the British leuitenant (sp?) that led the expedition, and the ex-US / ex-Canadian expatriate servants who were tired of getting the shaft even though they were freed. Unfortunately the leiutenant was called away and was not allowed to return, the secondary leadership and the leaders sent from jolly ol' England to take the leiutenant's place were crooked as snakes and bent on exploiting the newly founded African colony.
Some things never change...