Really? Not one? Then the whole thing's a pointless endeavour, is it not?
What endeavor, Thomas? Millions call themselves Christian, but very few walk the walk they claim is necessary, and that is my point. We are hypocrites, liars, and most have no idea what it means to be a 'true' christian, or follower of Christ.
A Christian is one who is a follower of Christ, that does not mean he or she is Christ, but follows Christ ... are they perfect? No. Does Christ expect them to be? No. Does Christ call them to perfection? Yes.
That would be one definition, but who on earth truly follows Him?
So what is required, to be a Christian? The determination to go just that little bit further, for Christ's sake.
For Christ's sake? No, Christ came so we might have an abundant life, and that is what most are missing. He came for our sake, not His. God gave us life, Christ showed us how to live it. Christian principle and God's law are there for our benefit, but again, who on earth truly follows Christ?
For His sake, I call myself a Christian. Do I set myself as the standard by which He is judged? No. But if it weren't for those like me, who call ourselves Christian, then the world would never have heard of Him, would it?
For His sake again? Man, I think it's all about mankind becoming better beings - Happy, joyous, serene, content, and full of peace. Christ is perfect, and He showed us how to aim for the perfection He embodies. I love Christ with all my heart, but I also know that when I do things for him I am missing the mark. He desires that we learn from Him, so we might grow as a species. All for us, bro!
Of course. We all know that, but because we love Him, we try anyway. That's a big difference between not trying but depending on His love for us ... and frankly, that's not a good bargaining position, because it boders on hypocrisy, and that's the one thing he had no time for.
There is no 'try' in reality, there is only do, lol. If we follow Him, we are doing what is not only best for us, but also what is best for this world. God so loved the world ...
You've missed the point. It's not the boat we're in, its the effort we make.
Nope, it's not about human effort, it is about the journey itself, and what we learn on the way. All our efforts are vain, as it is Christ that gives us the ability to overcome our weaknesses. We ARE in the same boat, Thomas. If not, then Christ died in vain ...
OK. But if you've made no effort in your life, but just bargained on His mercy and forgiveness, that's pretty phoney, don't you think?
When we take on Christ, He makes His dwelling in us - He makes the change He desires, our only charge is to want the change that He can, and will make in us when we are willing to 'truly' follow His lead.
The world is full of phonies, sure. The world is full of those who talk a good talk, but when it comes to walking according to what they themselves preach they fall short everytime. We are not perfect, but we are called to follow Christ in all we do. Who does this? No one!
I mean, suppose the amount of mercy is a correlate of the amount of effort made ... you'd be in real trouble then, surely ...
Faith w/o works is dead, we are to show our faith in our works, but works has little to do with effort. It comes naturally when we take on Christ - He makes His dwelling in us giving us the ability to follow Him. The problem is that most are waiting for His return, when He is already in our midst.
Oh, there's more to it than that ... there's obeying His commandments, there's participation in the Sacraments He established ... and to assume that we're all the same is the same as assuming no-one is better than me, which is pride, and that's a bad thing. Humility, on the other hand, always hopes that I might learn something from my brother, whereas you seem to be saying there's nothing anyone can teach you ... I'm sure you're not, but that's how it reads ...
To assume that we are all the same is to be humble enough to know that I'm no better than you, nor you me. We are in the same boat, and Christ is the Captain of that boat. It doesn't matter what we've done in the end, or how long we labor, we all get the same wages. *Thinks of parable of the land owner*
Tosh! Then Christ has no morals, no standards, no values ... which is patently not true.
If you don't think that Christ died for the prisoner on death row, and you truly believe that you are better than that convict, then you have an issue of pride, self righteousness, faith and Christ died in vain when it comes to that individual. He's bigger than we are, Thomas and His grace extends to all men in the end ....
That's why Christians profess His ideology and not their own ... only in recent times have pseudo-Christians taken to inventing their own ideologies, and calling them Christian, under the self-righteous illusion that if it suits them, it'll suit Christ ... and then accusing everyone else of following a man-made ideology!
He is far bigger than most believe - Who is lacking in faith here? The one who knows and believes with their heart that Christ came for all men, and that all men will be saved in the end, or those who believe their works, and personal efforts get them in heaven. Christ did NOT die in vain - He has reconciled us to the Father, and we will all be saved. I believe it.
Then either you've got your eyes shut, your judgement of humanity is based on your own low self-esteem, or you've got your criteria wrong. I suggest the latter.
There is good news!
"After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box." -Italian Proverb
My self esteem would prob be considered arrogance to some, lol. (Not sure why you think it is low) Maybe because pride of self has got you thinking you are better than others? What is the criteria? We are sinners, we all fall short, and Christ came so we might have life, and have that life in abundance. *That's the criteria* AND the "Good News".