Peace to all--
I hope also that I did not offend anyone in my own views as well. As we Americans say, we agree that we have the right to disagree.
Anyway. Wil, we Muslims can individually or collectively denounce anyone who terrorize others in the name of our religion (and hundreds of thousands of Muslims do!) but we cannot say who is/is not a Muslim. According to our faith's teaching, we do not know what is in a person's heart and mind--only God Almighty knows. But we
can say that a person is NOT behaving the way a Muslim should/must. It is up to God Almighty to judge all of us.
As for articles of Bosnian Muslims being forced to convert to Christianity, I could do reasearch but I personally know individuals who were baptized in the war and forced to change their names.
GloryToGod, I think that our history shows that there were those killing in the name of Jesus. Elizabeth The Catholic--the Queen of Spain for one, during the Inquisition.
But, I think that the original post asked is God All Good? My final answer, I guess I tried to articulate earlier was: Yes, but S/He can create and cause evil to happen as well because S/He has that power.
I mentioned the Holy Attributes to describe what my religion teaches about the powers God Almighty has. 99 Attributes (or qualities/abilities if you will) are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an to help Muslims understand some of the Power of God Almighty. Each Divine Quality is not believed a being and has no intelligence in itself but is controlled by The Divine Intelligence (God Almighty) alone.
The concept of many, two or three dieties 'in one' will forever be confusing to me as I cannot graps how 100=1, or 3=1, or 2=1. My confusion comes in when I am presented with a belief/claim that a being can have more than one ascpect of itself but each aspect being different, unique and having a unique power.
Kind of reminds me of current bosnian trimuvirate (three members of Presidency--Bosnia now actually has 3 presidents). Each member pulls strings his own way and no decision is ever made that is good for the people in general (whether Bosnians, Croats, Serbs or anyone else living in the country).