
That'd probably really cut down on abortions. Seeing your baby really makes it register, and you start to love it, and want to care for it. I think that'd be a much better way to go, more effective with less psychological injury than a flat law against abortion.
Midwives of the past would insure that defective (obviously defective) babies never survived childbirth.
Abortions serve a purpose.
But it is a serious issue and I hope all those considering it have and use wisdom and compassion for all involved before making their choice.
With environmental poisoning being so widespread these days there are places in the world where major problem children are being born.
Such will never be able to have a functional life so abortion is a mercy in such cases.

Google Image Result for http://justgetthere.us/blog/uploads/depleted-uranium.jpg


13129 malformed children have been born in Iraq in the last five years. Their deformities have been caused by American Depleted Uranium munitions used in the American led 1991 “Desert Storm” war with Irak launched after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. The war saw heavy use of depleted uranium rounds by American and British forces and was followed by a punitive sanctions regime enforced by the United Nations primarily at America’s behest. The sanctions included preventing Irak from importing drugs for the treatment of cancers and birth defects. The current war on Irak was launched on the pretext that Irak was failing to comply with sanctions and had weapons of mass destruction. http://gorillasguides.com/2007/06/26/13129/

Maybe some of those faith healers (like Benny Hinn) should go there and fix that problem.
Midwives of the past would insure that defective (obviously defective) babies never survived childbirth.
Abortions serve a purpose.
But it is a serious issue and I hope all those considering it have and use wisdom and compassion for all involved before making their choice.
With environmental poisoning being so widespread these days there are places in the world where major problem children are being born.
Such will never be able to have a functional life so abortion is a mercy in such cases.

Google Image Result for http://justgetthere.us/blog/uploads/depleted-uranium.jpg

birth defects from radiation - Google Images

I think, for the most part, parents must be the ultimate deciders in the continuation of a life (especially a new life). Once the state intervenes, all bets are off.

I understand that there are those who are incapable of making that choice, from time to time, but to as a rule, leave life to the state, is fool's mate. (try reading the 1000 plus pages of the "new American health care bill")...lol.:eek::eek:
Yeah, the gov't can't run what they're in charge of now. To say, "let's throw some more responsability at em" is foolhardy in my opinion. After all, the whole point of the constitution was to put restrictions on the federal Gov't. To keep it small, and ensure that they did not have the absolute power. As you can see, we as a country just kinda have been ignoring that, and the bloated and God like power of the federal government is the result of that dis-attention.
Yeah, the gov't can't run what they're in charge of now. To say, "let's throw some more responsability at em" is foolhardy in my opinion. After all, the whole point of the constitution was to put restrictions on the federal Gov't. To keep it small, and ensure that they did not have the absolute power. As you can see, we as a country just kinda have been ignoring that, and the bloated and God like power of the federal government is the result of that dis-attention.
People's is just too busy ya see,
focused on their mundane reality.
So if we are ever to really be free,
we need to get some unity.
enough rhyme for now.:rolleyes:
Yeah, Doctor Seuss, we're good for now, lol...

People just don't care to look at the big picture. They leave it to people they believe to be more qualified, when in reality they're just people like you and me with their own concerns, and their own interests to worry about. A government is naught but a group of people. And we continually pick the wrong ones, the ones that take freedoms instead of upholding them, so that we can be secure in the knowledge that "someone is watching over us."

Ok. I'm done. Back to the regularly scheduled thread... :D
Do you think this will increase the rate of gender-selective abortions? :eek:
sorry, despite religiosity the dowry system is prohibitive for many to welcome girls, they cost a lot to let go, and it is only sons who support parents in old age, not the daughters as they 'go' to the other family.

Abortion in India: Selecting by Gender - washingtonpost.com

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | India 'loses 10m female births'

Indian Prime Minister Denounces Abortion of Females - New York Times
Notice how the BBC article directly links ultrasounds to gender selective abortions in India.
yes, the appliance of science. One would hope that previous to this unwanted girls born wouldn't be drowned like puppies but who knows, India has an atrocious record of discrimination against the fairer sex built into their system [like other religions btw, feminist hat off]
yes, the appliance of science. One would hope that previous to this unwanted girls born wouldn't be drowned like puppies but who knows, India has an atrocious record of discrimination against the fairer sex built into their system [like other religions btw, feminist hat off]
I think you might have put your finger on the problem. Has our spirituality progressed at the rate of our scientific advances?

What is the optimal balance that will keep the abortion rate down, without driving people to resort back to the older practices of infanticide, honor killings, the older, more dangerous abortive procedures, violence against women, etc., as a means of social control/family planning?

You can't force spiritual advancement, imo, but you can encourage and nurture it.
Until world governments agree on the fact that war and sending adults to kill other adults is irresponsible and inhumane, such influences will trickle down ad nauseum:(
Do you think this will increase the rate of gender-selective abortions? :eek:

thats the scary part... do you think they are weighing the negatives as well as the positives? probably not... they want quick fixes without considering the ramifications.