The Whole Bible in a Few Words

Kind of an aside, but, when people get "legally" married.....with a license, then all the fruit of that union (children) then become legal property of the state. Another subtle thing, but maybe the legal dept here could try to refute that.
You are right. I think that it is disgusting that the state see human beings as property and that a whole $ billions divorce industry is ripping of people in difficulty by taking adavantage of them. In addition, the governement has promoted no fault divorce, irresponsibility when it comes to promiscuity and is involved in the death culture.

I do not recommend my kids to even get a state marriage license, especially now that marriage may mean anything.

In some countries as marriage is being devalued, people just get civil unions for money reasons or others.

The society is moving from a country of citizens to just a state of taxpayers. Just like a business
It is very sad.
Rev Moon is no changing the definition of marriage. That is why.
Yes he is, when he brings the concept of "arranged" marriages to America, a culture which does not practice that.
immortalitylost said:
I mean, what if the majority of the population was racist? What if they were pushing to make the marriage of interracial couples illegal? Would that be right, I mean if the definition of marriage in the majority of people's mind was a union between two people of the same race?
That was the situation when I grew up: interracial marriage was illegal in most states and always had been. It took a Supreme Court decision to change that, and the arguments were much the same as now.
Originally, a marriage was between two people of the same class. An "unequal" marriage did not have the same legal status: if an upper-class man married a lower-class woman, neither the wife nor any resulting children had the right to inherit either his title or his estates, only the "morning gifts" he would give her after the wedding night (so this was called a "morganatic" marriage).
shawn said:
when people get "legally" married.....with a license, then all the fruit of that union (children) then become legal property of the state.
That is absurd rubbish with no basis whatsoever. Who tells you this kind of stuff?
BobX, you are a lawyer,:eek: you should know about this.
Social services uses this fact all the time.
They are not your kids, you just get to look after them.:mad:

The society is moving from a country of citizens to just a state of taxpayers. Just like a business
Country?....What Country?
We live in a Corporation.
There is no Country....anywhere.
Just a bunch of corporate structures which pose as countries so as to get the people in them to play according to rules that have been obsolete for over 1/2 a century.
Actually the rules from a century ago would keep us out of the kind of slavery situation you speak of. I mean, that's what they were designed to do.

It's our utter disregarding of the rules that has us plunked into our current predicament. We, as a nation, have let our federal government get too big, and have too much power, and all because we wanted someone other than ourselves to deal with all of our problems for us. The federal government has been gorging itself for a while now, and now they're too big to really say anything to. They started off changing the rules. And now they just ignore them. Yeah, having a big federal government goes against the very foundations that this country was built upon. But just try and convince anyone of it. You'll get laughed off stage. Anyone who watched the Republican primary debates will know what I'm talkin about...hopefully...

And America, as a corporation, kinda sucks. We're in debt up the wazoo, print more money willy nilly when we get too low, thus devaluing the dollar, and we are borrowing money like crazy from China, among others. You know, China, the country most everyone in this country looks down on for their inferior products, yeah, well, they're bailing us out. For now. We're not so cool after all...

America is lookin to be the new Rome. And, boy is that a scary thought... considering the fate of Rome and all...

Sry for continuing the derailment... I just now looked at the thread title again, and I started to giggle. *blushes* I'm done!
Country?....What Country?
We live in a Corporation.
There is no Country....anywhere.
Just a bunch of corporate structures which pose as countries so as to get the people in them to play according to rules that have been obsolete for over 1/2 a century.

That's right. All you Americans are worth little more than just cattle. The government will stop at nothing to rationalise ways to milk money off you. You are after all, part of a superpower nation where your purpose as a human being is to be instruments in a large war machine and military-industrial complex that projects political and military power across the globe.

All talk about human rights and democratic freedoms are just a way of manipulating the American people into thinking that what Uncle Sam, the nation state, political system and economic system provides is what they actually want.

Women dress themselves up to be sexy and live like sex objects. Men buy bigger houses and faster cars. Because the market dynamics change so often, you have to sell your old stuff and buy new stuff every year. It keeps the economy going. That is how capitalism works. Keep the money flowing. You spend your whole life shopping, shopping and shopping. What a wasteful society and economy!

If you keep the money flowing, the government can raise more taxes. More revenue means that the government can afford to put more into developing its military. This means that the government gets to flex its military muscle around the world. Aha! Fun and games!

Meanwhile, to supply the products that people will buy requires a massive movement and gathering of resources, resulting in widespread environmental degradation.

The United States of America, the superpower nation so commonly promoted as a utopia, is a dystopia that causes environmental degradation and is plagued by widespread social problems, whether it be religious fundamentalism, depression, rebellion against parental authority, skyrocketing divorce rates, a shambolic public education system whose students are far from number #1 (more like #15, perhaps even worse, possibly #30) in the world or little kids recklessly losing their virginity. They don't have a compulsory voting system, their gun laws are too relaxed and their bank notes aren't even colour-coded! It is a land of opportunity that has become a land of stupidity.

They can't even spell "colour" or "metre" correctly, still use the Imperial system of measurement rather than metrics and they insist on driving on the wrong side of the road!

They design the wrong kind of cars, cars that aren't fuel-efficient. Ford, Chrysler and General Motors were on the brink of collapse because their cars couldn't sell. They lost the market to the Japanese and European competition, even on their own soil!

The USA is an idiocracy.:eek: It's become a uniformly stupid society. Nothing good comes out of that country anymore. It has become a country of mediocrity. Stupid people go there, stupid people live there.

Idiocracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An alternative is to come and live in Australia.:D Why should anyone go and live in that enormous rubbish tip called the USA? The excrement I dump in my toilet goes there!

No, the USA isn't a country at all. It's an enormous farm. Don't go and live there unless you want to make friends with mud and pigs!

Moo! Moo! Cock-a-doodle-doo! Brak! Buk buk buk buk! Oink oink!
I come from the USA, salt. You think I'm nothing good? :eek:

*cries in corner*

I thought we were friends... That's what it says on my profile... :(


Lol, I agree. America has become pathetic. And the biggest joke of all is that since we live in a democracy, it's our friggin fault!

I mean, it's been set up so that vote=fail. Republicans suck, democrats suck, and don't bother voting for anybody else because even if they don't suck they won't win.

America just doesn't care enough to fix itself. Sad but true, and all of us rational people ie. the minority, just have to hold on for the ride, and keep up the futile effort of trying to make people (the majority) care.

Our military, god, our military. It seems that every country that we have dealings with and their neighbors get US, taxpayer funded, bases built there. And I'm sure they just love that. Big ol America, there to protect them from the schoolyard bullies of the world.

*bangs head on keyboard*

Dude, I can't live in Australia, I'll be dead in a week. All those poisonous snakes and crocs and spiders in every dark corner, not to mention the sharks, and poisonous jellyfish. I have like ultra bad luck. I'd most likely get attacked by all of the above mentioned critters, like, just in a completely random succession as I stumbled offa the plane, landing in a stung up, bit up, bloody mess in the ocean where my eyeballs would be eaten by clownfish.

I'm not gruesome, what are you talking about? :p

I'll take my chances with the stupid Americans, thank you very much. Michigan is hella safe. Unless you can't swim... Then I wouldn't recommend it, lol. Surrounded by water and all...

I live in a giant mitten... oh, my life is like a joke without a punchline...batta bing! Curtains drop. That's all folks! ;)
Salt, mort, so as to pretend to tie the conversation into the thread, the bible in a few short words...tis a book about conquest of lands and people. It appears the gods current chosen people are Americans, we have ruled the world for the past half century and the entire world has benefited from our benificent rule...just look at the flow of greenbacks that you all so desire... US Aid by Country - Swivel This upstart nation saved the free world, including Australia and you all know it. A mere two centuries in all of time we've been around and became the top dog while we were still learning to crawl.

Say your prayers for us before you go to bed and when you arise, because due to us you are alive and have the freedom to do so.

Any questions class? Ok open your books to first John 4....
Nice tie in, lol.

Meh, I still think America is slowly eating away at itself... God's chosen people, lol, who knows but God, I think the new Rome is more applicable. Sure we have our nice shiny exterior, but inside, we're eating away at our foundations.

And you know what the bible says about foundations, you know, building on sand and all. We had good uns, and we've spent the last two centuries chipping away...

It does not bode well.

But I really am done now, so anyone feel free to resume the topic of the thread. I won't butt in, lol.
:eek: I totally missed that part of the thread!

I love Satan! Guy got a crap deal, cuz like, God created him knowin that he'd be the one all the ebil is pinned on, and I can't hate a guy after that crap gets dumped on him. I mean, all the blame for all the ebil in da world? Come on... that's rough.

...Can I get a sticker now? I wants me a sticker! :D
I come from the USA, salt. You think I'm nothing good? :eek:

*cries in corner*

I thought we were friends... That's what it says on my profile... :(


I was mostly being sarcastic (which means the other lesser part was meant to be deriding and disparaging).:eek:

Dude, I can't live in Australia, I'll be dead in a week. All those poisonous snakes and crocs and spiders in every dark corner, not to mention the sharks, and poisonous jellyfish. I have like ultra bad luck. I'd most likely get attacked by all of the above mentioned critters, like, just in a completely random succession as I stumbled offa the plane, landing in a stung up, bit up, bloody mess in the ocean where my eyeballs would be eaten by clownfish.

lol I hardly have to worry about that stuff. I live in the city.

We had rats once, but the holes have been sealed up and the rats haven't returned since. Then came the cockroaches because the rats were gone . . .

Salt, mort, so as to pretend to tie the conversation into the thread, the bible in a few short words...tis a book about conquest of lands and people.

To sum it up in a few words, God wanted to establish a relationship with human beings. He instigated the emergence of two religious traditions: Judaism and Christianity, each describing a particular relationship with God. When we read the Bible, we read stories of people who had an intimate relationships with God in their time. We try to rediscover the experiences they had when they were alive. The Bible is the written tradition that preserves the meanings of those experiences.

Meh, I still think America is slowly eating away at itself... God's chosen people, lol, who knows but God, I think the new Rome is more applicable. Sure we have our nice shiny exterior, but inside, we're eating away at our foundations.

lol As in America, do as the Americans do.

Hmmmm if America is the new Rome, where is the new Byzantium? Where is the new Greece? I know! It's the PRC! Beijing is the new Constantinople. The Western Empire is in decline so power is shifting over to the Eastern Empire.

1,000 years later, the Turks lay siege to Beijing. "Constantine XI" will die trying to fight them off but in vain. History repeats itself.

My guess: a Muslim Empire will prevail in the end.
Salt, mort, so as to pretend to tie the conversation into the thread, the bible in a few short words...tis a book about conquest of lands and people. It appears the gods current chosen people are Americans, we have ruled the world for the past half century and the entire world has benefited from our benificent rule...just look at the flow of greenbacks that you all so desire... US Aid by Country - Swivel This upstart nation saved the free world, including Australia and you all know it. A mere two centuries in all of time we've been around and became the top dog while we were still learning to crawl.
God blessed America so she can be a blessing to the world as a christian nation.
Christianity is in the position of the second Israel and America is the new Rome.
As we are pushing God out of this country, we are loosing our blessings as we can see.
Satan is the sweetest entity there is? I'll agree, I'll even give you some rep for that lol.... Nice one :)
Satan is not the evil we see in the horror movies. He get his victims with sweetness and he always hide as much as possible.

He prefers that people believe, he does not even exist
:eek: I totally missed that part of the thread!

I love Satan! Guy got a crap deal, cuz like, God created him knowin that he'd be the one all the ebil is pinned on, and I can't hate a guy after that crap gets dumped on him. I mean, all the blame for all the ebil in da world? Come on... that's rough.

...Can I get a sticker now? I wants me a sticker! :D

*hands you a few stickers!*
They are glittery too!

God blessed America so she can be a blessing to the world

Patriotic bs.... Your country ain't all that..... And it is the most despised of all nations in the world..... Ah wait, it's a "blessing" from god though right... Go figure.


I know he exists!! :D He lives in my shed!
God creates the universe
God walks with Adam
Lucifer and his angels sin and are cast out of heaven
Adam and Eve are tempted and sin
Man is cast out of the garden
God requires blood sacrifice to cover sin
God destroys corrupt world
God calls his own people
God gives his people the law
God gives his people prophets
His people kill the prophets
His people cannot save themselves by the law
God is tired of insincere sacrifice
God provides his people a Saviour
The Saviour is the Glory of God in person
Saviour is rejected and crucified
The Saviour is resurrected and glorified
All men can find eternal life in the Saviour
Saviour leaves and sends Holy Spirit
His people are scattered for not believing
God remembers his people
His people are called back to their land
Church does good in the world through the Spirit
Saviour raptures the Church to heaven
Satan deceives the world
Satan sets himself in the temple
Armies surround his people
The Saviour returns again and destroys armies
His people finally realize that their Saviour is Jesus Christ.
BobX, you are a lawyer,:eek: you should know about this.
Yes I'm a lawyer, that's why I know that what you're saying is a load of crap.
Social services uses this fact all the time.
Nonsense. Social services will intervene against UNmarried couples more often, since they have not shown commitment to stay together.
They are not your kids
Of course not. They are PEOPLE with their own rights. They're not your "property", or anybody else's either.