In the spirit of discussion and polite debate, 
"Saved from what?" must be one of the most common questions Christians get from others.
How do you answer this question?
What does it mean to be saved?
Our Bible sutdy group started Romans Chapt 10 this morning. We got all of 4 lines into it.
The most interesting part of our discussion was about what salvation means, and the idea I liked best is that it means a return to wholeness. We are only complete when we turn to God.
This fits in well with the Fall, I think. We were made good, and complete, but the completion included free will, a very volatile ingredient without which we would not be human, but with which we could destroy oursleves.
The eating of the apple was the willful ejection of God from the center of our being by the exercise of free will. So, we fell from a state of wholeness to one in which we are incomplete. I very much believe in the God-centered hole concept!
So, salvation is constantly making the choice to turn to God and let Him complete us. His offer to fill us is constantly extended, like bread and water to a hunger person. Our part it to accept his offer.
2c, luna
"Saved from what?" must be one of the most common questions Christians get from others.
How do you answer this question?
What does it mean to be saved?
Our Bible sutdy group started Romans Chapt 10 this morning. We got all of 4 lines into it.
This fits in well with the Fall, I think. We were made good, and complete, but the completion included free will, a very volatile ingredient without which we would not be human, but with which we could destroy oursleves.
The eating of the apple was the willful ejection of God from the center of our being by the exercise of free will. So, we fell from a state of wholeness to one in which we are incomplete. I very much believe in the God-centered hole concept!
So, salvation is constantly making the choice to turn to God and let Him complete us. His offer to fill us is constantly extended, like bread and water to a hunger person. Our part it to accept his offer.
2c, luna