I've mentioned before here that my wife is a physical empath. Empaths are folks who somehow tap into others' emotional or physical states and, consequently, feel what they feel. In my wife's case, that means for years she will experience some physical symptoms and ultimately discover that that symptom corresponded to something another person close to her was experiencing. So, for intstance, years ago when her father had broken his back-lived hundreds of miles away and we did not know it, she began to have pain in exactly the same area of her back as his. Well, hadn't been checking my blood pressure in some months-take medication for it-so when she checked her blood pressure a few days ago and found it high, asked me to check mine-high and within a few points of hers. Been checking mine regularly since then and she'll check hers right after mine and the readings remain within a few points of each other. Checked mine this am and it was down. She checked hers right after and again within a few points of mine. Well for the folks who are into measuring, numbers don't lie though causation is an open, interesting matter. But find the "empathic blood pressure" thing fascinating and somewhat amusing. Hope I don't kill the poor gal. earl