Black Metal ?

Re: 2 thumbs down

Technically these bands know how to play their instruments in a horrible fashion to project a very negative vibe.
:p 2 thumbs down. :p

You just lack appreciation for creativity... lol... Sure some can be "noise" and negative horrible nasty nasty poop heads! lol or whatever..... But Corey... That man if a fricken poet... I love Corey!
Re: 2 thumbs down

You just lack appreciation for creativity... lol... Sure some can be "noise" and negative horrible nasty nasty poop heads! lol or whatever..... But Corey... That man if a fricken poet... I love Corey!
I do appreciate creativity, but LOL, that is not what I see in these musicians.
And I gave over a dozen different songs a go. of each of the above linked *ahem* artists
So sorry, This genre is just not for me.
And I listened to everything Black Sabbath put out back in the day.
(but then I can't listen to most of their stuff anymore either)
That's not music... it's just noise. (I HAVE become my mother.)

Technically these bands know how to play their instruments in a horrible fashion to project a very negative vibe.
:p 2 thumbs down. :p

I'm with shawn.

What ever happened to a nice melody?
You can always tell when you've gotten old...'kid's these days' or 'that isn't music, it is just noise'

I remember when punk came out! And you gotta know some day these very band members will be saying to the next generation "In my day we had real music, that crap you play is just noise" It happens every generation.

I grew up with "I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot the deputy" and "Cold, cold Alice, making love by the refridgerator light" (about necrophelia) and then of course Bob Marley and all our drug, sex and rock and roll songs...that pissed off our parents....most of it considered tame today, shocking then.

I read a quote once about how Wagner's music was banned as the strong beat would incite the youngsters to riot and get all sexed up...

I can imagine the first guy to make a flute and all the drummers glaring at him....
another thing we've got to remember, it is the society that we've created/perpetuated that created the angst that sparked this music....
Shawn: AHA!!! So you are like me?

Once you were kinda "into" it?

Meaning, perhaps.... You could relate/understand how the singer was feeling? Or what he/she was attempting to express?

I think Music is very primal... And if you're in the same wave length as the singer it is easier... But, I think if you kinda try to zone in on lyrics of a song.... Sometimes things can be found even if we're not in to the music, prime example... many religious songs... I can digg. Many of Creed/Nicklebacks... I appreciate the artist :p *shrugs* I dunno.... Everyone stop staring at me ARGGGGGGH!!