
Teh lulz, has no disipline or restraint....... "you do it for teh lulz" You don't do it cause it is appropriate or "proper" it's FOR TEH LULZ! (which your mistaking for some form of moderated humour.....)

Ironically, I'm explaining why my lulz is better than yours.
What the *cuss* is teh lulz??????????
Speak frickin english please.:p

This retardo-speak which texting has spawned is out of hand.
yeh! trust angels and mystics to get all lulzy [whaat?] on us, when we're talking bout summit as earthbound as trolls.
I do agree with wil on the pro gun thingy, does that make me a contrarian too?

  • Classic Troll Tactic Number 7: The insincere apology. Similar to Tactic 4, this involves pretending to repent for one's trolling and is accompanied often by great melodrama. Insincere troll apologists hope that they'll be forgiven if only they act disgusted enough with their own behavior.

Now that you've been cornered into admitting to be a contrarian troll, you go even further with the above insincere apology. Maybe you will reform since no one wants to be called a troll, but I doubt it.

Nativeastral said:
yeh! trust angels and mystics to get all lulzy [whaat?] on us, when we're talking bout summit as earthbound as trolls.
  • Contrarian Warning Sign Number Six: One distinctive mark of Contrarian Trolls is that every thread in which they dissent quickly devolves into a debate about who is trolling whom. In the course of such a debate the Contrarian will display many of the other Warning Signs mentioned above.
Shawn said:
What the *cuss* is teh lulz??????????
Speak frickin english please.:p

This retardo-speak which texting has spawned is out of hand.
  • The Vulgar Troll. These, the crudest of all trolls, make no attempt to hide their species. Often, they make racist comments, or they may post porn and other spam. Vulgars usually confine their comments merely to primitive, profane, off-topic observations. When you log into the Really Profound Serious Philosophical Discussions board and see the post, "I smell my farts," you've spotted the Vulgar Troll. Other species of troll sometimes revert to this form when cornered.
Oh, I can see elements of myself in some of these forms of trolls. I suppose we all have a trollish side on our bad days. ;)

I tend to think of trolls, however, as being consistent in their bad behavior, normally with only one of the following agendas:

Spamming- usually done by people who are just mindless about how they want to rope people into their website/idea/whatever.

Sophisticated spamming (i.e., prosyletizing, etc.)- usually done by control-freak types of people who want the whole world to become clones of themselves.

Sowing discord for no reason (i.e., throwing out insults, racist comments, and the like)- usually done by drama queens/kings who believe misery loves company

The rest, as in the OP, are stylistic differences. :)

Is that a rhetorical question? You will have to decide for yourself whether I am being serious or not. Either way it was difficult for me to say nothing. Perhaps it is my sense of humor. Paladin I'm pleased you've given me the benefit of the doubt. Its very nice of you to do that. If I'm too sarcastic, then I appreciate the heads up. Is there such a thing as a sarcasm troll?
We could have a lot of fun with this thread by acting out, or posting examples that are pertinent or funny for the wide variety of trollish options.
Could be interesting and educational.
There has been a need and some have brought it up previously.
Okay, okay. I was not serious. This puts me into the classification of using Classic Troll Tactic Number 4, but not 7. By the way, I'm out of here! I'm leaving for-everrrrrr!!!!! See you tomorrow.
I thought Trolls were those things my kids use as characters on World Of Warcraft, if I wasnt one of the "retarded masses" I would know how to post a pic of one.
Perhaps this is the troll you are looking for:


You always need to know the difference between an orc and a troll!! It may one day save your life!

Right! Not to mention the dreaded Urk Hai !

BTW Alex, you stayin warm over there? I heard there was a nasty cold spell going on in your neck of the woods. (I just wet myself with laffta)

I am managing :) I love the cold... Snow/winter is my highlight... Many try to run away and leave the island and whatnot... But, this is my natural habitat.. lol I can't stand the sun :/

Today the snow has begun to retreat :( There is now hardly any on the ground in most areas.... :/ Sucks, thanks for your consideration :D I guess it is hot over there eh?
Son of Saruman? :)

Actually it is quite warm out here, 50degrees yesterday. I like it cold too, less people out on the trail. I love to go out running in the cold.