They say that homosexuality spreads by social and personality contact. That is obvious bollocks. They say that homosexual marriage is a threat to your marriage and to my marriage. It is incredible.
Gay marriage does not threaten my marriage in the least. I have nothing to fear if two blokes marry.
No, that just doesn't make sense. If you're attracted to women, I don't know how anyone can change that. Can you advertise and market homosexuality as a pleasurable pastime? Win $5,000 if you try having sex with another man? Get a free phone? Win a trip to Disneyland?
Only ignorant and/or mentally ill homophobes belief these FALSE beliefs about the US Constitution.
a. The Bill of Rights makes America a Christian Theocracy.
b. There is somewhere in the Constitution a definition of marriage as man-woman (Christian dogma).
c. There are clauses against interracial marriage, same sex marriage, Baptist-Baboon marriage, polygamy.
d. The Constitution is laws restriction individuals.
e. The Constitution does not guarantee human rights.
f. The Constitution is based entirely on the Bible.
Actually I don't think you're necessarily mentally ill when you think these things. You've just been trained and taught a particular world-view and that everybody else who doesn't think and believe what you do are people who just don't get it. Everybody else is deluded. Basically, if someone doesn't think as you do, they're deluded.
What I believe does lead to mental illness is when they start questioning what they believe and start realising that their beliefs are unrealistic. This is likely to lead to depression, as they try to pretend that nothing has changed, behaving and talking the same way as before. But deep inside, they're having an identity crisis. They feel ashamed of themselves for thinking such ugly things. It's going to have a huge effect on their serotonin and dopamine levels when their sense of reality falls apart.
Christianity brought more than a millennium of oppression, persecution, wars, witch hunts, and severe restriction on individual freedom.
The US Constitution gives freedom to people for the first time since ancient Greece. The major feature is equality and equal rights under the law. The Constitution was written partly to free us from religious oppression.
This is a sign that Christianity, a religion that was about moving away from fundamentalism and legalism has wandered so far away from its original ideals, goals and vision. Christians have become self-righteous, judgmental and arrogant. This was the kind of attitude that attracted anger from the God of the Tanakh/Old Testament. It was where religious people harboured attitudes that led to injustice, oppression and persecution. It was where they did what was contrary to what that God commanded and intended. The same God should be angry at the Christians of today who hate those who do no evil.
What is the connection between homophobia - repressed homosexuality, and hatred of homosexuals?
I think there's an explanation behind every (or most) kind of hatred or hostility toward a group of people. The racism of the 19th century was about some races being superior to others. The racism of the last century was one of transition to what we have in this century: a fear of losing jobs to immigrants, lost economic opportunities and the fear of cultural infiltration by people with values that we feel will threaten the quality of our lives. All human beings are equal. We just don't like certain cultures.
I think the statement "marriage is between a man and woman" is a hint to how homophobia develops in a person. What do men and women do with each other in a marriage? They have kids and babies. That means that they engage in procreation and perform their reproductive "duties."
Every man is a sperm donor and every woman is a baby-making machine. Every man who has sexual relations with a woman fulfills his duty to spread his genes and contribute to the process of evolution. Every woman who makes herself available to a man for sex fulfills the "duty" to do two things: (1) participate in the process of evolution and (2) contribute to population growth by carrying the unborn baby around until it is ready to leave the womb.
Anybody who chooses not to participate in this process is considered a threat to this normal cycle of contributing to evolution and population growth.
Homosexuals are one group (but not the only category) of people who do not contribute to this cycle. They could just as well participate even if they are not interested in the opposite sex, but most people who want a sexual relationship would rather be with someone who attracts them.
Apart from homosexuals, there are many others (heterosexual or bisexual) who wouldn't contribute to the process of evolution or population growth: virgins, men and woman who never had sex, aren't interested in sex or don't have enough of it, contraceptives, people choosing not to have kids, people marrying later and letting their fertility decline to such low levels that they become infertile, etc.
Correct me if I'm wrong but is the world population not 6 billion people right now? A big problem is how we can distribute wealth, in the form of energy supplies, material goods and housing to these 6 billion people in a way where everybody can enjoy the quality of life that people have in developed countries. I do not think that is possible. There is not enough oil to supply 6 billion people with the level of economic activity we have today. If we all switch to biodiesel in our efforts to maintain the same level of economic activity we would have to use up more land. We can't all be rich.
I think the world as a whole is having an overpopulation crisis, although locally, some countries may be afraid that they are having an underpopulation crisis -- or maybe something else that is very similar -- an aging population or immigrant-driven population growth.
When you have people choosing to marry later, having kids later, choosing to be single or not having kids at all, pretty soon you are going to have an aging population. Politicians and national policymakers have to compensate by allowing more immigrants into their country because they need revenue to spend on aged care. This is what is happening in Europe right now.
People start looking for someone to blame and it is tragic that they choose to point the finger at homosexuals and make them the scapegoat for the country's problems. They ignore the singles, virgins, spinsters and married couples who choose not to have kids. It seems to me that it is a sin to be homosexual but not a sin to be childless. Personally, if I choose to be childless, that is my business and nobody else's but it's just tragic that some other person gets the blame for the consequences of a choice that I make.
Anti-abortionists and anti-homosexuals are often in agreement because their interest is very similar. It's about population growth. If you don't make babies you're a sinner. Homosexuality is . . . sort of . . . like an abortion isn't it?
Personally, I think anti-abortionism and anti-homosexuality are part of the old patriarchal culture where men are expected to be sperm donors and women are baby-making machines. It is the idea that men and women were made for a specific prescribed purpose and not for a purpose of their own choosing. I hate the idea that we are all drones and that is what the old patriarchal culture teaches -- that men are X's and do Y and women are A's and do B. It reeks of a primitive civilisation.
Do we all have to be breeders?