Why do R-wing Xians hate gays?

Indeed, Mr x.



Yes Snoopy it is all very, very dodgy. The article in question wouldn't hold up to even a cursory inquiry as it is only an opinion on law and not a real legal paper. This book:
Amazon.com: 0198264887: Books

Seems to have a bit more credibilty.

But what makes all this controversy so very "dodgy" is that what we are talking about here is basic equality, basic human rights.
It is very suspect when one needs to go through legal and mental acrobatics to justify marginalizing a segment of our society. Ironically the political party that talks about freedom and liberty, that talks about reducing government intrusion into our lives is the first group to deny those very things when it suits them.
Literally none of the arguments against gays or gay marriage is able to stand up to a critical examination. Not one.
Thank you Paladin! I so agree with you and esp about that political party paradox. So evident where we live, isn't it?
You all are in an incredible paradox...

Thinking liberals, hunting, farming and literalists...the wild west, fundamental.org, Garden of Gods and the Broadmore...

wotta combination...
You all are in an incredible paradox...

Thinking liberals, hunting, farming and literalists...the wild west, fundamental.org, Garden of Gods and the Broadmore...

wotta combination...

Yeah, all that and still not a decent nightclub... Bring back the Big Band Era~!
Can I sign up for a political party where I can not hate everybody AND not have the government crawling up my butt for tax dollars while taking away my rights because I'm apparently retarded and might hurt myself with them?

Btw, Anybody should be able to marry anybody. Love is all ya need. :cool:
Can I sign up for a political party where I can not hate everybody AND not have the government crawling up my butt for tax dollars while taking away my rights because I'm apparently retarded and might hurt myself with them?

Btw, Anybody should be able to marry anybody. Love is all ya need. :cool:

Wonderful idea Mate, but it means you might be too nice and too loving to be a Christian, Muslim, or any religion larger than 20 members.

The major motivation and energy that fuels Islamo-Christianity is hate and fear.

Aw, who needs religion. If I want spiritual reassurance I just go straight to God, cut out the middle man. It's better that way. And it's what Jesus did, lol.

I thought that was the basic message of Jesus of Nazareth. The religion of the Old Testament was intolerant of dissent. It condoned and encouraged barbaric raids on settled villages (cities) that were unprotected. It had Moses order 3000 Jews murdered for worship of a golden calf (i.e. changing religion). The Jesus of 29 AD would be condemned by FOX News as a "LIBERAL". FOX News knows poor people are poor because of inferiority and laziness to work. Republicans would boo him at the Republican National Convention.

Fortunately for John Boehner and Mitch McConnell (republican leaders), the Christian Church of the 4th Century completely deleted the words of Jesus. Catholics are told to believe the Church not Jesus. They raised Jesus to a God or Idol to be worshipped not obeyed.

A return of Jesus with a Time machine, the real Jesus would exterminate the Christian Churches by his true teachings. Jesus did not discuss homosexuality. He did discuss rich people in unfavourable terms. He urged compassion for the poor, and women. The Christian Church worships the Killer God Jesus of Revelations.

Jesus preached love not hate. He preached compassion and giving one's riches to the poor. The eye of a needle metaphor is clear in its intent. He would be ineligible to be a US Republican. The Tea Bagger Party would carry rude drawings of Jesus with a Hitler moustache, a Communist, Nazi, and uppity minority.

Jesus preached love not hate. He preached compassion ...
I am still waiting on a lot of folks to *get* this part. I'm not sure they have a clue yet. And when I say waiting, I don't mean sitting around drumming my fingers on the table. Each of us has a part to play, no matter what teachings you subscribe to.

Any true Teacher who fits the bill Jesus did, would say the same thing about the need for Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. Oh gee, you mean there have been others? Who taught the same? And who would likewise cry up a river at what's been done "in their holy name?" Especially regarding the treatment of gays?

Not even the biggest test Christians have had put to them, yet still, I see a failing grade.
Folks, if you can't even pass this one, you have no shot in the days to come. Amergin is right.

Yes, I do believe the King tests His subjects. If you cannot improve your as-yet-imperfect practice of Loving-Kindness, Forgiveness and Compassion on EARTH, there is no hope for you to perfect it in Heaven. This world is your laboratory and your schoolroom. Oh that hypocrites would learn their lessons, STUDY their holy books, and diligently apply themselves - instead of making God's work harder.

Ironically, the false Christians cannot even seem to conjoin these two concepts within the same sentence. Ask them to link gays with Love, and they cannot. Ask them to link gays with Compassion, and they cannot. Ask them to link gays with Forgiveness, and they cannot. In each case they know only lip service. In each case they can only devise clever wordplay and provide you with a long list of excuses. In each case they can only tell you why it is God's responsibility to Love, Forgive and extend Compassion to the gays ... while theirs is only to hate, deride and torment them. Quite literally, I'm afraid.

Why such FAILING of the Master's instructions in this case?

In short, there are 3 Laws and 3 Principles for living in the New Era which Christ taught was to come ... and which is here. The reasons some fail in their practice is because they have not changed with the times. Granted, it has always been possible to demonstrate understanding of these Laws and Principles, and to seek to abide by them. These were presented by God to Humanity in every age ... yet in every age there is only some movement forward, often followed by a relapse - a falling back into the old, less desirable ways.

I believe a little tale about Moses tends to demonstrate that. Also, what occurred after Christ ascended ~2K years ago. This is as the Buddha predicts, the Dharma (Teaching of Righteousness) tends to wither, like a branch that has dried up, needing new invigoration. Also see The Bhagavad Gita, Ch.4, v.7., in which Krishna says:
Whenever there is a decline of righteousness, and the rise of unrighteousness, then I re-incarnate myself to teach dharma.

It is time that understanding and practice of these Laws and Principles must be demonstrated anew - by Humanity. This must occur before Christ can Re-Appear. I wonder when the false Christians will finally *get it*, and make their great Conversion.

The Laws are:
• the Law of Right Human Relations
• the Law of Group Endeavor
• the Law of Spiritual Approach

The Principles are:
• the Principle of Goodwill
• the Principle of Unanimity
• the Principle of Essential Divinity

If we ponder upon the 1st and 3rd Laws especially, and upon the corresponding 1st and especially the 3rd Principles ... then I believe the solution to this problem of false Christians (and others) demonstrating such hate and animosity toward gays (and others) should make itself known.

The realization, however, the tears, the understanding, the confronting of fears ... in fact, the whole of the awakening and transformation process ... must be our own. It does no good for another to tell us, "This is how things are," or "This is how things must be." That is why the Galilean Adept demonstrated these Laws and Principles for us, rather than simply preaching them. This is why he enacted, on the altar of the heart, exactly what it was which God desires from each of us. And still he awaits to greet us ... but not in some glorious afterlife, where you will be praised and congratulated for hating queers.

No, I think we have to ask ourselves, whether we wish to be part of the solution, or part of the problem. To understand one, requires right understanding of the other. Incorrectly define one, and sure as ****, you will not gain proper insight into the other.

So what's it gonna take? And just when's it finally gonna be?
It is going to take a realistic view of the situation, such as for starters not saying that all right wing Christians are haters. They simply don't feel hateful. I remember years ago being called 'Bigoted' by some cussing idiot. I felt that I was very open and caring. Was he just full of himself? I did not know what to make of it, and I did not feel like changing his diaper. Ok, perhaps it was my fault for being very hard line conservative, but this guy was not communicating with me at all. You make yourself be a child, an adult, or a parent by the way you speak. You can, by exhibiting a tantrum or making bizarre claims, make the other person the parent figure. That is what comes of saying all RightWingChristians are evil haters. Who are you talking to?
It is going to take a realistic view of the situation, such as for starters not saying that all right wing Christians are haters. They simply don't feel hateful. I remember years ago being called 'Bigoted' by some cussing idiot. I felt that I was very open and caring. Was he just full of himself? I did not know what to make of it, and I did not feel like changing his diaper. Ok, perhaps it was my fault for being very hard line conservative, but this guy was not communicating with me at all. You make yourself be a child, an adult, or a parent by the way you speak. You can, by exhibiting a tantrum or making bizarre claims, make the other person the parent figure. That is what comes of saying all RightWingChristians are evil haters. Who are you talking to?
That is an interesting point. There are some who simply will not, or can not reason their case, and resort to "bashing" one's character.

Lately, it has been the race card that has been used, or the "ignorant" card. In the past it is the homophobe card. Prior to that it has been the sexist card. There always seems to be a character issue, instead of getting to the heart of the matter (what ever matter that is).

One thing I noticed is that those who tend to be black and white (right or wrong), are hammered by those who prefer "shades of gray".

This makes sense, if there is one who has an "anchor" they stay tied to, vs. another who goes with the flow.

Any dead fish can go with the flow of the stream...:eek:

But the pattern remains the same.
And I am telling you that this article was ABSOLUTE CRAP.
Then please explain Bob, what we (I) should be looking at or for. Whether I agree or disagree is mute.

What should society be considering? Please break it down. I am trying to understand.
Can I sign up for a political party where I can not hate everybody AND not have the government crawling up my butt for tax dollars while taking away my rights because I'm apparently retarded and might hurt myself with them?

Btw, Anybody should be able to marry anybody. Love is all ya need. :cool:

In the USA, it's called the Libertarian Party.
Then please explain Bob, what we (I) should be looking at or for.
If you are curious about the law, you should look at writers who know some law, not at lunatics like this "David Usher" who has vaguely heard of some phrases used in the law, but can't get the words right and has no clue what any of them mean.
What should society be considering? Please break it down. I am trying to understand.
I gave what I thought was a fairly thorough and comprehensible presentation of how equal-protection jurisprudence works. Did you not find it understandable?
QUOTE]If you are curious about the law, you should look at writers who know some law, not at lunatics like this "David Usher" who has vaguely heard of some phrases used in the law, but can't get the words right and has no clue what any of them mean.[/QUOTE]

I do Bob.

"The majority in Lawrence
concluded that “[a]s the Constitution endures, persons in every generation
can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom.”

For such a possibility to actually exist, however, the Justices must act to
protect minority rights instead of majority intolerance".
(Attorney, Law Ofªces of Brenda S. Feigen; J.D., Harvard Law School, 1969; former
National Legislative Vice President of the National Organization for Women; co-founder

of the National Women’s Political Caucus; co-founder of
Ms. Magazine; former director of

Women’s Rights Project, American Civil Liberties Union; author of

Not One of the Boys:
Living Life as a Feminist (2000))

And now that I have your attention, please read the rest of what this expert has to say (and is concerned about). You might find what I originally said was pretty close to dead on.
