Sexuality and Religion

In my view, and experience...

Sex is the power of the soul.

Sexuality is creativity. Sex always creates, or its inverse (destroys).

Sex creates children.

Sex creates, sustains, and (sadly) destroys relationships.

One's sexuality, and this is often unknown (and sometime highly contested), creates one's state of mind. The quality of one's sexuality is directly related with the quality of one's mind. The pineal gland, located in the brain, is the controller of sexual development, and this is irrefutable. Sadly, this gland is atrophied (calcified) in the the average adult.

A repressed sexuality results in a repressed psychology. A hedonistic sexuality creates a hedonistic sexuality. Etc. Etc.

The highest levels of eastern religion are sexual. They teach the transformation of the sexual function. Instead of using the sexual function to create children, or pleasure, they transform the libdio to create new levels of consciousness. This is the true understanding of tantra.
The sexual act performed normally may give a slight notion of the nature of this higher consciousness, but more than that it cannot do, since the energy, instead of being trapped and put to use, is expended... creating a new physical body instead of spiritual consciousness. – Thubten Jigme Norbu
The correct understanding of tantrism is something very difficult to achieve, because it has to do with neither repression, or indulgence. It has to do with transformation, transmutation, sublimation. This notion radically departs from the sexual education society usually departs upon us.
In the view of Tantra, the body's vital energies are the vehicles of the mind. When the vital energies are pure and subtle, one's state of mind will be accordingly affected. By transforming these bodily energies we transform the state of consciousness. – The Fourteenth Dalai Lama

[FONT=&quot]Ojas is spiritual energy that is stored up in the brain. By entertaining sublime, soul-elevating thoughts of the Self or atman, by meditation, japa, worship and pranayama, the sexual energy can be transmuted into ojas shakti and stored up in the brain. This stored up energy can then be utilized for divine contemplation and spiritual pursuits. - Swami Sivananda[/FONT]

Throughout history, a universal idea has prevailed that sexual energy for non-procreative purposes can either be ‘used up’ in sexual activity or ‘contained’ for upholding the development of the body and the mind. This sex energy was seen as the fuel for opening these channels of experience, not only in the East but in the alchemy of the Europeans during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
– Gabrielle Brown, Ph.D., The New Celibacy

Those who practice transmutation awaken many latent talents from within. It becomes second nature to create and express, being in tune with the essence of creative energy.– Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, Raja Yoga
Now, the only way to transform the sexual energy is to first of all not eject it from one's organism. This, of course, is the basis of chastity or celibacy. But without proper knowledge of sexual transmutation, this practice become harmful, and instead of transformation taking place, repression does. This results in pederasty, secret relationships, masturbation, etc.

Unfortunately, it seems that vast majority of those who advocate celibacy no longer know how to pragmatically make use of the energy they store up.

The sexual energy, being the archetypal creative energy, is in fact the essence, or spirit of, the Creator. What is the essence of the Creator? What is the spirit of his existence? His creative energy. The creative energy is the power of God. And how does that energy manifest in us? Through our generative organs.

This is why the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) was hovering of the waters in the Genesis. The spirit of god the cosmic sperm swimming in the creative waters of the genesis of any moment in time.

Man and Woman united in the sexual act is a thing of paradise, of Eden... they are like God and Goddess in the act of creation. But what happens when they eat the fruit that was pleasant to the senses? What happened under the Tree of Knowledge? What happened when Adam knew Eve -- when they ate the fruit?

When a person, instead of expelling the creative energy, transmutes it through spiritual pursuit, this energy not only revitalizes and regenerates the human organism (regenerates the pineal gland), but returns it to its departing point carrying with it the experiences of life. This is how the essence of man comes to the know the essence of god. This is how God knows himself through his creation. This is how the continuum of life goes up and down and forms a the Holy Eight, the Infinite. Tantra means continuum, or more literally, loop of thread.
Sally, this is an old revived thread and the earlier posts are by people I never see now.

I missed the party, typical. Well thank you, that explains why I don't know these people.

I was this afternoon scanning some back issues of my filthy collection of magazines,

I fear something in your education is lacking young man. New Scientist is not a filthy magazine - playboy, yes, fiesta, yes but NS, no. :p
definitely. It's funny the way the hijab actually enhances the erotic aura of a woman like that. it's all the charm of a mysterious jewel one wants to uncover.

May I ask all the gentlemen here a question about this issue.

I think most men would agree that a woman in hijab is actually quite provocative, because of the hidden fruits, even the purity aspect. But what about a woman in an Afghan Burkha? Not so sexy I assume?

Can you have a quick look at this link, it has 3 pictures of the same girl in 3 different modes of dress. Which is the most provocative and why?

Google Image Result for,0.jpg
I don't find hijab provocative. Hijab has the effect on me that I think is intended: I scan right past it. Look, I'm married. My number one priority is to stay married! Plus, I see people as people, not objects. I'm fully vested in that idea because I want to be the change.

There's an old thing about storing up your semen and channeling the frustration (energy) in some sort of magical way. I don't know about all of that.

Can you have a quick look at this link, it has 3 pictures of the same girl in 3 different modes of dress. Which is the most provocative and why?
Unfair representation I believe. In the pix identified hajib is #1 but the picture on the plane is not clear and not full face. I'd say in order to quantify they should all be equal...head shot, torso/head or full body and similar angles..

Yes the burka makes women shadows sliding around the streets.
I think most men would agree that a woman in hijab is actually quite provocative, because of the hidden fruits, even the purity aspect. But what about a woman in an Afghan Burkha? Not so sexy I assume? mean?;)

Can you have a quick look at this link, it has 3 pictures of the same girl in 3 different modes of dress. Which is the most provocative and why?

Can I say I found the woman herself provocative. Provocative as in provoking me into thinking she's taking the wet.

I can't see how the first one can be "provocative" as one cannot see the person; unless one finds black material of itself "provocative". Which is not, I don't think, what you are referring to. That would just be an interest in textiles.

Hijab sexy? Oh yeah... I get turned on by ninjas that pass in the night all the time.... :\ clothes can be sexy oh hell yeah, more than the simple naked flesh... But not hoods, masks robes and stuff.... Short cut hot pants... Wet tops.... Reveiling tops with like holes or some cut design... Lace... Tight leather..... High heels..... *puts his head in ice cold water* Oh... That's better... Sorry... Caught myself before it was too late. OOOH shame on me... I forgot, uniforms... Oh yea... You know you're loving that!
May I ask all the gentlemen here a question about this issue.

I think most men would agree that a woman in hijab is actually quite provocative, because of the hidden fruits, even the purity aspect. But what about a woman in an Afghan Burkha? Not so sexy I assume?

Can you have a quick look at this link, it has 3 pictures of the same girl in 3 different modes of dress. Which is the most provocative and why?

Google Image Result for,0.jpg

Hi Sally,

I certainly dont agree a hijab to be sexy. For example what is sexy about your avatar is not what you cant see but what you can. Simply she has beautiful eyes. The pale blue burkha worn in Afghanistan is simply hideous and in my opinion an insult to womankind. Why should beauty not be appreciated? Just because i think a woman beautiful does not infer that I lust after her. Quite the contrary,the reason I find a woman beautiful would be more akin to why an artist would choose a particular muse. Because there was something about her that was particularly striking, and for me personally, unusual. Indeed my idea of what constitutes great beauty does seem at odds with many of my friends, perhaps there is an unexpressed portrait artist in me somewhere. Beauty is also a small part of what makes a woman 'attractive' to me. Far greater than beauty in that regard is their personality and intellect. A dumb woman with silicone enhanced cleavage does nothing for me. I know I cannot hope to change your own opinions, and I do not want to, but to me the burkha will always be an affront to beauty as well as a symbol of oppression.

As for the 3 pics. It would be the middle one, because its the best image.

Indeed my idea of what constitutes great beauty does seem at odds with many of my friends, perhaps there is an unexpressed portrait artist in me somewhere. Beauty is also a small part of what makes a woman 'attractive' to me. Far greater than beauty in that regard is their personality and intellect. A dumb woman with silicone enhanced cleavage does nothing for me. Tao

There's at least two of us, Tao.

I don't find hijab provocative. Hijab has the effect on me that I think is intended: I scan right past it. Look, I'm married. My number one priority is to stay married! Plus, I see people as people, not objects. I'm fully vested in that idea because I want to be the change.


Hi Chris

Well that was a really refreshing read, thank you and I am glad your aim is to stay married, not a popular western past time these days me thinks.

Hi Chris

Well that was a really refreshing read, thank you and I am glad your aim is to stay married, not a popular western past time these days me thinks.


Oh, I don't know Sally. TV culture isn't real culture. People everywhere are really pretty decent.

Thank you for your replies guys, you may have actually restored a little of my faith in man. I agree Tao, a persons physical looks are only a small part of what makes them attractive or not. I mean, it's ok to go on a date with someone that is gorgeous but as thick as two short planks but after a few weeks I imagine it gets boring.

I agree the Burkha is an insult to women and the men should be made to wear them for 6 months, bet they would be banned before the end of week 2 (and it would only take that long out of stubbourness). The people I want to punch squarely on the nose are the idiot men that say women 'want' to wear them - who in their right mind wants to wear a blue sheet without armholes?? They remind me of cousin It in the adams family.

I am rather pleased to hear that women in hijab visually disappear, we just have to make sure our voices don't disappear with our looks.

One thing I find quite interesting but do not understand, is where the different attitudes come from. Men in the west see a beautiful wife as something to be proud of and shown off, whereas Muslim men want to keep that beauty for themselves and are proud of their wife when they cover in public (seeing it as an advert that they have a good wife). Is this difference, in how women are seen by their husbands, taught in our cultures? Where you taught that your wife/girlfriend dressed beautifully but provocatively is something to be proud of? Do you not get jealous when men drool over your lady?
I'm not possessive of my wife. She's a person in her own right. She can do whatever she wishes- not because I allow it, but because that's her right. Women dress up for each other. It's a pecking order thing. I think it's ridiculous, but what do I know?

I'm not possessive of my wife. She's a person in her own right. She can do whatever she wishes- not because I allow it, but because that's her right. Women dress up for each other. It's a pecking order thing. I think it's ridiculous, but what do I know?


Silly me, I should know better than to ask guys questions, they never know the answer unless it's about football. :p

I fully accept that a womans body is her own - no I don't, I damned well demand that it is. However, doesn't the marriage/live together thing give you some rights to privacy of your partners body and who see's which parts of it? I don't mean for you to say how your wife dresses or she you but does it not make you feel more secure, more proud that your wife doesn't go out with her cleavage hanging out of her dress?

Just mentally exploring at the moment, not commenting on how any woman wishes to dress, if fish net stockings and mini skirts is your thing - I say go for it.
I think there is a lot in what Chris says. Women in the west are more independent, liberated and competitive. Much of the drive to look sexy is much less about being sexy for men than being sexier than the competition.

Oh, you want a straight answer? OK. My wife can wear anything she wants, but she's a little fat and stretched out here and there. You can't wear the tummy shirts if you ain't got the tummy. Well, you can, but the skinny girls will laugh at you!
