Buddhist perspective on this question:
Saññoga Sutta: Bondage
A problem arises with this sutta: the child is the result of both man and woman, both are inside the child. The child is a synthesis of the parents, although the childs hormones will certainly provide certain characteristics. The hormones only place an emphasis in one direction though, the other is still present.
Transcending the masculine for a male, and feminine for the female, this is how homosexuality arises. The male will become receptive, and the woman aggressive - the queen and the butch respectively are our ignorant statements about them. Buddha has only said half, and you cannot overcome only half and say you have transcended. Sexuality itself has to be transcended, not merely the masculine desire for femininity or vise versa. It does not mean you avoid sex either, though, if you are against sex you have not transcended it, you have simply gone in the negative direction. Avoidance means repression, and this is quite unhealthy. It simply means you do not pursue, trying to be celibate is still a desire.
In other places Buddha discusses this rightly, but he has missed here.