One of the things that studies have shown - serious studies involving regressionists who have observed *patterns* through their many years of work and hundreds, or thousands of cases - is that when a subject begins to describe the earlier whereabouts of its prior incarnations, there is also an awareness of the present lifetime.
It becomes clear that in fact, we are much, much more aware in these hypnotized states - of our own present, as well as our own past - than most of us have even vaguely begun to speculate, or fathom.
Then it will occur that the subject of regression is not always completely kind, or pleasant, in referring to its own currently-incarnate state, or even some of our prior incarnations. It starts to dawn that in fact, there are many levels of awareness, in a sort of cascade of subject, with objective viewer, who then becomes the subject of a more objective, less judgmental form of our Awareness.
This is not, however, an infinite regress (as we might speculate, should we be clever yet approaching this as purely guesswork). If and when enough layers (often at least 2 or 3) of Consciousness are peeled back, there may finally emerge an expression of what esotericists call `the Soul,' although this kind of a relationship between hypnotist and subject is rare, amounting more to the sacred bonds of spiritual kinship than that of paid professional and patient/client.
Nevertheless, once certain barriers begin to disappear, and once certain Recognitions have begun to dawn, we can no longer mistake the confirmation of many things, including the survival of the human being of death, and the existence of an extensive afterlife Journey often lasting many decades, certainly involving as much spiritual growth as we have undergone here within the body - plus the very and literal *changing* of the astral world itself, in which we find ourselves (owing less to any exterior, objective alteration and being almost entirely due to the literal transformation of our being in this afterlife condition, including the revelation of much which we either refused to listen to and learn while incarnate, or were unable to process and accept - for various reasons).
Thus Spiritualism helped prove things in a sound, logical and scientific manner - for those who have been unbiased and impartial in their investigations - which some of us even 100 years ago could be born into the world
knowing. That is, as surely as most of us can accept the revolution of the Earth around the Sun, so another segment of the population is able to accept the periodical Revolution of the human persona around the Soul. The parallel is exact. And this means that death is as understood, by some of us, as your morning routine of buttered toast and jam. Or whatever you happen to like to eat for breakfast, if at all.
Thus we neither fear death, nor evade it, though most of us who believe we are here to serve a Purpose would also prefer not to hasten it, or welcome it ~ before our time. Exceptions usually involve those who have lost hope, given in to their materialistic nightmares and in some cases indoctrination ... or otherwise who simply believe that surely, in no wise, could any other experience be as hellish as what they are currently going through ~ whatever this happens to be.
Thus the unfortunate suicide, who discovers that in fact, s/he was actually mistaken about this last bit ... although in so many cases it is understandable why an escape was sought, and certainly, there is much comfort and assistance given.
But as for reincarnation, there are simply the holdouts, who for whatever reason cannot yet accept the inevitable ... and then there is the Earth, revolving around the Sun ~ which, last time checked, remained: Sol Invictus.
Thus is the Soul, or SOL [being phonemes, and not by accident, as in this case I do wish folks could learn the Son-Sun-God-Soul relationship] at our very heart, as it IS our Heart, our Core and the one, necessary Link, Bridge or Gateway between our consciousness IN the flesh, and our Awareness AS the Spark within ~ to whatever degree our outer awareness is capable of presently expressing this Spark in its effulgence.
But the Baha'i's usually say it better, and more beautifully, besides.
It just seems absurd that there are those cannot yet see the wisdom of the following:
When you want to understand death, ask someone who has experienced it, even again, again, and again ... and LIVED to tell about it.
If you want to understand the afterlife conditions, ask someone who is THERE, currently. If you wish to get a second opinion, do so, as it will vary from the first, regardless.
As you consult with more and more subjects, including some who are very knowledgeable and provide evidence that you are able to verify, begin to discover patterns, and common characteristics regarding their experience(s) ... and assemble these into a kind of guidebook, or Atlas. And indeed, these have been around for hundreds of years, giving increasingly reliable and verifiable information. Then again, the tried and true testimony of those who have mastered and transcended every Trial upon the Way are also available, and we see with what
warm reception these have been greeted. Is it any wonder the world still spits on its Messiahs, stones them for blasphemy or nails them to a tree, when too much is at stake?
So if you want to UNDERSTAND Reincarnation, you should ASK those who have been reincarnated ~ and managed to somehow recollect some, or e'en large portions of the experience ... since it is every single one of us that has lived many hundreds, and probably thousands, of times before, yet remembers it not. Certainly there will exceptions, rare cases, and a study of *abnormal circumstances* in this venture, as in all else - especially when we deal with human psychology, the workings of the PSYCHE (not brain, mind you, but PSYCHE). But let's at least focus on what is COMMONPLACE, ROUTINE and the NORM ... before we venture too far into no-man's land, and need to begin account for non-Earth-originating Souls [visitors, some of whom do incarnate], or Tulkus, or Avatars.
Oh, but no, tell us of JESUS, and how it most wonderfully ALLLLLLL fits together, for most certainly, verily, it DOES.
Read it for yourself, I would immediately say to such. For you will hear NONE of it, when it doesn't originate in the dear Srimad Bhagavatan, or appear in nice red print between the pages of Matthew and Revelation, as I am accustomed to hear bellowed at me every Sunday, or spoken low, in hushed tones, as if Truth were something to be
ashamed of.
No, what a curious creature, indeed, is Man, who would stare in the mirror, then cringe when his eye begins to penetrate what his mind would rather not see. Bloody Mary indeed ... and her Children, some grown quite cross-eyed, looking only at the space immediately before them ~ or worse, for whatever strange reason, at their own, fuzzy navel.
Time for another glass of juice.
Just so there are no personal, private, organizational, denominational, political and obviously, religious and ideological AGENDAS to be hammered out, most pitfalls can be avoided ... if we wish to be scientific, reasonable and even-minded (as well as open-minded) about our approach. Comparative studies can most certainly help, but I say, begin with what is written by those who had NO religious or spiritual affiliation (as Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute, who wrote
Journeys Out of the Body and other, subsequent volumes ... also Ian Stevenson, whose
Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation examines the phenomenon from the perspective of the `soft science' of psychiatry ~ again applying the same rigors of science which the religionist and cunning sophist will dismiss with wave (or sleight) of hand, where convenient).
Graduate, if you begin to find Objectivity ~ which will lead you to Truth.
Press forward, once you understand that Truth
wants to be KNOWN.