We will never be perfect (We are human). All we can ask for is to have faith that love will continually change us into something better than what are and hope to know love more fully than we do today. (Faith - Hope - Love) These three remain and the greatest of these is love.
If we ever became perfect, what would there be to have faith in and what would be our hope? Both would be forgotten, hence it is written that faith, hope, and love remain, thus we continue the cycle of transformation, the process of being perfected without ever reaching perfection.
I believe mankind will be perfect and that the love we have inside is the most perfect part of us. I believe as a living being that Love is the mind, emotion and body that is the highest perfection. I also believe that this is the immortal original state of being. All good things come from love. Compassion, kindness ect. All good emotions come from love but some day when there is nothing but love there will be no need for other emotions. The spirit is the mind or consciousness, the soul is a multicolored light like dna codes are modeled but is literal emotion. The body is the senses part. The soul is not felt in the current condition except on the level of the senses part. If your soul was one with your body you could actually feel that essense which would be a rapture literally
T he cycle of transformation in my opinion is leading us down a road , with a few bumps along the way, to this highest state. Its all about emotion but love is also a state of mind., The union of spirit soul and body is a perfected self.