Is there a true Church in this world today?

Those who are worldly ("Flesh" and "blood" representing the carnal man) which is who we are before we are "born again" of the Spirit, simply cannot inherit the kingdom. The reason being simple, how can we inherit Gods favor when we reject and neglect Gods life giving Spirit (Love)? I think perhaps you are making something simple into something complicated. We were never separated from God as God is all and in all of us, but we can miss out on a wonderful inheritance when we deny, reject, and neglect the Spirit of life (Love).
What about genesis and human being cast out of the garden? I believe this refers to the separation or loss of the oneness of soul and body. The creation account really refers to the creation and process of this state of being. The mystery was that the woman doesnt refer to the female but to the body which is why the church or body is also referred to as a woman.The man refers to the soul not the male. The male and female were two that we ALSO one so that each half has a three fold consiousness making up one being. I also believe the child in the solomon story and the two mothers refers to this original state. The fact they mention cutting the child in half and the TRUE mother rather give up the child
Those who are worldly ("Flesh" and "blood" representing the carnal man) which is who we are before we are "born again" of the Spirit, simply cannot inherit the kingdom. The reason being simple, how can we inherit Gods favor when we reject and neglect Gods life giving Spirit (Love)? I think perhaps you are making something simple into something complicated. We were never separated from God as God is all and in all of us, but we can miss out on a wonderful inheritance when we deny, reject, and neglect the Spirit of life (Love).

continued from last post: the true mother would rather give up the child than have it cut in half knowing the child would die. Human beings are half of themselves walking around searching for their other half. As I said before though I believe each half is connected in some way to its other half. All living beings were originally that way. So I do believe just like we are all alive that our individual bodies can be raised up immortal but even then still halfs of the whole. I agree that gods spirit is love and the holy spirit fire is this light. Since everyone is contained within what I call the creators codes the creator can take the part or combination of codes and breath that into your body to open up the union of body soul and spirit.
What about genesis and human being cast out of the garden? I believe this refers to the separation or loss of the oneness of soul and body. The creation account really refers to the creation and process of this state of being. The mystery was that the woman doesnt refer to the female but to the body which is why the church or body is also referred to as a woman.The man refers to the soul not the male. The male and female were two that we ALSO one so that each half has a three fold consiousness making up one being. I also believe the child in the solomon story and the two mothers refers to this original state. The fact they mention cutting the child in half and the TRUE mother rather give up the child

This is the power of JESUS
What about genesis and human being cast out of the garden? I believe this refers to the separation or loss of the oneness of soul and body. The creation account really refers to the creation and process of this state of being. The mystery was that the woman doesnt refer to the female but to the body which is why the church or body is also referred to as a woman.The man refers to the soul not the male. The male and female were two that we ALSO one so that each half has a three fold consiousness making up one being. I also believe the child in the solomon story and the two mothers refers to this original state. The fact they mention cutting the child in half and the TRUE mother rather give up the child

I think we all have the capacity to love, but being cast out of the garden represents mankind's desire for the forbidden, our desire for evil. Love is our life force, we weren't cast out of the garden by God per se, but rather we cast ourselves out. Mankind made a choice; Mankind could either serve in paradise or rule in hell. Mankind chose to rule .......

It is written that man chose the knowledge of evil over our "tree of life"; it might be better said that we chose the lust of our flesh over the Spirit of our God. I think that mankind chose to rule as opposed to being caretakers. I think mankind began to force their will on other beings, thus Eden was lost.

We lost our paradise because mankind turned away from our life force (Love) and chose evil instead. It has nothing to do with the literal flesh, or being separated from God, but rather its about our turning away from life and love, choosing instead to rule, which resulted in knowing evil.

"Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever--"

But I digress as we are rapidly moving away from the topic of the original post .......

Good question! It is the path I was introduced to as a child, yet I have since been freed from my indoctrination. After I emptied my cup, I started to see truth in Jesus' teachings and have been filled with love. I think modern Christianity has lost its roots. Jesus lived and died for the "kingdom"; he lived his life showing us what is required to attain it.

Jesus taught us to love and serve, and to seek the kingdom first. To do anything less than living for the kingdom today is doing an injustice to Jesus' efforts. I'm a Christian because I believe in and attempt to follow in Jesus' footsteps by loving others as he loved those he gave his life for. I'm not concerned with the afterlife. I believe the life we lead today, what we do to create a better world for our children is what matters most.

Sounds like you have a well-grounded belief system. I agree Jesus has some great teachings. Although I don't call myself a Christian I try to incorporate many of his teachings into my daily life...
Those who are worldly ("Flesh" and "blood" representing the carnal man) which is who we are before we are "born again" of the Spirit, simply cannot inherit the kingdom. The reason being simple, how can we inherit Gods favor when we reject and neglect Gods life giving Spirit (Love)? I think perhaps you are making something simple into something complicated. We were never separated from God as God is all and in all of us, but we can miss out on a wonderful inheritance when we deny, reject, and neglect the Spirit of life (Love).

I dont find is complicated, however when you get into scientific explanations of it then it can be complicated.
I dont find is complicated, however when you get into scientific explanations of it then it can be complicated.

God is within us and all around us Split a piece of wood and you will find me move a stone and there I will be. Wood refers to the union of body soul and spirit by power of the holy spirit and the stone represents the body that is resurrected when moved. The wood represents love the removal of the stone compassion.
God is within us and all around us Split a piece of wood and you will find me move a stone and there I will be. Wood refers to the union of body soul and spirit by power of the holy spirit and the stone represents the body that is resurrected when moved. The wood represents love the removal of the stone compassion.

The wood represents the true meaning of the ancient symbol the cross and not the opposing practice of misusing it. Do you know why they placed nails in jesus at certain points on his body? There are points, charkras and such that are union points for the union of body soul and spirit. They placed the nails at these points to destroy or kill him and prevent him from rising from the dead. Apparently it didnt work. Its a satanic practice that is opposite from the true meaning of the cross. In history many evil men like hitler have taken holy symbols and tried to do the opposite practice.
The wood represents the true meaning of the ancient symbol the cross and not the opposing practice of misusing it. Do you know why they placed nails in jesus at certain points on his body? There are points, charkras and such that are union points for the union of body soul and spirit. They placed the nails at these points to destroy or kill him and prevent him from rising from the dead. Apparently it didnt work. Its a satanic practice that is opposite from the true meaning of the cross. In history many evil men like hitler have taken holy symbols and tried to do the opposite practice.

When resurrection occurs jesus raises his hands up because the vertical piece the cross represents the body and he has the power to do that. Then the body(IN END TIME) is sealed back down to the next seal opening.
When resurrection occurs jesus raises his hands up because the vertical piece the cross represents the body and he has the power to do that. Then the body(IN END TIME) is sealed back down to the next seal opening.

The cross is a little more complicated. The holy spirit like lightening causes the body to spread out , reform and then in end time sealed back down again,this happened before resurrection , each event is a seal opening and binding.
I've personally always felt closer to "God" outside of church and a cookie-cutter doctrine.

Agreed. I dig Muir's thoughts on this:

"The hills and groves were God's first temples, and the more they are cut down and hewn into cathedrals and churches, the farther off and dimmer seems the Lord himself"
- John Muir (1838-1914)

Hey I am just posting this to see if anyone can figure out what I am talking about this. Picture this. A woman who is divine but also human like in the movie the fifth element , walking around literally dead like the woman in the movie is the light comes down like the dove sign like lightening and a process takes place that has to do with the divine body but also human stuff as well but as far as human reality the woman has no identity because she is from divine. She dives down into the cab like in the movie sealed back down but to a man in the movie he says shes not my bride shes my fair. This is kinda a riddle can anyone figure out my point?
He is the Lord, She the Lady.


Heres another one: A guy has a yellow candle, he lights it and something happens to a female kinda like the reconstruction thing of the body in the 5th element but a holy event, but the candle that he lit prior to this is literally a representation of the female. Who or what is she?

I know I am using a movie but its the best visual example I can give.
simular to the female in the movie but of course by holy means not machines.
It is nice to meet you, Thomas.

Well one way is to trace the lineage back to the original early church of the Apostolic Era. That, logically, would be the closest we have to a 'true church', other denominations having branched off from that vine, as it were.

The logic is certainly appealing, but, in my experience, that is difficult to do. When historically reviewed, Christianity itself, especially in its early stages, seems to have continuously morphed. As I read that history, no doubt imperfectly, beneath every Christian “orthodoxy” lies a sort of proto-orthodoxy. Thus, to find the "true" church in history can be in some ways as daunting a prospect as finding it in the present.
Servetus, think you have it. The longest continually functioning gruops are: Mandaens (Curch of John the Baptist), Armenian, and Ethiopean. I do not believe any of them ahave anywhere near the beliefs Thomas and other christians on this discussion have.

Catholics, Orthodox, and others did not really coalese until quite later.
Servetus, think you have it. The longest continually functioning gruops are: Mandaens (Curch of John the Baptist), Armenian, and Ethiopean. I do not believe any of them ahave anywhere near the beliefs Thomas and other christians on this discussion have.

Catholics, Orthodox, and others did not really coalese until quite later.

I have an Ethiopian friend at our church...she prides herself in being raised in one of the oldest versions of Christianity....

Like all I suppose.

I've got to reconnect with the driver from Arizona, his family is in a Christian denomination that still speaks Aramaic.

Now Thomas none of us are surprised that the denomination that claims apostolic succession is believes that the church with apostolic succession is the only one and true church....we've actually heard it most of our lives.