It seems to me your premise is based on:
1 accepting duality
2 overcoming duality
3 refusing to accept duality.
You must live in the world of duality, but you must realize there is a deep oneness to it. You words are flawed because each is a doing and the whole point is to remove the doer from the equation - to simply accept the flow of the stream.
One overcomes duality, as perceived, to experience 'oneness' or 'unity'. But unity does not negate or nullify the world as such ... it's merely seeing things from a different viewpoint.
My position is not dualist, it's not worldly, it is trinitarian. It recognises the inherent and necessary duality of contingent being — without it there would be no being, no movement, no activity (indeed, no bliss!) — and seeks, and speaks of, that which transcends it: It's origin and its end.
You have not understood yourself here, for you to have a position at all you are subtly accepting duality - you are claiming and identifying with a conclusion. It is not a viewpoint at all, it is a direct experience.
Is that how you function? It's not how the rest of the world works.
This is the problem - that most bring mind too much into things.
All faiths bring about certain devices to transcend mind, to cease projecting, but always we try to understand through mind instead of utilizing this device. The trinity itself is such a device, it describes the object/subject and the transcendence. The father is the beloved, son is the lover and holy spirit is love. God is the result of the trinity, and the bible says God is love - with the caveat that it is not targeted at the object.
I am sure you will disagree here, for this is the nature of your dual understanding. In the transcendence of subject/object, there can be no targeting because there is no distinction. This is where I differ from Christianity, I am not of any traditional faith because I see they all point to the same thing and yet have attempted to teach it from a place of ignorance. This is the same for all faiths, when the master/lord is gone the people try to comprehend from mind and fail miserably. They say the master is not human because there is such difference between the master and them - instead of striving for the station of the master they worship and emulate instead, then all kinds of stupidity develops. The master is no longer there though, so he cannot correct the stupidity of what his statements have been morphed into.
I love Christ, I love Buddha, I love Krishna, I love Muhammad... their resulting traditions are disgusting though.
In antiquity, the heart signifies the whole person. A change of heart (metanoia) is a necessity, but can only be brought about by the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, enabling one to 'put on the mind of Christ' (cf 1 Corinthians 2:13-16). He who sees with the eye of Christ sees the all, from within, as it were, or from above ...
Yes, this describes what I am discussing fairly accurately although I wish more Christians put more weight into these statements. 1 Corinthians seems like a very valuable letter although I have not read it all the way through, I often point at 12:12-27 as well. I have a Bible so I should probably read it further.
Not it's not, a point you keep missing. You seek the unity of the manifested. I seek the unity that transcends all phenomena.
You are fundamentally self-oriented, you become your own benchmark of truth as you see it, which we have already agreed, is a projection.
How can you experience unity based on division?
All is one, only mind needs to be transcended, but you seem to be attempting to find this unity through mind. I have experienced that unity, so I can say you are going about it wrong based on this statement.
This statement indicates a focus entirely upon the manifest world. I am asking you to focus on that which transcends the manifest.
It is simply not a rejection of the manifest, it is a non-choosing because choice is of the mind. The Manifest world is as God's gross body, while heaven is as his subtle body. We are created in the image of God, so we too have a gross body and a subtle body - called in your scriptures soul.
Quite right. That is a condition of this plane, I am talking about the absolute, not the contingent. A higher plane.
You keep separating and then talking about unity, it is quite strange. You are creating a civil war within yourself, you are accepting the minds sorting and focusing on the part you believe is most important. Subtle and phenomenal is not separable at all, you do yourself an injustice trying to put them into a competition.
I know ... but the point I am trying to draw you to is a non-experiential order of knowing and being, the 'all in all'.
Why are you under the impression this all-in-all cannot be experienced? It is exactly this experience which Buddhists call a kensho or satori.
As long as you see from within yourself, as long as you see with your mind's eye.
... nothing can be experienced at all of the real.
The priority of the objective over the subjective was established within the phenomenal world. When one transcends the world, there it changes, there is no 'object', there is only subject — God says "I am" and this is the statement of the Absolute, and only the Absolute can say "I am" ... all other being is conditional and sustained.
I am not prioritizing either, I am saying subject and object are utterly invalid - they are perceptions only. Transcendence is exactly this merging of the two, the realization that both are invalid - certainly to function you must experience relative to your position in existence, but you experience the whole in relation, you are no longer limited to the bubble of individuality.
You are the absolute, you are all that is, but you are as a bubble right now and you have convinced yourself you are the air trapped in that bubble rather than popping the bubble and being the whole.
Christianity speaks of the Absolute in which there is no subject/object differentiation ... there is no I/Thou ... this is the very Mystery of the Trinity, Three Persons, One God.
All religions speak of the fallacy of object/subject, this is exactly what I am trying to convey and yet you have felt the need to point it out like you are introducing something to me.
Clearly we are getting our wires crossed if you have not understood this is exactly what I am talking about.
A question: How do you know that your experience is not an illusion? Your own projection?
Because I was not there to project anything.