
FBJ. One must always be willing and able to admit their error of fact when discussing this world. I have been shown my errors several times in the last month or two on this forum. Its called growth.

On the matter of faith, that is a little different. If one's faith is challenged by something as minor as (in my case) providing the Biblical references, one should go into the closet and pray in silence for direction. In general if one's faith is challenged or shaken by the real world of math and science and violence and war, like Gautama one should leave one's path and seek another.

Pax et amore omnia vincunt. Radarmark
I made a mistake about joining here. Yet i dont plan to get kicked out.
Mistake joining? Why? Because you are being asked to validate your generalities? You indicated you were surprised you hadn't been kicked out yet, you've indicated you expected trouble. Expected, or intended to cause?
My discussion over homosexuality is this either a person should accept that homosexuality is sin because Romans chapter 1 says it is .
if the person does not .The discussion On homosexuality is over..

no matter what they say further about it .. They are just wasting there time..
This does not mean i hate that person its just means i dont want any further discussion with that person on that subject .. untill they have a change of mind,
im deaf to their arguments ..
They? Them there homosexuals?

I am not. I am simply asking you one question. Which Chapter, which verse which punishment do you see tells you this is a sin, why is that so hard?

You seem to have issues backing up your statements.
no matter what they say further about it .. They are just wasting there time..
This does not mean i hate that person its just means i dont want any further discussion with that person on that subject .. untill they have a change of mind,
im deaf to their arguments ..
Precisely the problem with a large group of individuals that wrongly, yet proudly, self-designate as `Christians' today. They are nothing of the sort, save in name only ... and their very prayers, usually vocalized in exactly this manner [in Jesus' NAME] stop short right there. They embody neither the Spirit, nor the quality of Christianity as the Founder intended.

Further, it is this exact group of attention-seeking, self-righteous, hypocritical false-Christians who hold up Christ's Reappearance most grievously and noticeably as they spew forth their hate and small-mindedness, evidenced everywhere [but especially in America's Bible-belt south] in their intolerance of homosexuality. Perhaps they have been reminded, in some episode of their daily routine, that we share ONE Planet and that there is but ONE Humanity, yet this group utterly FAILS to demonstrate that they are ready, willing or able to labor in God's coming Kingdom. Instead, they advocate for a hate-filled country, with hate-filled churches {a sickening notion} ... and small-minded, racist, bigoted people ~ again, praying all this nonsense into expression "In God's HOLY Name"!!!

As the Juggernaut crushes such moronic, backwards foolishness into the DUST for building future, Loving and Tolerant civilizations ... I will thank God that I do not have to count myself among this dying breed of Satan's slaves, and I long for the day when I can utterly WASH MY HANDS of even the faintest memory of having known any of them [family & acquaintances included]. In short, when I see these fiends rush at me on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, I WILL go out of my way to decapitate these ugly beasts FIRST!

In this one scenario, the Red Queen is 100% RIGHT-ON!
Gee, how do you really feel, taijasi? I am there wit' ya. But I would add Fundamentalist Hindus (Ghandiji), Fundamentalist Jews (Rabin), and Fundamentalist Muslims (Abdullah). They can change the color of the cloth, but the cut of the suit is a dead give-away!

Pax et amore omnia vincumt, radarmark

P.S. Where did you get the logo? Do you have a physical one?
This is a little over the edge. While it is virtually undeniable that Judaism (and therefore other Abrahamic religions) "are indebted to" Zoroastrianism. It is virtually unprovable that the way G!d is used in the Avesta is any closer in meaning to G!d as used today then, say Jehovah is to Ha-Shem or physics in Plato is to Super String Theory.

That's not true. Zoroastrian scripture describes Ahura Mazda as "a single omnipotent, omniscient creator of the universe, and father mankind" and if you ask most Jews, Christians, and Muslims they'd describe God in the same way, otherwise yeah you have a point.

Is it absolutely wrong to find this hilarious?

Exactly who do you think has any right to final compensation over something 3000 years old?

It's not just me my friend, it's the intergovernmental agencies like WTO, and WIPO, and UNESCO. If you want to live in the world then respect it otherwise get out. And what difference does it make if it was 3000 years ago or 3 days ago? A fact's a fact. And if it's not yours then don't touch it unless you ask first. Very basic common and natural law.

Do you also suggest we all go back to live where our ancestors came from and leave all newly (within 3,000 years) conquered lands?

No, but I do however support ideas like the European Union.
I am talking about financial compensation, but until that day comes I expect the religious institutions to credit the source for the grant ethnic groups the right to their respective Traditional Knowledge including ideas that go back millennia. The policy is known as Sui Generis Rights.

Exactly who do you think has any right to final compensation over something 3000 years old?

And what difference does it make if it was 3000 years ago or 3 days ago? A fact's a fact. And if it's not yours then don't touch it unless you ask first. Very basic common and natural law.

Using your logic, who do you think deserves compensation for inventing the wheel? The Inca of South America never had the wheel, yet if you travel there today there are cars throughout South America. They have stolen that idea from another ancient culture! Someone should be compensated!

And how about all those Europeans eating "new world" foods such as corn, tomatoes, potatoes, etc. This is unfair! Someone in Mesoamerica should be compensated!

Fact is, ideas are borrowed, transformed, built upon, etc. It's how society has advanced from Neanderthals to what we are today...
It's how society has advanced from Neanderthals to what we are today...
Recent studies suggest that some ethnicities still have ancestral genetic material from the Neanderthals. Considering how the Neanderthals were mostly killed off brutally, some serious compensation is owing...
Bobx said:
Recent studies suggest that some ethnicities still have ancestral genetic material from the Neanderthals. Considering how the Neanderthals were mostly killed off brutally, some serious compensation is owing...
Who would admit to being a neanderthal?
11:00 Sunday is the most racially segregated hour in the United States. There's one of you're problems right there. People don't go to Church because they believe in God, they go there because it's in their heritage, and that's what makes it dangerous, because people are no longer concerned with what's right, they're concerned about what will benefit their respective cultural heritages. !

I am talking about financial compensation, but until that day comes I expect the religious institutions to credit the source for the ideas. From what I understand the Catholic schools do bring up Zoroastrianism, but as far as really pointing out the significance of Zoroastrianism is another question. And I'm optimistic that that day will come, even though you're right the statue of limitations has run out according to U.S. Law, because there is already a move among intergovernmental agencies, and also locally in other countries, to grant ethnic groups the right to their respective Traditional Knowledge including ideas that go back millennia. The policy is known as Sui Generis Rights.

Yeah, I hear the "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" bit everywhere, I agree with it, and that's one of the reason I'm so adamant about this Sui Generis Rights policy. I personally don't have a problem paying other societies for the use of their cultural heritage in commerce. When you think about it you're not really limiting creativity, you're just limiting the size of you're wallet in return for offering some sense of justice to the cultures who feel their heritage is being exploited or even misrepresented.

Yes, that much is obvious, but I was actually expecting a defending argument, because if no one is going to defend blind faith, then why are so many people so adamant about the existence of phenomenon that are just not provable like "Hell" as most people know "Hell" for example, but when it comes to just compensation for the third party usage of distinct ideas to the culture who originated those distinct ideas even it was thousands of years ago they have such a big problem believing that that is the right thing to do.

LOL! + rep for irony!