Can't be bothered
Here is someone elses research
In the Eigth year of Ramses II, He reconquered South/Mid Caanan and Galille, Six sons of Ramses Helped with this Conquest.
Indeed Jacobs sons also helped with this Conquest, as caanan divided into jacobs sons.
Jacob-Esau Twin is a reinactment of Horus and Set, All pharoahs were called Horus-KIngs, thus therefor the spiritual twin-brother of Ramses II is Set, Set and Horus like Jacob and Esau quarreled in the womb, and both Quarreled over birth-Rights.
Esau means Fashion, Set was a fashioner, Esau is described as Redness, Sets primary colour is Red, related to the fact, he is god of the desert.
Indeed i have also identifed Abel and Cain(seth) as horus and Set, Set kills horus in one account,
Cain kills Abel.
Abel , El is equivilent to Egyptian H-eR or Horus, Ab-Horus, Heart of Horus
Both Set and Cain worked the Land, and were farmers, indeed Saturn is God of the land, and worked the Land, Satan is related to the Earth, Dagon, and Enki also relate to the land.
Enki (Cain reversed), Enlil (essence of El(Abel).
Both Ramses II and Jacob lived Extremally long lifes.
Many believe that Ramses II was the pharoah of Moses, if true, then a major contradiction occurs, Why would Moses and Ramses II Conquer Caanan at the same time?
It would be Impossible to Conquer Caanan without the help of Egyptian militants, Pharoah commanded the Militants, Moses conquest occurs after the death of pharaoh, therefor Moses must of inherited the throne inorder to comman Egyptian militiants to conquer caanan.
Israel litterly means (Osiris, The God), The God Osiris, an extremelly important God to the Pharoahs.
The Death of Ramses III firstborn is a pun for the dislike with each other.
Drowning of Pharoah is a Reinactment of the anointed ritual that occurs prior to mummification. Baptism is the successor of Anointing.
Ramses I was originally named Paramessu.
Ramses I had 3 brothers called Pay, mimamon and Hawnefer.
Haron/Nohar (Sons of Abram)
Noticed how Haron(son of abram) is the prefix of Hawnefer
-----------------------------------------------No'har (reversed)
The Wife of Ramses is Sitra
Sit-Ra = Daughter of Ra
Si, means son in Egypt, but adding T, makes it femine, but although with the addition of the T, it was silent, therefor Sitra was prounced Si'ra or
Shera (princess of power)
Sitra > Si(t)Ra (Sarah)
Sa-Ra = Daughter of Ra
Yahwah (ia-Hr'a) (Pure of Horus)
Burning Bush
In Chapter XLIII of the book of the dead reads;l the deceased says: "I am Fire, the son of Fire, to whom was given his head after it had been cut off. The head of Osiris was not taken away from him, let not the head of Osiris Ani (the deceased) be taken away from him
The name Osiris (Asar in Egyptian) is connected with fire, as is Asari in Babylonia, When Moses met the Burning Bush, he calles himself (Eya Asher)
Eya Asher could litterally mean (I am Fire).
Fire in Egypt is the symbol of the Brazier or Euraea, and it symbolizes Dawn, dawn is the sun entering the underworld, therefor repressents Osiris the God of the underworld.
Stairway to heaven
Jacob dreamt of a Stairway to Heaven
Sons of Ramses II v Sons of Jacob
Both Jacob and Ramses II had 2. principle wives.
Jacob had a Daughter called "Dinah"
Ramses had a Daughter called "Bintaneth"
As i said earlier, T is a feminine ending, and was not pronounced
thus. Bintaneth = Bintane
Dinah Daughter of Jacob is the suffix of Bintaneth Daughter of Ramses II
Jacobs First Son by his wife Leah, was called "Reuben"
Ramesses = Son of Ra = Reuben
The Hebrew word for "Son" is Ben, and egyptian word is "Mes"
Reu in hebrew means "See", Ra in Egypt means "Distant", a ditto with See, and the Eye was a common symbol of Ra.
Ramesses although on of the firstborns, died before his father, thus why Reuben(firstborn) did not have a big story, unlike joseph.
Both Ramses II and Jacob had a Son called Simeon/Simon
Ramses II son was called Siamun easily transliterated into Simeon or Simon.
Levi was a High Priest or a family of Priests.
He equated with "Khaemwaset" the High Priest of Ra, his son and grandson(and possilbe greatgrandson) becames priests after him.
Judah = Ju(deity) is praised
possibly ramses II son, Amen(deity) Hotep (pleased synonym with Praised)
Dan = Judge in hebrew
Possibly ramses II son, NebenTANeb which means "Lord of the Land"
Lord being a synonym for Judge thus Judge of the land
Naphtali = Fighter/wrestler in Hebrew
possible ramses Ii son "Montuherkhopshe f" meaning "Strong with his right arm" thus a Wrestler, a figher (he was indeed a fighter)
Gad = Troop in hebrew
Possibly son of ramses "Nebenkaru" who was a "Troop commander
Ashur = Happy
maybe Userpehty a son of ramses, or Amenhotep(hotep means Happy a translation)
Issacher = reward
could be numerous of ramses II sons.
Zebulun = dweller or sailor
Possibly Simentu who was married to the daugter of a sea captian, connects him with sailing.
Joseph = Merenptah, the successor, both married Priestess of Neith, and both became Pharoah
benjamin = in hebrew means "Son of right hand"
The "Right hand" phrase is similer with numerous Ramses II sons
associated with the Right Arm
Pareharwhenemef = Ra is with is right arm
Montukhopshef = Montu is with is right arm
Horherwenemef = Horus is strong with his Right Arm
Astarteherwenemef = Astarte is strong with his right Arm
Ramses Sethherwenemf = son of Re, seth is strong with his right arm.
the above ramses Sethherwenemf is one of the last sons of Ramses II, and his name contain the components of Ben(Mes) Jamin(herwenemf).
Sons of Rameses II
In Greek Mythology Aegyptos is quoted having 50 Daughter/Sons, thus the only canditate for Pharoah Aegyptos is indeed Ramses II.
I also believe that Jacob derived from term "Aegyptos".
Aegyptos alike Jacobtos
The PT together sound like the letter B.
Like jacob, Aegyptos had a mythical twin brother, this is because Pharoahs are "Horus Kings" and the twin brother of Horus is Set(equated with Esau)
In Egypt, Osiris is the God of Heaven, and "God of the Staircase" was a title ascribed to Osiris
--------Abram is indeed Ramses I--------
Ramses Original name was Parameses
------------------------------Pa-Ram > Ab-Ram
Wife of Ramses I is Sitra
---------------------SA-RAH (t not pronounced)
In Genesis, Abram is written like he was some sort of Military Commander, His boss was according to Genesus was "Elohim Yahweh".
Abram was an Old man when his name was upgraded to Abraham.
Paramses Was an Old man when his name was upgraded to Ramses.
Ramses or Abram, before he was the Pharoah, He was a Military Commander, taking order form the Pharaoh----God.
From Reading Letters of Armana, it prooves that the Semite Kings look upon the Pharoah as the Litteral God, they even equated the Pharoah with Baal and EL(Semetic Ra)
Example below: A Letter from Yabitiri to Amenhotep III
To my lord, my king, my gods,
my sun[/], this is said: Yabitiri, thy servant, the dust of thy feet, at the feet of my lord, my king, my gods, my sun, seven times, and seven times more, I fall down. Behold, I am thy servant, true to my lord, my king.
Amarna Letters
Further Proof that Abram(Paramses*Befor e he became king*) is Ramses is through the List of Kings mentions in Genesis.
King Tidal = King Tudhalya (1360-1344)
King Arioch = King Erichtheos (1397-1347)
King Amraphel = King Eumolpus (Alive same time as king above)
The Two kings name look very similer indeed.
King Eum---ol---pu--+--S (greek linquistic name suffix)
-------AM---Ra--Ph---+--EL(god suffix addition)
Eumolpu would transliterate into Egyptian as Am-Rapha----(Ra/El)
------------Since Egyptian had no L, thus L = R (el=Ra)
Emolpus is the same as Amraphel, also Letter from Armana Prove that there was Person involed in the Military called Raphel whom alive around this period.
other Similaritys.
Kings in genesis
King Birsha = BuraBuriash 1360-1333BC
King Shemeber = Shumda(of armana letters)
Bera = Biridya
Melchizedak = Milkilu(of armana letters) .. Zedek is a title, thus called Mechi > Mikilu
In the Armana Letters, Semite King Asked the Pharoah for Military Assistence, and who was the Military Commander.....It was Paramses...Abram.
The God questioning Abraham was the Pharoah, either Akhenaten,tutankhame n.Ay(yhwh).Hormebed,