The Only Way to Escape Hell

We differ there, Ben. I believe Jesus, Tolstoi, Gandhji, and HHDL are saying literally "Love thy enemy". I think the law of cause and effect is what Tolstoi and Gandhji experienced--a radical change in the enemy.

Panta Rhei!
(Everything Flows!)
We differ there, Ben. I believe Jesus, Tolstoi, Gandhji, and HHDL are saying literally "Love thy enemy". I think the law of cause and effect is what Tolstoi and Gandhji experienced--a radical change in the enemy.

Panta Rhei!
(Everything Flows!)

Yes Radarmark, we do differ here. I have never heard a Jew say he or she loved the Nazis; but that they inspired awe and respect, to the utmost. We have no doubt.