Jesus Christ is come in the flesh = God?

I read the links you have indicated to me. They are based on Christian preconceived notions. Jesus was a Jew whose Faith was Judaism. To use a Jew to build credibility to a strange-to-Judaism religion is akin to vandalizing the Faith of that Jew.
Clearly, you did *not* read the links provided, if you had there is no way in Hades you would make such a laughable statement, so now your motives and credibility are in question for me because of it. If you are half the student you pretend to be, actually read both links (the first two pages of the first link should suffice, and the entire second link). They are long, researched, scholarly and probably way over your head. But until you do read them and can respond in a scholarly manner, our conversation here is done because it is evident you have an axe to grind that has no basis in genuine scholarship. Hate based pretension to scholarship is nothing I wish to participate in.
1 - Because, as Paul points out, God does not go back on His word or cast away His people. People, on the other hand, often turn away from God.

2 - As for election by grace, or the circumcision of the heart, cf Deuteronomy 30:6.

3 - If you want to read it the way you read it, that's your choice, but it's an opinion I think few scholars would support.

1 - But Paul went back and forth in his word throughout Rom. 11 and, that's the point under discussion.

2 - And you cannot see Replacement Theology in the Pauline reference that election is by grace and circumcision is of the heart? He is not only discarding the circumcision of the flesh but also that God's election of His people is by grace as the opposite of the Law. This is indeed Replacement Theology because he had his disciples in mind. He disregarded circumcision of the flesh which, when it was given, it was supposed to be the token of an everlasting covenant. (Gen. 17:13,21)

3 - I am reading it as Jesus used to. Do you have any doubt about that?
I am reading it as Jesus used to. Do you have any doubt about that?
I have immense doubt about that...ANY time ANY one claims to speak on behalf of either G!d or some well respected teacher! History is full of atrocities done "in the name of G!d!" that had nothing to do with what was/is taught. So whenever someone sets themselves up in the place of G!d or the word of G!d, YES...I HAVE SERIOUS DOUBTS.

Your hatred immediately disqualifies you from speaking on behalf of G!d. (Ask me how I know.) Therefore your words are moot and meaningless.
I have immense doubt about that...ANY time ANY one claims to speak on behalf of either G!d or some well respected teacher! History is full of atrocities done "in the name of G!d!" that had nothing to do with what was/is taught. So whenever someone sets themselves up in the place of G!d or the word of G!d, YES...I HAVE SERIOUS DOUBTS.

Your hatred immediately disqualifies you from speaking on behalf of G!d. (Ask me how I know.) Therefore your words are moot and meaningless.

Thank you but, I did not speak on behalf of God but of Jesus who was a Jew whose Faith happened to be the same as mine aka Judaism. That gives me the freedom to speak as he used to.
Thank you but, I did not speak on behalf of God but of Jesus who was a Jew whose Faith happened to be the same as mine aka Judaism. That gives me the freedom to speak as he used to.
Bet you still haven't read the Christian History thread I wrote, have you? Or the discussion with A. Victor Garaffa?
Bet you still haven't read the Christian History thread I wrote, have you? Or the discussion with A. Victor Garaffa?

No, I have not. I'll be circling around to look for it. I don't want to ask you because I don't want to abuse your helpfulness.
No, I have not. I'll be circling around to look for it. I don't want to ask you because I don't want to abuse your helpfulness.
No abuse whatsoever.

I think you might even find some agreement with your position...just not your conclusions. But you would have to read it to see any of that.
Whose wine, what wine, where the hell did I dine?

Reading through old complex contemplations and frinding it interesting g at times how it appears everyone just walked off a cliff.
This explains why I'm seeing alien threads alive after long dormancy.
This explains why I'm seeing alien threads alive after long dormancy.
due to my recent abduction and

It still is a contemplation of mine as to what will happen to religion on this planet if we find life on another....the change, the conjecture... and then how that change and conjecture will be affected if communication is made...
due to my recent abduction and

It still is a contemplation of mine as to what will happen to religion on this planet if we find life on another....the change, the conjecture... and then how that change and conjecture will be affected if communication is made...
That does cause the mind to boggle as I think about it. Not something I've ever really considered before in any depth.
I have been informed about the existence of other civilizations throughout the universe ---yes it is covered indepth in the Sanskrit literatures of India.

BUT I see the topic complicated by other factors...imo:

1] Outer space's temperature is in-habitable. [why does it get colder as you rise ---yet when in situated before the Sun's rays (w/o benefit the "atmosphere's" shading effects]. I would be incredibly hot in Sunshine and below freezing in a planet's shadow!

2] Outer space's absence of Gravity means booster rocket propulsion cannot move itself. [For every action there is the re-action cannot occur when the boosters forces are not countered by friction ---the blast of a booster force pushes against nothing ---so no movement!

3] The earths gravitational field CAN NOT be escaped from! A rocket's force is like a fish leaping out of the ocean trying to rise above to fly.
The rocket is minuscule compared to the mass of the earths gravitational pull. [like a fly trying to escape the whirl of an electric fan. Like a ship trying to escape the whirl of a Hurricane.

Thus, we arrive back to the idea: What about what our Guru's have taught us? Even though, no civilian can confirm any of this unless we go through the auspices of the Guru's compadres.

And also, imo, folks forget what is said about black-holes etc ---it's all theories based on mathematical equations that someone propounded can be conflated with the actual construction of unknown states. Conversely, I'd surmise that the mathematical theories proving the nature of a transcendent soul as the life force of mundane elements has been hidden from western academic publications.

here is a link to
Easy Journey to Other Planets

This may be difficult to follow because the translator is constantly cross-referencing other esoteric references [ie; names, places, events, scriptures of Hindu origin whilst expecting the reader to quickly follow along. I suspect that every entry in this tract is copy n pasted from the large tome like texts he translated]

You will find in this tangential publications by a Hindu Sanskrit scholar:
The Demigods; The Universe's construction; The boons of Mystic achievements [aka yoga-siddhis]; The status quo of Celestial beings;
The differential of earth's time zone versus Celestial planetary stratums; The transmigration options of the Soul upon death; The age of the cosmos' creation.