Skull said:
So, by dropping the sarcastic "pretends", one get a definition that has nothing to do with karma or rebirth.
Well, not overtly ... but I believe that `divine illumination' or `divine revelation,' if we pay attention to it, lays
plain the fact of rebirth.
To insist upon such belief to another is dogmatism. To recognize it for oneself is a different matter entirely:
To Know, to Dare, to Will ... to be Silent!
I would also accept the same definition as applying to the term `gnostic,'
without a capital `G,' which changes the meaning - similar to `Theosophy' vs. `theosophy.' I know a number of true
gnostics, by this definition of KNOWER, and I am particularly interested in what each one may `know' ... and how it all relates. I don't mind considering myself a
gnostic, either, with the caveat that we are speaking of Divine Wisdom, which can never be compiled or contained in some kind of written volume.
The Tao that can be named is not the Eternal Tao.
Of course, as soon as someone stands up and starts claiming
infinite knowledge or awareness, either they're deluded, exaggerating considerably or a garden-variety fruitcake. Thumping a book, whether printed in red- or gold-lettering or
authored by Divine Beings ... makes little difference, as at best it may indicate some sort of recognition on the thumper's part. And that's great, insofar as it goes, but that's
as far as it goes, I often notice!
Regarding theosophical principles, I'm not going to speak for Nick, but I think these
are defined. Try and specify what
Christian principles are, or Buddhist, or Hindu, or Baha'i, etc. There can be specific beliefs, articles of `faith' ... even a more ethical approach where we consider `rules of the road.' Theosophists have all these, and so have they had since Theosophy first began. I prefer to capitalize this word, because I believe it represents one of the most sublime attempts to express for Humanity some of the Teachings it needs to progress from one Era [Pisces] to the next [Aquarius] ... and I believe that contributions from HPB's time onward also help us to live our lives as Disciples, if we accept the challenge. The instruction provided will eventually be superseded, but not for several decades ... and perhaps even when we are approaching Capricorn there will still be students benefitting from what modern Theosophy has revealed, just as is now the case with some - and I do mean
some - who gain special Inspiration and Insight from the New Testament.
If you don't accept rebirth, you can still be a
fine Theosophist. Some will argue - even insist - that eventually one must accept this Teaching, and I would agree, but I don't think we should put the cart before the horse. Until we are ready, we can do just fine with whatever else is meeting the need. Beyond a certain point, it will - of necessity - be revealed to the student why the Law of Karma, of cyclical manifestation, of Cause and Effect, applies and
must apply to all of Cosmos, Humanity included.
So that's one Principle, or LAW, rather, which Theosophists do tend to study and accept. Shall we fault a Mother Teresa, or a Dr. MLK, Jr., however, if these great World Servers find no need for believing in Rebirth?
I hope not, although Dr. MLK, Jr. probably did accept Rebirth. Certainly he was familiar with the roots of Christianity, and the relationship of the latter to the Mystery Traditions [essentially that of a graft onto the Yggdrasil Tree, with recognition and acknowledgment to
Mithraism and Sol Invictus, etc.]. So who's to say!
Regarding the Secret Doctrine, yes, some of us are quite aware that the bulk, if not the totality, of this Work is exactly what it purports to be ... and we know of the relationship of this Work to previous attempts [whether HPB's, as one might view
Isis Unveiled, or those of ages past] to reveal the same or similar. We also know of the true authorship of this Work, and we recognize that for the earnest student, much of value can be found here ... and pondered for a lifetime. Additional contributions, since HPB's time, will help the student to progress ... if his goal is to build his Inner life upon the triple cornerstone of
Study, Meditation and Service.
There are those who boldly step forward to slander HPB or to criticize the Theosophical Society and its adherents. I pity them, but mostly I just hope they will either come to their senses
post haste ... or wither.