Hey Andrew, I did a little reading up on Bodhisattvas. I found one terminology which divides them up into three groups -- earthly Bodhisattvas, kosmic Bodhisattvas, and cosmic Bodhisattvas. That sounds like a good way to organize them.
I do know that in Thesophical terminology a Bodhisattva is an Initiate of the 7th degree. That's kind of confusing, because according to this classification, both the Manu and the Maha Chohan are technically also Bodhisattvas. This isn't misleading, however, when you realize that any Initiate of the 6th degree is also a Chohan, while that Adept may or may not be one of the 7 Chohans that are permanent
positions (not
individuals) associated with Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy.
The same applies to
Asekha Adept, which means any Initiate of the 5th Degree (the term a+sekh means
no-learner, since these are Initiates with no further lessons to gain from incarnation on this planet). But to also comment on the thread topic in general, a MASTER in both the Theosophical and later, related traditions (Alice Bailey, Agni Yoga, Lucille Cedercrans, etc.) refers to an ADEPT that also takes on students. Therefore, not every Asekha Adept is also a Master ...
The highest point of attainment
required in order to move on from Earth's evolution
was once the 5th Initiation, but this changed - after millions of years - just a few decades ago. During the time that the Tibetan Master was writing with Alice Bailey, this change occurred, coincident with the World War which led to the World Teacher's decision to also incarnate
physically, rather than just astrally. The requirement is now the 6th Initiation, although it certainly doesn't mean that every Adept or Chohan is also following the Path of Earth Service. The latter is just one of
many paths available to Earth's "graduates."
This is all by way of commentary, or as an aside. Nick, you might have some thoughts ... but for other folks, please continue the discussion, add your comments, etc.