I don't know if I'd want to give up identification with my body... not that I'm a body builder or anything. My body is my LIFE - it's not who I am eternally - but it's my connection with life for my lifetime. This is what I'm confused about in the spiritual stages mentioned.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you.
When you said/wrote that we should give up false identification with the body - that doesn't mean we disown or completely detach from it, does it?
Correct. Self-actualisation by way of performing one's own dharma (occupational/obliged Duties)---secular mundane duties 'self-lessly' ---for one's own self-preservation.
I am referring to the "Ultimate Examination" aka, "Death".
Death of the body is the ultimate & final test ---of purpose of existence.
At death, a] thoughts on the mind at the time of passing, plus, b]the summation of the works/acts performed during life, plus, c] one's Desires ---these factors determine the calibre of one's next birth.
Thus, via cultivation of meritorious sensibilities (aka Good Karma) and the sublime one gains certain entrance privledges to higher stratums.
Or, via cultivation of self-centered selfish greedy pursuit of the mundane for the explicit urgent desire to be pleasured at all costs at all times ---not knowing that lower species of life afford all sorts of gratification based of "sense gratification unbridled by civil restrains".
Birds can fly over mountains! So what they have a diet of raw vermin. It's fresh meat.
It's the mis-identification of the present body one is living-in that causes "false-ego".
If one is seeking to "Merge into the primeviel Nirvana state of Brahman Sleep" ---it requires merging one's individual-indivisable spark of being aka a 'Soul'.
Of course, becoming aware of one's soul [via Classical Silent Mantra Meditation] leaves one feeling aloof and self-content and thus, pre-disposed to less worldly pursuits.
But I am referring to the aspirant that has achieved 'atma-rama' 'self-satisfaction of the Soul by the soul' ---this is where the blissfull nature of the soul is felt ---thus the mind plays secound fiddle to the desire to stay intune with the Soul's contented repose in and of itself. Yet this can happen today and still leaves years and years of secular life ahead of one's self . . . so service . . . to other souls seems natural.
At the time of death, one can flunk the exams or ace them.
I know I may be initiating more questions than I seem to answer ---maybe.