Spiritual Stages Advice?

GOD is a person. He has a personality, and is consciousness just as everyone else is. Consciousness came from consciouness, intelligence from intelligence. He is a living being with free thought and personality so you can have a personal relationship with GOD.

This is false, you must find out from where that personality has arisen.

Certainly, many experience a personality which says it is God, it is imagined though, it remains illusion - maya. It does not mean it is not God, it just means it is not the absolute reality of God.

This is the most important thing Shankara has presented in the religious realm of knowledge. Buddha has gone infinitely higher still and declares the creator God utterly delusional, yet has accepted the pleas of another God who has asked him to share what he has found...

Both come to the same conclusion, oneness, lack of any separation.
This is false, you must find out from where that personality has arisen.

Certainly, many experience a personality which says it is God, it is imagined though, it remains illusion - maya. It does not mean it is not God, it just means it is not the absolute reality of God.

This is the most important thing Shankara has presented in the religious realm of knowledge. Buddha has gone infinitely higher still and declares the creator God utterly delusional, yet has accepted the pleas of another God who has asked him to share what he has found...

Both come to the same conclusion, oneness, lack of any separation.

His personality always existed. You must find your personality as coming from him well and his counterpart. You can get no higher than the crystal and the same laws and realities still apply. It has and always will be two one male and one female that even though are two are also one as well as being three as one complete being that is the source of all life. Trying to go beyond that is impossible because there is no beyond that.
His personality always existed. You must find your personality as coming from him well and his counterpart. You can get no higher than the crystal and the same laws and realities still apply. It has and always will be two one male and one female that even though are two are also one as well as being three as one complete being that is the source of all life. Trying to go beyond that is impossible because there is no beyond that.

Because of this reality , without your opposite sex counterpart you will NEVER be complete unless you are with that one. Its that simple. Somehow we are connected, but until that day when we are with them and are crystal beings we will never ever be complete.
His personality always existed. You must find your personality as coming from him well and his counterpart. You can get no higher than the crystal and the same laws and realities still apply. It has and always will be two one male and one female that even though are two are also one as well as being three as one complete being that is the source of all life. Trying to go beyond that is impossible because there is no beyond that.

I have realized in myself that personality is utterly false, it is based on interactions within society, it is repetition of certain things I had found to work in the past...

Seeing this, I have dropped personality utterly, it is just your persona.
I have realized in myself that personality is utterly false, it is based on interactions within society, it is repetition of certain things I had found to work in the past...

Seeing this, I have dropped personality utterly, it is just your persona.

Who would not want to have a personality, it would be pretty boring without one. Its the spice of life to have a personality. Besides everyone has one. Just like everyone has free will , everyone has a personality. Your not a robot , and they even give them personalities these days.
Who would not want to have a personality, it would be pretty boring without one. Its the spice of life to have a personality. Besides everyone has one. Just like everyone has free will , everyone has a personality. Your not a robot , and they even give them personalities these days.

Without personality, you can become utterly spontaneous, unique and individual. With a personality, you will remain something mechanical, you are responding always from the past, you are not responding to the present directly. You have shown this with your example of the robot, personality is always false, it is your own programming, merely automated responses.
Without personality, you can become utterly spontaneous, unique and individual. With a personality, you will remain something mechanical, you are responding always from the past, you are not responding to the present directly. You have shown this with your example of the robot, personality is always false, it is your own programming, merely automated responses.
I believe your personality is what makes you , well YOU. Distinct from others. I wouldnt want to be a part of a collective mindless mass with one mind ....ewwwww to me thats more like death.
Personality = Person = Individual Autonomous being.

Ahankara (sanskrit) = False Ego.

FYI, these are the 8 seperated aggregate elements [as per the Vedas & the Gita etc]:
earth-water-fire-air-ether-mind-intelligence-false ego.


Lunitik! Bhaktajan is a Hare Krishna.

In your mind Hare Krishna Devotees are cult members without free-will etc.

But, in Bhaktajan's mind, Lunitik is a cult-leader wannabe.

Bhaktajans call these "cult-leader wannabes", Bogie-yogis [from, Bogus Yogi/Guru].

Percisely because the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra chanting devotees are authentic authorised orthodox Hindu Yogis from a bonefide traditional disciplic lineage ---we teach new comers how to recognise "Bogie-yogis".

Before learning what it is ---one learns what it is not. Sound familiar?

"Neti-neti" comes first ---mind you, it's all just under one's nose.

The pages of the Gita will wait un-read until you "Surrender" you impulse to talk and talk.

"The Nectar of Instruction"
[aka, Upadesamrta, by Rupa Goswami --- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupa_Goswami]:


Verse #1:
"A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world."

According to the philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita, matter is composed of 8 basic elements, earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, intellect and identity.

The first five elements comprise the gross aspects of matter, and the last three elements comprise the subtle aspects of matter.

Think of the first 5 elements as solids, liquids, chemical reactions, gases, and distance between objects. As far as the 3 subtle elements are concerned, in the Gita, mind, intellect and even one’s sense of identity are nothing more than subtle forms of matter.

This radically changes the way we look at the world and accounts for some of the basic differences between HIndu and Western philosophy. But this is a whole other subject.

These 8 elements become the building blocks of the “material universe,” which includes virtually everything that we see around us including even our bodies. One of the characteristics of these 8 material “elements” is that they develop according to three “modes,” the gunas.

The Sanskrit words for these gunas are sattva, rajas and tamas, and in English we can translation them as goodness, passion and darkness, respectively.

This means that everything in creation can be classified according to some combination of these three modes. This includes human beings, animals, aquatics, plants, foods, psychology, places of living, technology–literally, everything.


False ego means accepting this body as oneself. When one understands that he is not his body and is spirit soul, he comes to his real ego. Ego is there.

False ego is condemned, but not real ego. In the Vedic literature (Bṛhad-āraṇyaka Upaniṣad 1.4.10) it is said, ahaḿ brahmāsmi: I am Brahman, I am spirit. This "I am," the sense of self, also exists in the liberated stage of self-realization.

This sense of "I am" is ego, but when the sense of "I am" is applied to this false body it is false ego. When the sense of self is applied to reality, that is real ego.

There are some philosophers who say we should give up our ego, but we cannot give up our ego, because ego means identity. We ought, of course, to give up the false identification with the body.

Krishna says in the Gita:
"Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego — all together these eight constitute My separated material energies."
Personality = Person = Individual Autonomous being.

Ahankara (sanskrit) = False Ego.


Lunitik! Bhaktajan is a Hare Krishna.

In your mind Hare Krishna Devotees are cult members without free-will etc.

But, in Bhaktajan's mind, Lunitik is a cult-leader wannabe.

Bhaktajans call these "cult-leader wannabes", Bogie-yogis [from, Bogus Yogi/Guru].

Percisely because the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra chanting devotees are authentic authorised orthodox Hindu Yogis from a bonefide traditional disciplic lineage ---we teach new comers how to recognise "Bogie-yogis".

Before learning what it is ---one learns what it is not. Sound familiar?

"Neti-neti" comes first ---mind you, it's all just under one's nose.

The pages of the Gita will wait un-read until you "Surrender" you impulse to talk and talk.

I couldnt live like that. I like to sing and dance and laugh ....life without personality is borrrrrring. I wouldnt and couldnt live like that.
I believe your personality is what makes you , well YOU. Distinct from others. I wouldnt want to be a part of a collective mindless mass with one mind ....ewwwww to me thats more like death.

It is not up to any of us what is the actual case, we can only discover it.
Personality = Person = Individual Autonomous being.

Ahankara (sanskrit) = False Ego.


Lunitik! Bhaktajan is a Hare Krishna.

In your mind Hare Krishna Devotees are cult members without free-will etc.

But, in Bhaktajan's mind, Lunitik is a cult-leader wannabe.

Bhaktajans call these "cult-leader wannabes", Bogie-yogis [from, Bogus Yogi/Guru].

Percisely because the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra chanting devotees are authentic authorised orthodox Hindu Yogis from a bonefide traditional disciplic lineage ---we teach new comers how to recognise "Bogie-yogis".

Before learning what it is ---one learns what it is not. Sound familiar?

"Neti-neti" comes first ---mind you, it's all just under one's nose.

The pages of the Gita will wait un-read until you "Surrender" you impulse to talk and talk.

"The Nectar of Instruction"
[aka, Upadesamrta, by Rupa Goswami --- Rupa Goswami - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]:

The Nectar of Instruction Verse 1

Verse #1:
"A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world."

What is a cult?

It is simply that which is unorthodox, but every orthodoxy today has broken away from something, all have began as cults.

I am not concerned with any sect, I am only interested in truth.

Truth is neti neti - neither this nor that - these are the dualities.

Yet it contains both.

I have read the Gita, I have read the Vedas, I have read the Upanishads, I have read the Dhammapada, I have read the Quran, I have read the Bible, I have read the Guru Granth.

Above all this, I have experienced.
It is not up to any of us what is the actual case, we can only discover it.

I already know what I am and where I belong. Its the getting there thats the problem. I have not been around people in my life that share the same interests as I do. I know that I am the female half of someone else that will make me complete and never alone again or lonely. I know that I am a being that is love at the center of my being but also that I have an individual personality unlike anyone else that makes me distinct and that I will keep that. I will never become some part of a collective mind where I am no longer distinct from myself and the only other mind I will be totally one with will be my male counterpart. Now I have to journey down that path .
What is a cult?

. . . I have read the Gita, I have read the Vedas, I have read the Upanishads, I have read the Dhammapada, I have read the Quran, I have read the Bible, I have read the Guru Granth.

Above all this, I have experienced.

Lunitik doesn't believe in anything

Lunitik believes in the power of NOTHING; along with his innate prowess to overcome and master it.


A cult starts with one person.

Do you deny me, a Hare Krishna Devotee, the authority to point out what is a Bogie-yogi, especially during this present moment with you?

I know what a boggie-yogi is when I encounter one. Don't I?
Lunitik doesn't believe in anything

Lunitik believes in the power of NOTHING; along with his innate prowess to overcome and master it.


A cult starts with one person.

Do you deny me, a Hare Krishna Devotee, the authority to point out what is a Bogie-yogi, especially during this present moment with you?

I know what a boggie-yogi is when I encounter one. Don't I?

Clearly you do not, for you follow one.
All beliefs must fall if you have any interest in truth.

Only then can there be true knowledge, yet now the knower and known are not distinct.

If there is any separation remaining, you have not walked the full path. Krishna accepts none, Shiva accepts none, Ram accepts none, yet you retain them all... strange.

You see them as something higher than you, and thus worship them.

If they did not see this in others, why would they bother to speak on it? They have given no laws, Manu is the law giver of the Hindu's.
Clearly you do not, for you follow one.

This is technically called 'aparadha'.

The Sin of an 'aparadha' affects your way of thinking.

The imperative to save one's self while there is time and chance to is deeply rooted in the will to exist.

Evidently you are self-hating.

Chapter 6, Verse 5.
A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well.

Chapter 6, Verse 6.
For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his very mind will be the greatest enemy.
This is technically called 'aparadha'.

The Sin of an 'aparadha' affects your way of thinking.

The imperative to save one's self while there is time and chance to is deeply rooted in the will to exist.

Evidently you are self-hating.

Chapter 6, Verse 5.
A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well.

Chapter 6, Verse 6.
For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his very mind will be the greatest enemy.

My soul has been cleansed of all conditioning, my mind obeys me, it does not control me any more. This is the very nature of moksha, liberation is from the illusion you are the mind.

I have no imperative to continue existing, I exist on the grace of God, neither do I have any desire to die, for that would merely show my lack of gratitude. Yet, you have pointed to your responsibilities and said they justify delaying sanyas. It is only the ego, the identifications which surround your "I", which must be renounced. This includes your identification as a Hindu, and as a Hare Krishna devotee, all must be dropped until all that remains is truth.

Yet you speak to me as though you know, you are a scholar and nothing more. This does not result in true knowledge, it only results in useless accumulation of information.
You accept the views of others only because you do not know yourself.

Why are you scared to encounter it?
Again, we are shown that mind must be conquered, it is the very mind which is Satan - the adversary. Yet, where is information stored? How can you go beyond the mind, how can you encounter your true self, when you remain confined to the mind? This I call sin, anything which is intended to save the mind, for as long as the mind remains the master, you remain distinct from God, you continue to miss. Jesus says repent, return to God, Krishna says we must dissociate with all doing, see that the only doer is God, that we are all merely characters he is playing. Buddha simply says all separation is illusion.

Please understand.