Spiritual Stages Advice?

My Friends,

This is what we in the trade call "A Mexican Standoff". Take a few deep breaths and some time to center-down (and calm oneself). The "rightness" and "wrongness" are not as important as the information provided.

i have an inkling that it is one split personality engaging in self dialogue :rolleyes:
"I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!"
Stuart Smalley's famous quote - YouTube

Maybe Lunitik be a goverment minister one day. In a government near you.

Many see arrogance in my words, it is precisely because I know who you are that I speak this way though. I do not feel superior, it is simply my compassion which longs to pull you up out of your slumber. I am not interested in confirming your delusions of inferiority, I am not interested in sweet talking you into making the most of what you have done to yourself. I only wish to undo it all and let you see the truth.

Lunitik is a card carrying member of "I don't believe in anything"


"I believe in NOTHING"

That is why he can expouse on any topic . . . with the same conclusion each time . . . with additional words added. But no one can deny that the rules of grammer & punctuation have been devotely adhered to in Lunitik's self-initiated musings.

may the muses infuse you with the rapture of being 'someone',
Lunitik is a card carrying member of "I don't believe in anything"


"I believe in NOTHING"

That is why he can expouse on any topic . . . with the same conclusion each time . . . with additional words added. But no one can deny that the rules of grammer & punctuation have been devotely adhered to in Lunitik's self-initiated musings.

may the muses infuse you with the rapture of being 'someone',

I know that belief cannot be a truth, that is all.

Why will you want to be 'someone' though? Can you not be content that you simply are? You say I am self-initiated, it is perfectly correct, I am self-enlightened... yet who is the true self?

If you can answer this, if you know the significance, then I will ask why you consider it better to be initiated by another human?
LUNITIK ASKS: I will ask why you consider it better to be initiated by another human?

"Enlightenment of any profession & skill set is taught and learned in this same manner."

I know that belief cannot be a truth, that is all.

Why will you want to be 'someone' though? Can you not be content that you simply are? You say I am self-initiated, it is perfectly correct, I am self-enlightened... yet who is the true self?

FYI: On this planet ---you assertion is considered "insane".

What other qualifications do have that were self-appointed to your self?
Did you appoint a Valid Drivers Licence? A Doctors' Licence? A Pilot's Licence? A Marraige Licence?

But here's the ironic enlightenment part: Lunitik is "envious" of God ---and ergo, Lunitik's haplessness enrages him against God even further. That's Lunitik's Story.
Our limits coincide with our current capacity. It is like if you do not eat sufficiently for a few days, you will become drained and perhaps faint. The same is true of love, and meditation is to dip into the reserve, as is prayer. Drink, for existence or God is not miserly, there is no question of running out of it for it is inexhaustible. It is only when we try to do it ourselves that we find there is a limit.
The analogy of feeding ourselves both spiritually & nutritionally makes sense.
I realize there is a well within us of love that when we tap into, we won't thirst again. I think this is what Jesus was trying to teach by the story with the woman at the well who had been married several times & was living with a different lover... "Stop lookin' for love in all the wrong places."

I do not think they are possible, I know it is so, but yes, it is related to spiritual energies as well as sensitivity to them. That feeling you describe is because your soul finds enjoyment in my words, it is because it recognizes something in them which it has always longed for. It is good, but please pay closer attention to when it happens, those are the words which will be more beneficial for you going forward. Existence always guides if you pay attention.
I think my need for control sometimes blocks my intuition.
Why do you think communication between souls is impossible?

Yes, family members can very easily get under your skin, as can some friends. It is always those closest who can rile us up the most. I think this is related to what you said earlier about marrying a man who cares more than you, and the running away. You have not found the cause of any, it is simply the same thing manifesting in different ways.
That's why I really want to get to the bottom of it, so it doesn't keep manifesting in different ways.

Jesus says you must hate your father and mother, brother and sister - indeed your own life - to be his disciple. It means you should learn to be less attached to these relationships, less defined by these interactions. I think perhaps you are a very sensitive person, and so easily affected by what is going around, which quickly becomes irritation. You will feel like you are becoming colder as you pull away, yet try to still share your love from this distance. Truly, you will find that you enjoy all your relationships more if you can do this, although it will not be obvious how this can be perhaps.
I like that scripture & can relate.
You seem to pick up on things well. For me, sounds, smells etc. seem to be amplified- more so since I've had children.
It's tough to be in tune & a responsible mother, from a distance.
I know, as they grow up, I need to learn to do this better though.

Yes, this is the same place you must find. You are a female, so it will always be that emotions define much of your experience. Still you must not identify so much with them, or whatsoever the mind comes up with - the real you is that which watches and empowers both.
Yeah, the fact that emotions are the product of thought is empowering to realize.
I'll speak quickly grasshopper. For the siege lays ahead beyond the peat ...
:D lol
Wax on, wax off.

A) anna-maya = recognize the manifest mercy of god as 'food'.
B) prana-maya = recognize god as 'living force in all life forms'.
C) Sankya-maya=recognize god as 'thinking, willing, and feeling'.
D) vigyana-maya= 'mind and ego seen different from the soul'.
E) ananda-maya= 'all-blissful nature' Via prema-bhakti-seva. (loving devotional service to Krishna
Thanks for all of this info, Bhakjajan.
It reminds me that many religions have some core concepts in common.
I especially like the idea of god as 'thinking, willing, & feeling' (not necessarily in that order).
Fire and water are metaphoric...

Fire means ascension, it is aggressive, you reach to God... this is the path of love. It is because fire constantly climbs higher, and its smoke defies gravity.

Water means descension, it is more feminine, you simply sit and wait... this is the path of meditation. Picture a waterfall, this is how God comes in this practice, as a flood.

The other elements are Earth and Air, they represent heaven and earth, high and low, the directions of the previous two. The fifth element is that of ether, it is the space between them.

God is the crystal, the combination of all.

It is not higher at all, it is the very same intent, just another way of explaining, my previous post is yet another...

Never take spiritual words literally.
Although, there are some spiritual words to be taken literally at times (ie don't kill, don't steal)... there are variables & also most scriptures are spiritual lessons, not history/science/emergency prep lessons.

Interesting notes about fire and water.
Although, there are some spiritual words to be taken literally at times (ie don't kill, don't steal)... there are variables & also most scriptures are spiritual lessons, not history/science/emergency prep lessons.

Interesting notes about fire and water.
I am past all the elements and am at the stage of the source element..I call this the crystal element or crystal light.
I especially like the idea of god as 'thinking, willing, & feeling' (not necessarily in that order).

God is neither of these, though, these are human attributes.

God is that one which watches the thoughts.
God is that one which observes the will.
God is that one which is aware of feelings.

God is the perpetual witness, yet he is untouched by any event. This is what we must find, and I would recommend Maharshi Ramana and his self-inquiry device to find out where that witness resides. No school is enlightening as many in todays world as his people are, there is good reason for this...

The most prevalent of his school that is living today is 'Mooji', I would also recommend any of his videos on YouTube - truly a beautiful man.
Although, there are some spiritual words to be taken literally at times (ie don't kill, don't steal)... there are variables & also most scriptures are spiritual lessons, not history/science/emergency prep lessons.

Interesting notes about fire and water.

I think you would agree Buddha is a spiritual man, yet he has killed. It was because he could see this man was going to kill others and accepted the karmic ramifications rather than permit that. There are stories of a Zen Master stealing small things frequently because he wanted to land in jail so that he could touch those who had become so lost.

Nothing in the world is black and white, all is a shade of grey. As I have said, intent is what matters, deeds are mostly irrelevant.
It is a great metaphor for the spiritual journey, unraveling the layers of your psyche and looking at what is at the center, very good :)

Same idea for the lotus with its petals , opening to ones own true self.
Same idea for the lotus with its petals , opening to ones own true self.

The metaphor of the Lotus has many ramifications, this can be seen as one, yes.

The 10,000 petal Lotus intends enlightenment, it literally feels like the top of your head is being opened as the Lotus flower when the crown chakra opens.

There is also the significance that the flower is not touched by the water, yet its stem has grown through it. Still lower, the roots grow in mud which is extremely sludgy, yet from that same mud is this beautiful flower. It means to learn to be in the world, but not of it.

There are more, like that you should not fight the world - or sin, the mud - but merely rise above it.

It is one of the central metaphors in the East.
The metaphor of the Lotus has many ramifications, this can be seen as one, yes.

The 10,000 petal Lotus intends enlightenment, it literally feels like the top of your head is being opened as the Lotus flower when the crown chakra opens.

There is also the significance that the flower is not touched by the water, yet its stem has grown through it. Still lower, the roots grow in mud which is extremely sludgy, yet from that same mud is this beautiful flower. It means to learn to be in the world, but not of it.

There are more, like that you should not fight the world - or sin, the mud - but merely rise above it.

It is one of the central metaphors in the East.
Interesting. There may be more than 10000 petals but each petal has a crytal sparkle or lock that is linked to the crytal in the center. The lotus is golden but the locks are this crytal and so is the center . Any thoughts on this? I know that the locks are opened internally but also externally. They are interconnected, the center crystal and thousands of crystals on the petals. Have you read anything on this subject? I have no found anything on this.
BHAKTAJAN: god is the fountainhead reservoir of 'thinking, willing, & feeling' as known among Human ...

LUNITIK: God is neither of these, though, these are human attributes.

God is that one which watches the thoughts.
God is that one which observes the will.
God is that one which is aware of feelings.

Therefore God is NOT a PERSONA ---and we humans cannot expect a "Personal Relationship with God" because God is Impersonal.

But Lunitik is a person. No?
Therefore God is NOT a PERSONA ---and we humans cannot expect a "Personal Relationship with God" because God is Impersonal.

But Lunitik is a person. No?
GOD is a person. He has a personality, and is consciousness just as everyone else is. Consciousness came from consciouness, intelligence from intelligence. He is a living being with free thought and personality so you can have a personal relationship with GOD.
GOD is a person. He has a personality, and is consciousness just as everyone else is. Consciousness came from consciouness, intelligence from intelligence. He is a living being with free thought and personality so you can have a personal relationship with GOD.

Yeah Baby!

Don't fight the power!