What is the essence of all religions?

One big difference I observe is that Eastern ways focus more on processes and actions, while Western ways focus more upon "things," (actors) and describe processes in terms of the "doer" and such. I fully realize that this just might be a "notion," however. ;)

It is the difference between dual and non-dual thought...

In duality, I talk to you, we are each something distinct, this is a fundamental notion in the West and our greed is naught but an attempt to validate it, to defeat the other.

In non-duality, there is just communication happening, there is no other and no self ultimately. For non-dual reality, there is no goal because means and ends are not divided, there is simply what is arising here and now. There is no rush because there is nothing else to be done after, this is it.
I am actually extremely happy exactly BECAUSE there is no purpose to being, it means I am not here to accomplish something, I can simply celebrate whatever arises as a gift realizing I have asked for none of it. My life is simply a gratitude, and there is no other offering possible.
Well, I have no problem with your paradigm, I'm glad you found something that works for you, it needn't be everyone's paradigm though.
Judgement and bias is of the mind.
bias and judgement are of the seventh consciousness, specifically.

You are describing awareness here, and when I am saying the mind must be dropped, killed, I am saying thoughts must not be fueled, fed.
Actually, the seventh consciousness can be purified along with the sixth consciousness.

When you give thoughts attention, you are fueling them. You must see they are not originating from you, which is clear simply because you are observing them - a space between observer and observed occurs.

It would be better to simply acknowledge they are there and return to the moment, for the very arising of the thought has brought you out of the present.
If you are interested in investigating the yogacara verses for this process, you can find them here:
Contents Verses Delineating the Eight Consciousnesses

Even though I don't agree with the yogacara tenant that all is mind, there are useful tools to be found within its teachings.
Well, I have no problem with your paradigm, I'm glad you found something that works for you, it needn't be everyone's paradigm though.

I simply do not understand why people are willing to wait till they are on their death bed to realize all their endeavors were a waste.
bias and judgement are of the seventh consciousness, specifically.

Actually, the seventh consciousness can be purified along with the sixth consciousness.

Do you really think these divisions are meaningful, even existential or experiential in all cases? They are irrelevant, just more pointless information. You cannot even know what is actually intended, you can only attempt to decipher it through your present understanding - which is not much, although you are mistaking knowledge for it.
Do you really think these divisions are meaningful, even existential or experiential in all cases? They are irrelevant, just more pointless information. You cannot even know what is actually intended, you can only attempt to decipher it through your present understanding - which is not much, although you are mistaking knowledge for it.
Actually, yes. Being able to see things from different perspectives is always useful, imo. It gives more depth to awareness.
Actually, yes. Being able to see things from different perspectives is always useful, imo. It gives more depth to awareness.

You are not though, you are seeing different things through the same perspective.

Find out from where the awareness arises, who is the seer?
Finding this out, there is a fundamental change in perspective.

Currently, you still uphold a basic untruth, every time you address me it is only to defend it.
And that untruth is????

{I'm always very interested in discovering untruths as well as truths}

You still define yourself by peripheral events, and because of this you still fear death.

Learning is a peripheral event.
Thoughts are peripheral events.
Actions are all peripheral.
Memories are peripheral.
The body is peripheral.
Everything you are aware of is peripheral.

You have not yet found your center.
You still define yourself by peripheral events, and because of this you still fear death.
I dropped my fear of death when I faced it in childbirth.

Learning is a peripheral event.
Thoughts are peripheral events.
Actions are all peripheral.

You have not yet found your center.
And yet I can still balance. ;)

(Difference between Western and Easten thought--focus upon things and actors rather than processes.)
I dropped my fear of death when I face it in childbirth.

I disagree, I cite your reaction to saying mind must die, please see whether it is actually true because it does not seem to be.

And yet I can still balance. ;)

Balancing is not ultimately the point, for when you are established in your center no balancing is necessary, you simply are not involved in anything.

Balance only needs be maintained because things are throwing you off - it means you still uphold the notion of a "you", whereas for me these are just language pointers.
This is the fundamental shift in perspective...

You realize even the concept of you is watched, dropping this is the miracle.
You obviously haven't a clue as to what is and isn't a form of trance and what it's benefits and abuses are.

"Trance benefits" ---like heavy pain killers? During medical surgery?

How is "Trance" beneficial?

Drunks DON'T Meditate. Engineers Do!

Who is talking about all those inane examples you brought up?


Know who talks about these inane examples, journalists and magazine & newspaper publishers do.

Self-actualised intergrated person do.

The captains and corpmen do.

Chinese Folks do ---during TaiChi moving "meditation".

So where's the fruit of your years of immersion? Maestro Status yet? Journeyman Status yet? Layman Status yet?
Anatta is true because you are not there, you are just nothing, formless.

No-thing-ness is perhaps more correct though, because all things become your subjective experience - so to say, but it is not the you which is conceived.

In this is the whole concept of God, all the attributes people give God are in this experience.
There are many many forms of meditation and some of them use extreme focused attention and being in the NOW, being still is just one of them.

New fangled "narrative led contemplation", usually, enmass, and famously done at psychic stage shows are not Classical Meditation ---no more than a firearm-weapon qualifies ones as an expert marial artist.

Running a Circus is different skill-set than being an expert performer on the payroll.
Did you even bother to read anything I posted about this.

Yes. But it has me running off seeking the antidote. It usually causes me to contemplate intensely.

BTW, "High School Meditator"? How did that come to occur? "I was a Teenager Meditator"?

That seems admirable indeed. How could that have been in your case?

Did Chuck Norris meditate? [seisen?]
New fangled "narrative led contemplation", usually, enmass, and famously done at psychic stage shows are not Classical Meditation ---no more than a firearm-weapon qualifies ones as an expert marial artist.

Running a Circus is different skill-set than being an expert performer on the payroll.
whatever are you going on about now? Say 'something' or keep quiet.