What is the essence of all religions?

LOL . . . you're not arguing with me, you're arguing with a Professor of Theoretical Psychology, Carl Jung.

Then so be it, Jung was an idiot, but of course you respect him because he is famous. He has commented from the mind on the mind, how can he come to any worthwhile conclusions? He has not...

It is like the man commenting on the valley from within it, his perspective will be constantly wrong. Go to the peak of the mountain and you can see clearly, but from within the valley everything is distorted because you are on the same level, you cannot see all of what is going on.
There are multiple centers of psychic energy, conscious and unconscious. The Ego is concerned with sensing the world, cognition, gender identity, etc.
The unconscious consists of a personal unconscious with our individual repressed and forgotten memories.

The deeper archetypal (collective) unconscious contains elements
common to all humans. The Self is the integrating center which seeks the good of a balanced person -- mind, body, and spirit alike.

All humans have both masculine and feminine aspects. The Anima or Animus is the center for those instinctive gender energies which are not part of the Ego.

The unconscious mind manifests itself in a conscious, reflective ego in order to complete and know itself as a “Self” this can be understood as Our Higher Self and our Physical Self.

The ego is very important in the individuation process. The ego is only a danger when it imagines itself to be all that the person is.
There are multiple centers of psychic energy, conscious and unconscious. The Ego is concerned with sensing the world, cognition, gender identity, etc.
The unconscious consists of a personal unconscious with our individual repressed and forgotten memories.

The deeper archetypal (collective) unconscious contains elements
common to all humans. The Self is the integrating center which seeks the good of a balanced person -- mind, body, and spirit alike.

All humans have both masculine and feminine aspects. The Anima or Animus is the center for those instinctive gender energies which are not part of the Ego.

The unconscious mind manifests itself in a conscious, reflective ego in order to complete and know itself as a “Self” this can be understood as Our Higher Self and our Physical Self.

The ego is very important in the individuation process. The ego is only a danger when it imagines itself to be all that the person is.

I actually agree with most of this, yet I will say that retaining the ego maintains the possibility that it can believe it is the whole being. If the ego is involved in the search for the self, it will probably think it is the self, this cannot be risked. Eventually, you discover there simply is not self, and this is plain in any satori experience, but the problem arises when the ego comes back and thinks it is that. The ego falling has caused it, yet it thinks it did it... it is foolish.

This is why often things like grace are attributed to God, although there is no God, but it is to make perfectly clear that it is not the ego's doing. You retain delusion about it to say it is God, but it is better than saying it was you. It was simply that you let go, you stopped clinging to identity, and it has stopped because identity returned.

You have said you have experienced this, I wonder if you will be honest that this is what happened? Please see that it is the case, for even the sternest Jew I have known admitted it was his dropping of identification with religion and thus his very purpose in life to that point that caused his delusion about Elohim talking to him in this state. Just look at what happened honestly, if you are truthful that it happened.
LOL . . . you're not arguing with me, you're arguing with a Professor of Theoretical Psychology, Carl Jung.

But We should take the ravings of a Lunitik over Him of course.


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I am on a faith oriented site trying to point at truth, it is hard to avoid.
You should search Buddhist texts for the instances of 'delusion', for he is saying the same thing in that.

People who believe blindly are simply neurotic.
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lmfao! . . . . . ;)
The guru is as a physician, his role is to treat your neurosis.

He does this by creating devices that you can find reality directly, free from all beliefs and conceptions, free from all projection - although he will use them often to make this easier.

Society as a whole is basically neurotic though, all have a basic disconnect from reality.

It is fundamentally a fighting with your nature, the mystic is the only one which is truly and completely natural - yet he will look the most insane because the natural state is so rare, so hidden in most people.

This striving to be something unnatural is exactly the disease though.
An example of how this differs from your psychologists though?

Jung has said people smoke because they miss the mothers nipple... yet he himself smoked cigars daily. When questioned on this, he replied "sometimes people just smoke".

He is inflicted with neurosis himself, he cannot look directly into his own nature, yet he is going to help you to become sane? He is not sane himself, just another blind man trying to lead the blind, following such men all will walk off the nearest cliff eventually.

Jung himself has become utterly insane, yet you will trust him?
Well the Baha'i view as I understand it is that God is the Source of all the major religions... Revelation proceeds through the Manifestations of God..

"Religion is the outer expression of the divine reality. Therefore it must be living, vitalized, moving and progressive. If it be without motion and non-progressive it is without the divine life; it is dead. The divine institutes are continuously active and evolutionary; therefore the revelation of them must be progressive and continuous."

~ Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith, p. 224

"There is one God; mankind is one; the foundations of religion are one. Let us worship Him, and give praise for all His great Prophets and Messengers who have manifested His brightness and glory."

~ Abdu'l-Baha, Abdu'l-Baha in London, p. 19

So, to answer the question ("What is the essence of all religions?"), the answer is recognition of the Manifestation of God. The entire Baha'i belief system is based around this one concept. Even heaven and hell are redefined; heaven refers to the acceptance of a Messenger and hell refers to the rejection of a Messenger. Why? The Bab writes: "Know thou that the essense of religion is the knowledge of God." Ironically, we can't know God. This is a tough nut to crack: how can the essence of religion be recognition of God when It is unknowable?! Well, we get to know God indirectly through Messengers, or, as I will call them, Geniuses.

These Geniuses represent the essence of religion: knowledge of God. I think I like the word genius more than messenger, because messenger does not stress creative (to me). Genius was derived from the Latin root "gignere," which means "to produce." Genius also shares ties with "jinn," a word to describe spirits with supernatural powers. The meaning of genius changed as it reached the eyes and ears of European scholars, who used it to express "the godlike power of invention, of creation, of making what never was before." A religious Genius brings innovative results and a new approach in "the knowledge of God." Abdu'l-Baha, in Some Answered Questions, elaborates on the "knowledge of God" here:

"Know that there are two kinds of knowledge: the knowledge of the essence of a thing and the knowledge its qualities. The essence of a thing is known through its qualities; otherwise, it is unknown and hidden. As our knowledge of things, even of created and limited things, is knowledge of their qualities and not of their essence, how is it possible to comprehend in its essence the Divine Reality, which is unlimited? ... Knowing God, therefore, means the comprehension and the knowledge of His attributes, and not of His Reality. This knowledge of the attributes is also proportioned to the capacity and power of man; it is not absolute."

"His attributes" include forgiveness, love, truth, wisdom, and so on. This sounds nice, but as the interconnections between societies have increased, new problems have manifested and darkened "His attributes," and these problems require never before seen innovations. These problems are addressed with the Baha'i Faith, which, for Baha'is, addresses current problems. For example, when we look at the history of the United States, we see the Baha'i Faith was one of the few religious groups that remained consistent in its stance towards all forms of racism (such as scientific racism), which darkened "His attributes."

The essense of religion is the knowledge of God. When a religion loses its essence, the knowledge of God, it is dead. Religions go through beginnings and ends just like individual lives go through beginnings and ends. Trying to stop the change of religion is like trying to stop the change of language. Interesting, Baha'u'llah stated religion is renewed every thousand years. Languages change every thousand years too. Imagine trying to teach the Baha'i Faith a thousand years from now. If the world is united as one "global village" by then, it would be pointless. Hopefully, we'll begin thinking on a more galactic scale and be more benevolent beings by that time as we assimilate a greater capacity for "His attributes."
LOL . . . you're not arguing with me, you're arguing with a Professor of Theoretical Psychology, Carl Jung.
But Carl Jung taught the opposite of what you wrote, Etu.
You said that the ego has no relationship with the subconscious.
One major teaching of Jung is shadow self - which involves extensive relationship between the ego and subconscious.

As Lunitik explained - it's bringing it all into awareness, not "sub" conscious.
Jung himself has become utterly insane, yet you will trust him?
No.. but if he speaks the truth, I will trust his truth.
Same with all "masters" or "objects of our obsession" or religions.
Each has some truth, something helpful...
But only put your complete trust in principles, not people.
I would say these are exactly why religion as it is remains poisonous.

True religion brings about individuality, but it requires facing and accepting all that creates discomfort in you. The mature person does not accept consolations, the very nature of his maturity is that he sees them for what they are and overcomes them.

Free from all absurdities created to mask reality, only then is reality encountered directly, purely. If there is any other goal to religion, I do not know it, although most religion is the very nature of those absurdities so it might be difficult to see.
I agree, Lunitik, however I must say that a sense of community and hope can sometimes be taken in a productive way, from religion. It depends on interpretation. There was a study on how religion affected health. Those who had no involvement & those who were extremely involved in religion, did the worst. Those who took a more custom approach to religion did the best... (taking the best & tossing the rest.)

Religion MUST be a path to growth, not a way to remain as a child.
I agree that religion often serves as a substitute for parents... telling them what to believe what to do etc.
If Christians really studied their hearts & scriptures they'd see that it's time to grow up & face the secrets of our souls, so we can heal... it's time to grow up!

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." -1 Cor 13:11

The essence of all religions is charity... LOVE.
God is love. Although all else fails, Love never fails.
IMO, Love is resonating, hoping & striving for what is best, through trial & error (active faith).
Love is... the "serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can & wisdom to know the difference."
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." -1 Cor 13:11

Yet, they are maintaining the father figure?

"then shall I know even as also I am known"

This is what I go on saying, forget everything you know because you know NOTHING. You do not yet know yourself, how can you be trusted in other aspects of knowledge?

First know yourself, have a structure of intelligence, then you can move into other avenues - but EVERYTHING else remains utilitarian, or an arising in this structure. You have said those that become obsessed with religion do the worst, along with those that have no involvement. I think it is basically because going against your nature is always unhealthy, yet there has to be some attempt to figure out HOW to know yourself.

For me, man as he is must be called basically unhealthy, he has been fighting with this, fighting with that, he is utterly tense. Religion can assist with the relieving of stress, but for many it creates it as well...

Without stress is all you know of happiness at the moment, but life itself wants to grow, become more through you. Gradually this happiness grows if you share it, as it becomes more integrated, now it has become bliss. For me, hope is useless because it is a distraction from my current bliss, for others, projections into the future help because the now is not to their liking.

Life is only this moment, it is only this place, it cannot be anywhere else.

You are an expression of life, make it a beautiful expression!

Sitting, doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself.

It means things are perfectly fine without you, just enjoy it all. With a little less involvement, you will not be so stressed about everything, you will simply bring your love into them.

What is more unhealthy than stress?
If Christians really studied their hearts & scriptures they'd see that it's time to grow up & face the secrets of our souls, so we can heal... it's time to grow up!


how patronising to the billions of Christians on the planet.

what makes you so superior that you judge so many in this way ?
No.. but if he speaks the truth, I will trust his truth.
Same with all "masters" or "objects of our obsession" or religions.
Each has some truth, something helpful...
But only put your complete trust in principles, not people.

Certainly he has had some insights that should not be ignored, but for me they seem accidental - which is no less meaningful. If you cannot look at yourself, how can your conclusions about others be valid? Especially in a field like psychology, the cigar example I believe I raised earlier is very suspect.

He has not actually cured anyone, just coming up with theories about what could be wrong...
how patronising to the billions of Christians on the planet.

what makes you so superior that you judge so many in this way ?

She has repeated something I have said, if you'd like to get into it I would be more than willing... although, certainly she should not cling to me any more than any other religion. Truth is within, I will not be a source of her truth, only she can be - I can only try to assist her going in.
But Carl Jung taught the opposite of what you wrote, Etu.
You said that the ego has no relationship with the subconscious.
One major teaching of Jung is shadow self - which involves extensive relationship between the ego and subconscious.

As Lunitik explained - it's bringing it all into awareness, not "sub" conscious.
The Shadow Self is what we project onto others, parts of our Self that we despise and hate. I explained Jung properly and actually quoted from His writings, so Jung would have to be explaining Jung wrong then. ;)