One meets G!d, then one tries to emulate the experience. Hmmm.... since G1d is love, it would seem to me that the Golden Rule (in whatever form from Zoroastrian to Daoist) is an obvious place to start. If the experience of G!d is love (as someone said), the statement "[t]hat nature alone is good which refrains from doing to another whatsoever is not good for itself" is a pretty good place to start for it, to me would seem that to love one must first refrain from doing harm (or not good) first.
That emulation is the problem, you "meet God" exactly because you have let go entirely that moment and it has stopped because you have returned. Now, you want to return to that state, but you want to bring your ego into it, it has become the desire of the ego and yet it is because the ego has dropped that it happened. Can you see the foolishness? Even that it is God you met, this in fact is a notion in the mind, the happening has no words, it does not call itself God...
This is exactly what I go on saying, mind cannot be there in the search. I go on saying that mind must be killed, the little mind, the ego must certainly be killed - the private thinking you have must cease. What I call no-mind is the termination of the little mind, but of course there is the Mind, the universal consciousness which is still there.
People seem scared that if the personal mind dies, there will be no way to function in the world. It is not like this, in fact the personal mind has never been the one doing anything - it only identifies with what is happening. You cannot know anything of religiousness through the personal mind, it is because it is exactly the barrier, the nature of illusion. Even Jesus says this by instructing you to drop personal will and do the will of God, it means the same. Also, it states you must take on the mind which was also in Jesus, it is the same thing. Most important, it says you must hate your own life to be Jesus' disciple, all this is pertinent to the topic.
Instead, we go on trying to fix the personal mind, the ego, and wonder why nothing is happening. Every war that has ever been fought has happened because both sides believe they are doing the right thing, there has never been a war where one side wasn't quite sure it was worth while or righteous. The personal mind is always striving to be more, the universal mind is always everything...
If you want to live in God's presence, you must not permit the personal mind to rule you, it wants to be like the universal mind but it doesn't know how, it goes on gathering things and ideas but the universal mind is already in everything. You realize you were never something other than God once you drop the personal endeavors, this is awakening, God is Dharmakaya - your truth body.
It is just foolish to improve that which is the basis of all problems, just drop it and the problems drop with it. Instead, we go on clinging to it, we think it is us, we even protect it not realizing it is the nature of all our problems. Will you trust God - life, existence, love - to guard over your affairs and give yourself utterly as you believe yourself to be? You are only offering fallacy, but in giving up all that is false there is only truth left...
Know yourself in Dharmakaya, stop living as something separate.