A House divided against itself
cannot stand. Eventually, the entire Human Family will be accurately perceived - therefore understood & categorized - as
falling within or primarily within
one astrological division. From the right perspective this is of course already the case, even in time & space.
While seemingly (and truly) analytical (vs. intuitive?) this same observation - if true - should serve as a reminder
of what Unity is and stands for. Beyond Individualization is growth and progress within the worlds of the Monad's experience, yet what is our common Human destiny, what is our GOAL?
I think -
once we get beyond individual differences [as these affect our given
persona of the moment, or even of a series, or group] - what remains is this
potential state of existence UNITED, rather than divided.
I do not say that we do not know what it is like, what it is worth, why it exists, or
how it came to pass even in the first place - this UNITY, and the Potential to rise beyond our various human antagonisms (in the big,
much bigger picture of the Purpose and Destiny of Humanity). I don't think we're "already there" in the sense we need to be, either; isn't that self-delusion? It seems to be the case that we are part-way through the Journey.
Not all religions address with much the same detail just how the Future will look for us, but most have a soteriology and also an
eschatology that it is worth our time paying attention to, at some point. I am not suggesting that all should be folded into one, or the details ignored. I think that would be to our detriment at this point. But I do think we should be considering whether perhaps all religions
do actually say similiar things, if interpreted carefully, allowing
the different light [as pointed out in Thomas' post] in which such subjects may be seen, lifted or cast.
When it's all said and done, I think Thomas has summarized wonderfully - naturally from a Roman Catholic nuanced POV - essential characteristics which
should resonate with most scholars of Western traditions, and probably also with many of us who are mystically inclined. What I wish people could or would do, is simply
set aside cumbersome, confusing, or unfamiliar semantics and
try to see what is really being said, or suggested.
We mustn't get confused or misled, or in some cases turned off by the phraseology. How absurd. I am not exactly a theist, certainly not your average Christian, yet to say "Light is the essence of all religions, the light of mind, the light of knowing, the light that lightens every soul, the light that shines unseen in the darkness of our comprehension." ... ~ this alone pretty well sums up Luciferianism, does it not
Etu Malku?
Spoken, no less, by a staunch Roman Catholic.
Anyway, Bravo Thomas! Excellent summary; I quite agree.