Visitors to Earth from other Stars or Planets


Gnōthi seauton
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Terra Firma
In response to several posts by ResistETIntervention on another thread, I've started a thread here to discuss what's "really going on" (how's that for a spring-loaded kick-start) regarding this topic.

I might try and get the ball rolling by asking, only for those who seriously believe we have already been or are currently being visited by UFOs and ETs ... do you regard the visitors (from your experiences, direct or indirect, and/or belief system) as mostly benign, mostly malicious, evenly split, entirely neutral ... or do you prefer to reserve all judgment? Naturally, it's helpful to say why you believe the way you do! ;)

My own opinion has already been stated on the aforementioned thread, but since a video was posted on that thread by ResistET, I have a a couple of videos to share here in response:


(Top Secret Government Alien UFO Invasion Film - YouTube)


(Morbo on the election - YouTube)

Soon to follow, a somewhat more detailed response to ResistET's concerns ...
I was patient enough to watch about 30 minutes of the video that ResistET posted on another thread ... and I'll include the link to the video here for easy reference. I do this, despite that video being almost entirely a propaganda film, promoting a xenophobic, paranoid view of all things extra-terrestrial ... not to mention a totally bleak outlook on our future as a species, all thanks to the nicely-demonized view of ET, UFOs and ~ as usual ~ the New Age Movement.

The bottom line, and thus a synopsis of most of what I will have to say (as a direct response to the 30 minutes of the video I watched), is that the video is garbage ... and does little else than scapegoat people like Stephen Greer, despite hundreds of eyewitnesses who have submitted their testimony as part of the Disclosure Project.

The video sets up Greer and related figures as straw men, then proceeds to tear them down with accusations of being religious zealots and blindly seeking their own agendas - financial, political and religious. Instead, Richard Dolan becomes the NEW AUTHORITY on all things alien, and suddenly a little cadre of Dolan followers are now the voice of Reason, such that if you aren't quaking in your boots over the upcoming alien invasion, you're pretty much an ostrich with your head in the sand. :p

What follows are somewhat more detailed observations of how the video arrives at some of these unfounded, ridiculous conclusions:

In the first few minutes of the video, we notice that the narrator calls for "impartial and open-minded investigation," then almost immediately begins with ONE person's very biased effort to persuade us that we are facing a military threat from UFOs and ETs. This is on the basis that the air superiority of the United States has been challenged, with reference to such events as the 1954 UFO incident in Wasington, D.C.

The sensationalism with which this historical episode is presented makes it seem as if this is something suddenly new in our experience, happening just yesterday and therefore grounds for an immediate panic ... yet most UFO investigators have long since known about the 1954 UFO flap, and as we shall see, it's only the occasional kooks and xenophobes who cannot accept that our visiting Friends come with Positive intent, rather than to enslave the planet, rape our women, steal our gold, etc. :rolleyes:

I will point out here, and then again at the end of this post, that if ANY of this garbage were true, we would have by now a LONG, LONG LIST of cases of UFO aggression in our airspaces, and our cities, missile silos and other military installations would long ago have been decimated, or at least SOME DISPLAY OF AGGRESSION would have taken place to demonstrate that we are in immediate or imminent danger.

Instead, and I would ask you to pay close attention to these FACTS:
  • NO SUCH hostile attacks or displays have taken place, almost without exception!!!
  • In the FEW cases wherein a show of force has occurred, the method in which UFO superiority has been demonstrated has ALWAYS TAKEN PLACE WITHOUT HARM coming to actual human beings!
  • NEVER ... in the entire history of the UFO/ET phenomena occurring since 1947 AND PRIOR ... have ANY DIRECT THREATS EVER taken place, whereby individual human beings, or Humanity en masse has received any kind of ultimatum or been told we would be harmed.
  • On the contrary, even in those cases where some leader or other individual claims to have been contacted, BY AND LARGE the only warnings we have ever received are to the effect that WE OURSELVES are in danger of destroying our own planet through such poisons as pollution, global warming, nuclear war or other environmental catastrophe brought on by US (even where Nature may be the force that wipes clean the proverbial slate).
Regarding Stephen Greer and the Disclosure Project, one should carefully note that the video introduces him and gives entirely short shrift - in less than a minute - to many years of hard work, totally dismissing the literally HUNDREDS of military and civilian eyewitnesses who have bravely come forward with testimony which they are BEGGING Congress to consider.

And of those witnesses, do you know how many xenophobic, fear fanatics are running helter skelter and telling us we are facing upcoming doom and gloom at the hands of the ETs?


Greer's is then cast in the light of suspicion because of his "religious zeal" and the noble goal of joining an intergalactic Brotherhood. Gee, this sounds quite a bit like the same high-minded ideals of those crazy kooks like Buddha and Jesus ... and we all know how successful THOSE religious nuts were, RIGHT??? :rolleyes: :(

In a word, we know it was owing to the FOLLOWERS that the major religious Founders have failed (or been misunderstood), even in recent or modern times ... going back as far as we have any type of Human history on record to demonstrate.

So from the outset, I think we can easily see where this propaganda video is headed ... with its xenophobic suspicion and long string of false accustations and distortions of the truth, become "FACT." Straw man after straw man is going to be set up, then attacked.

The problem with this video is that it distorts. Greer may himself be guilty of accentuating the positive and being dismissive of the SMALL percentage of UFO experiences which can be substantiated as genuinely alarming (and WHICH are these again, other than the ones I have mentioned above where objective evidence may exist???).

Yet this author/narrator/producer does just the opposite, and this is patently offensive. While attacking those whom he claims MISINFORM us, he goes on to do precisely the same ... by drawing undue attention to stooges like Dolan and writing Greer off immediately on the basis of "religious zealotry" or idealism

People write off Jesus everyday for precisely the same reasons, and this was nothing new as it occurred even before Christ had been crucified. It is always the habit of an ignorant, uninformed and fearful populace to squelch those ideas and innovations which challenge the status quo and suggest any real departure from prevalent modes of thought, behavior or action. I think Einstein pointed this out ... and countless others, besides.

So, everything we hearin this video is already likely to be the result of this individual's own distortions, fears and *extremely biased agenda* to instill or perpetuate the kind of xenophobia and paranoia that already cloud the topic. Aside from the first few minutes of the flick, we gain no new insights or angle on UFO/ET phenomena, and instead are treated to pure bunk ... which quickly digresses into the dangers of anal probing and mind control, or being forced to have sex with alien-human hybrids aboard their spaceships while other people watch. :rolleyes: :p :eek:

I mean, come on, this is all put forward on the basis of years and years of hypnotic regression on the part of two or there researchers ... who, thorough as they may have been, apparently have never considered the curious question: Might you have been sexually molested as a child? :(

It truly leaves one scratching one's head - not because you find yourself wondering, "gee, might I have been abducted," or even because you wonder if the priest down at the local parish was feeling up the alter boys while wearing alien masks ... but rather, you have to wonder why people fall for this kind of crap. I mean, even an into to Psych course would quite easily explain what's going on here, and while I do allow room for a margin of error, I also know good and well that ET didn't fly halfway across the Galaxy, or Cosmos, so he could screw with little kids, either psychologically or literally. :rolleyes:

The remainder of this post are my notes, unedited, before I got sick of the video and had to flush it down the crapper. I would try and edit them, but I gotta go to work, and I've wasted FAR too much time on this trash already.

Enjoy! :p

Greer is directly accused of a HIDDEN AGENDA: political, spiritual and/or financial. What an idiot this guy is ... overlooking how it is PRECISELY a revolution in EACH of these interrelated disciplines which MUST TAKE PLACE on a GLOBAL SCALE if we are to survive even to the end of the current century. If Greer is going to be attacked on the grounds that he is advocating for precisely the needed change in each of these areas, WITH OR WITHOUT help from ET civilizations, then I think this author [Guy Malone] had better pull his head out of his ass, wake up, and smell the fear-based paranoia that he's spreading and perpetuating!

What a shame that such ignorance is so easily to edit and slap together and spam all over YouTube ... but then, that's the nature of the double edged sword in a country/world with a growing FREE PRESS, now isn't it.

Sure enough, Greer is now presented as "a UFO disinformation agent" ... and when the discernment is so lacking as to make an unfounded assertion as this, with the evidence {DEAR GOD} against such a ridiculous notion ... I think we know it's about time to just flush this trip and get on with something productive.

Now the entire NEW AGE Movement is being attacked, and so we see the backlash of Piscean 6th ray energies as these short circuit in the naive and easily-emotionally swayed ... themselves projecting their fears and concerns onto the very leaders who embody and properly channel both 6th and 7th-Ray, Aquarian GROUP energy. The bottom line is, these folks just can't stand to see anyone spearheading an effort toward global peace and World Cooperation/Brotherhood, much less something so far reaching and with such powerful implications as an interplanetary/inter-stellar Brotherhood or Federation. These clowns will crucify the Christ all over again, simply because they fail to recognize the Christ Spirit in an unknown, EXTRA-terrestrial form, much less the inherent FORMLESSness in & through which it can already be discovered and experienced here on Planet Eearth.

Laura Knight-Jadcyzk fully reveals herself as but one of Dolan's stooges, falling lockstep into his camp of paranoid concerns and refusal to think beyond the same old box of "we're here to take over and kick you off your land and exploit your resources," all because HUMANITY - on THIS planet - has long struggled with these tendencies (themselves indicative of the inherent difficulties in harnessing and properly expressing 1st Ray, power-aligned energy) ... and folks like Zechariah SItchin have connected the dots with Sumerian mythology, Nibiru and demonized visitors supposedly therefrom.
I personally believe we have been visited and even have been helped in the passed by aliens.

I hear the arguments that why haven't we seen evidence of them, well something that is advanced way beyond our so called advanced intelligent can easily elude us if they can travel billions of light years I am pretty sure they have technology that they can elude us pretty easy and besides if they are watching our planet they will see we are a warning and destructive race maybe they are waiting for us to grow up a little more who knows.

And as I am concerned if we feel we are the only intelligent beings in the vast universe and we are the only ones who have developed space travel and there is a higher being who created all the boy did he/she really mess up if we are the best they can come up with.
Good observations, arohk! I'm with you! :)

Humanity has what some religions call Free Will ... even though mainstream theology hasn't properly understood the implications [for example, with Freedom comes great Responsibility].

ET cannnot interfere beyond a certain measure to which Humanity - on whatever level - is already seeking COOPERATION between all people(s), all Kingdoms and therefore potentially with other civilizations.

In the last analysis, we will either move forward with Right Human Relations to the point that interaction with other planets becomes possible ... or we will suffer the consequences.
Good summary, OS-jbug. Panspermic theory, the idea that life was "seeded" for elsewhere, is really the only viable scientific alternative to the huge number of abiogentic theories (life evolved from inorganic molecules naturally). Since abiogenesis is nearly pseudo-scientific (everytime a scheme for making life fails some smart scientist finds another--making the notion unfalsifiable, if noe every instance), and we have found traces of simple "left-hand" organisms in meteorites (the handedness takes care of the issue of homochirality), I, for one, find it probably likely. Evolved intelligent life elsewhere also probably likely. Them contacting openly or controlling or invading us, not very likely.
I might try and get the ball rolling by asking, only for those who seriously believe we have already been or are currently being visited by UFOs and ETs ...

Since AndrewX started the thread requesting that only those who seriously believe we have already been or are currently being visited by UFOs and ETs, I would cordially request that those who believe otherwise to start their own threads.

I will post a response to AndrewX soon.
AndrewX said:
The bottom line, and thus a synopsis of most of what I will have to say (as a direct response to the 30 minutes of the video I watched), is that the video is garbage ... and does little else than scapegoat people like Stephen Greer, despite hundreds of eyewitnesses who have submitted their testimony as part of the Disclosure Project.
By the same token, you may want to question why Stephen Greer is considered THE authority in the subject of UFO/ET phenomena. Many ufologists claim that they’ve been doing research in the field of ufology for decades. What exactly is in the testimony of the Disclosure Project? Eyewitnesses of what?

AndrewX said:
The video sets up Greer and related figures as straw men, then proceeds to tear them down with accusations of being religious zealots and blindly seeking their own agendas - financial, political and religious. Instead, Richard Dolan becomes the NEW AUTHORITY on all things alien, and suddenly a little cadre of Dolan followers are now the voice of Reason, such that if you aren't quaking in your boots over the upcoming alien invasion, you're pretty much an ostrich with your head in the sand.
If you consider it honestly, you’ll come to the inevitable conclusion that no human beings can be THE authority in the subject of UFO/ET phenomena, for humanity has not traveled far enough into the space to know anything about life in the universe. Human beings can research for decades, centuries, or even millennia, and still not have a clue about life in the universe. To be truly honest then, the only true education about life in the universe can come from extraterrestrial source or Divine Source. Wouldn’t you agree?

The important question to ask is then which source do we trust? Some ETs will attempt to depict themselves as benevolent helpers, spiritual emissaries, friends here to advance humanity technologically or scientifically, or saviors here to fight other malevolent ETs or solve global issues. Then there are other ETs who claim that the ET Intervention with sinister intentions and goals is occurring in our world. Whom should humanity believe?

AndreX said:
The sensationalism with which this historical episode is presented makes it seem as if this is something suddenly new in our experience, happening just yesterday and therefore grounds for an immediate panic ... yet most UFO investigators have long since known about the 1954 UFO flap, and as we shall see, it's only the occasional kooks and xenophobes who cannot accept that our visiting Friends come with Positive intent, rather than to enslave the planet, rape our women, steal our gold, etc.
Yes, humanity has been visited throughout its history. Yet, the ET Intervention that has been occurring globally for the past few decades now is of unprecedented scale never seen before.

What benevolent intents do your “visiting Friends” come with, and what proofs do you have to verify this? Why do you choose to disregard a mountain of evidences of abductees (mind you, ALL abductees were abducted AGAINST THEIR WILL) who have suffered physically, psychologically, and mentally? To those abductees who have the memory of “loving” or “spiritually enlightening” experiences, or any other experiences that are seemingly “beneficial” to humanity, I would like to challenge them to remember what ELSE occurred during the abduction?

We need to consider the following with utmost clarity. Would benevolent beings abduct anyone against his/her will in order to demonstrate how benevolent they are? Would spiritually enlightened races of the universe abduct anyone against his/her will in order to enlighten their abductees spiritually? According to the book “Taken” by Dr. Karla Turner, when abductees do recall from their memory or via hypnosis, they are distraught with the fear of having been abducted; they were completely incapacitated to do anything for themselves or their loved ones before and during the abduction; they live with constant feeling of anxiety and helplessness because they do not know when they may be abducted again. Their lives and relationships are damaged or destroyed due to physical, psychological, and mental disturbances that their abduction experiences have induced, as well as the ridicules, isolations, and insecurity they had to cope with afterwards. Is this the kind of results your “benevolent friends” had in mind?

Andrewx said:
I will point out here, and then again at the end of this post, that if ANY of this garbage were true, we would have by now a LONG, LONG LIST of cases of UFO aggression in our airspaces, and our cities, missile silos and other military installations would long ago have been decimated, or at least SOME DISPLAY OF AGGRESSION would have taken place to demonstrate that we are in immediate or imminent danger.
If you understood their true intentions, their weaknesses, strengths, their limitations due to the conditions of our world, the rules of conduct they are bound by in this region of the universe, as well as the method by which they scheme to attain their goals, then you can see why there are no public aggression displayed, why our world will not be conquered militarily, and why that does not, in any way, imply that they must be peaceful or come with benevolent intentions.

This solar system is apparently located in a region of the galaxy, well-inhabited by many intelligent races. Commerce and trade have long been established, and rules of regulations have been established to ensure smooth transactions. Although conflicts do occur within a world, conflicts between worlds are suppressed by these rules of conduct. Due to such rules, no extraterrestrial races can conquer another world by force, and that no extraterrestrial races can intervene in other worlds’ affairs.

That is, the ET Intervention that has been occurring in our world is NOT allowed to be in our world, and it is NOT allowed to use any military force to conquer this world.

These rules of conduct limit the resource-seekers of the ET Intervention from gaining control of this world, a truly beautiful gem in the universe filled with stark, barren worlds, with rich biological resources that other ETs covet. Thus, should any races in this region of the galaxy wish to conquer a world, they must employ other more covert and subtle methods to intervene in that world. They have acquired a great skill to manipulate other beings via persuasion and deceptions. This is their strength, their skill to influence thoughts in the mental environment. Thus, humanity must become educated about the reality of life in the universe, and learn to become stronger in the mental environment so that each individual and humanity collectively cannot fall under the persuasion and deception of these ETs.

The only two cases any ETs are allowed to intervene in a world are if the native of the world welcomes or doesn’t seem to mind the “visitation,” or if the native of the world is ruining and destroying the natural environment of the world. The ET Intervention began gathering in this solar system in an increasing number after the advent of the nuclear weapon in WWII, and also due to the rapid destruction of the natural environment of the world by human beings. These ETs were very concerned that humanity may actually destroy the world with biodiversity which is very rare in the universe, and rich with biological and other resources which they covet.

However, the ETs cannot breathe the Earth’s atmosphere and they are not adapted to withstand the biological hazards (germs) of this world, having been evolved in sterile environment. In fact, our world has enough germs to eradicate an entire race of a world, or even the entire region of the universe. This is a very serious problem for these ETs. So, they need the human beings to work for them to acquire the resources they need. To that end, one of their intentions is to acquire human allegiance and human cooperation so that human beings can work meekly for them without any resistance against them. If any strong enough resistance against the ET Intervention arose, then the ETs would have no choice but to leave the solar system, for there are other worlds in the region observing this world.

So these are their weaknesses: inability to breathe the atmosphere of the planet, biological hazards, inability to gain the resources without human allegiance and cooperation, and most importantly, any resistance movement by humanity against the ET Intervention.

One of the reasons that the ET Intervention has been abducting people who have been returned seemingly safely is to alter their minds to welcome and support the ET Intervention, the very ETs that abducted them against their will. These returned and mind-controlled abductees who do not even remember the entire episode of their abduction experiences but only the “memory” that the ETs planted in their minds, then become apologists and supporters of the ETs whose true intentions they know nothing about.

Abduction is ALWAYS (not almost always) unethical. It undermines the freedom and self-determination of the abductees who apparently cannot take actions as they will it during the abduction because they are physically, sensory-wise, psychologically, and mentally incapacitated.

Then, what humanity must do to thwart the ET Intervention is to become educated about the realities of life in the universe, become stronger in the mental environment so that it will not fall under the persuasion of the ET Intervention, and become united out of necessity in order to declare its sovereignty in our solar system. It has its native right to declare this, and other worlds will expect and respect such declaration as well as the united native race. Humanity must also ensure to live a sustainable life so that our natural environment is restored and preserved and our natural resources are conserved and sustainably maintained. Otherwise, humanity will have to depend on other races of the universe for the very basic needs, and its suppliers will determine the rules of engagement more than itself. Also, humanity must learn to become absolutely discreet in our affairs, rather than broadcast all our weaknesses and strengths into the space for all discreet observers to watch.

Thus, three things must be accomplished in order to maintain our freedom and self-determination in our solar system: unity, self-sufficiency, and discretion.
Oh, I am on the same page, completely with Andrew. There is no reason to think we are alone and unique in the whole Universe. Bio-aliens, bullocks... It was more likely like this;
From a distant star, Highly evolved consciousness came to lend a helping hand to mankind. In fact, before the written history of men, spirits from Sirius had incarnated to earth to teach us the secret of fire, how to feed themselves, to make tools and STAY ALIVE. Those were not easy times for men...These "men" were outsiders, they were different from the primitive brutes they shared their destiny with. Some of these brave men became healers and shamans but these men were often killed due to the fears instilled in by their different abilities. . Their vision and intelligence was far superior to those around them. Yet, even after their brutal deaths, they again reincarnated by choice to do a job...
Experiences in Astral Travelling and the Deeper states of meditation leave me no question as to whether there are aliens or not... most assuredly we are not the only intelligent creatures Our Father created....

I find it interesting that the conversation rarely gets past that....
I have questions which reach considerably further, for instance :

Did Our Father bless them all with that portion of Himself which He gave us??
I have reasons to think that the answer might be no.... does that scare you?
It does me, a little bit... because i think they know we are here... and it interests them in a way i cannot understand...

However, it is a big wide creation, and for every unsavory type you run across, there are quite a few benign beings. And it is a simple Truth that there are a GREAT MANY beings at Higher vibrations who are offering us their assistance and protection...

Our Greatest consolation is that we have a direct connection to Our Father - and assistance is ever but a moment away. We are Our Fathers agents in Creation, and he will not let us suffer that which we do not deserve.... be it from alien sources or Low vibrational entities..
The answer is to look to ourselves - stand in the Light of Our Father, and no harm may come to us....
Since AndrewX started the thread requesting that only those who seriously believe we have already been or are currently being visited by UFOs and ETs, I would cordially request that those who believe otherwise to start their own threads.

I will post a response to AndrewX soon.

Hahaha. Yes, I noticed that, too. Where do the people who don't believe the bunkum go?
Many ufologists claim that they’ve been doing research in the field of ufology for decades. What exactly is in the testimony of the Disclosure Project? Eyewitnesses of what?
Greer is one of these. Check out the Disclosure Project for yourself. You've got two good eyes and ears, a computer and a brain. Much of the material is free and available for streaming or download. I won't tell you what you can learn on your own! ;)

ResistETIntervention said:
If you consider it honestly, you’ll come to the inevitable conclusion that no human beings can be THE authority in the subject of UFO/ET phenomena, for humanity has not traveled far enough into the space to know anything about life in the universe. Human beings can research for decades, centuries, or even millennia, and still not have a clue about life in the universe. To be truly honest then, the only true education about life in the universe can come from extraterrestrial source or Divine Source. Wouldn’t you agree?
Socrates was wise precisely because he was humble and knew how much he would never know.

ResistETIntervention said:
The important question to ask is then which source do we trust? Some ETs will attempt to depict themselves as benevolent helpers, spiritual emissaries, friends here to advance humanity technologically or scientifically, or saviors here to fight other malevolent ETs or solve global issues. Then there are other ETs who claim that the ET Intervention with sinister intentions and goals is occurring in our world. Whom should humanity believe?
This is the problem, my friend. I don't beleve that *you* have yet developed the powers of discernment to make the correct observations ... or arrive at the right conclusions. This puts you in the same category as the millions of Christians who think Jesus is going to magically appear someday and make all their woes and human sufferings disappear in a puff of smoke. The only difference is, you believe the opposite, and you've shifted the fear onto ET.

You can demonize ET, which is what you have done ... and pretty soon it's all about RESIST RESIST RESIST. :rolleyes:

Or you can angelicize them ... and then it's just a Messiah delusion, wherein ET is the new Messiah, rather than Jesus (or Krishna, or whomever).

Note carefully: This isn't what I've said, or suggested. We don't need to look beyond planet Earth for demons and angels. But until we sort our own stuff out, we won't be able to understand other civilizations (and planets), because we're too busy projecting fears & anxieties, expectations and aspirations ... from within our OWN PSYCHES.

ResistETIntervention said:
Yes, humanity has been visited throughout its history. Yet, the ET Intervention that has been occurring globally for the past few decades now is of unprecedented scale never seen before.
When the idiot nextdoor to you is obviously of the troubled sort, psychologically disturbed and going through some difficult crap, it's only natural that you become concerned. When there is constant violence coming from within that household, people yelling and screaming, throwing things inside the house and even out onto the lawn ... isn't it reasonable that you will take notice?

When the house itself, and the plot of land is not properly cared for, why on EARTH (AHEM) wouldn't you begin to become concerned about your *OWN* WELL-BEING ... and unless you're a total selfish sonofabitch, wouldn't you also begin to worry about the other folks in the neighborhood, even the very people in this troubled family, who are going through the CRAP, and who are causing anxiety for yourself and the surrounding neighbors?

When you begin to hear gunshots, and when the threats rise to a fever pitch, to the point that these folks are literally threatening to destroy each other, and even to take their troubles outside the house ... in an ARMED & DANGEROUS fashion ... what kind of a JERK would YOU be if you DIDN'T do something about it? :eek:

ResistETIntervention, you are still trying to hide in your OWN house - ironically blabbing away about how worried you are for your OWN family - yet doing little about it, that I can see, except voicing fear & paranoia, pure XENOphobia, and carrying on about how horrible your neighbors are because they are concerned about the MUCKUP which we can all notice taking place in YOUR HOUSEHOLD, with YOUR FAMILY ... as you apparently continue to justify or turn the deaf ear and the blind eye to these obvious domestic problems.

My friend, when the police come knocking on your door, although I WILL be - and I AM - concerned for YOUR well-being, and for that of YOUR family ... I'll level with you. If they have to shoot every bleepin' one of you ... I will NOT WEEP, because the people around you DESERVE to live, and to do so without feeling constantly THREATENED.

My compassion may be great, but I refuse to demonize the policemen and other authorities, even concerned neighbors, simply because they are worried about you and the violence that you seem determined to perpetuate and even carry forth out into the COMMUNITY at large.

You are BLIND, my friend ... or else so self-absorbed that you do not RECOGNIZE how dangerous you really are. Perhaps you even DO know that you are in trouble ... and perhaps you see that it's not healthy, this crap that's going on in your family. :) ;)

You see? That's a good thing, oh yes. But if you will not DO anything about it, or if you do not know WHAT to do, then try to resist the pure FEAR of anyone who comes in an effort to assist you. Try to realize that, by and large, those who come to assist - whether they be Social Services to try and intervene on the children's behalf, the POLICE in order to invene on the neighbors' behalf, or perhaps a support group & other forms of outreach simply to intervene on YOUR behalf - it is ALL BEING DONE, about 99.5%, for YOUR OWN FRIGGIN' WELL-BEING.

The fact that someone else is tired of not being able to just SLEEP at night may indeed mean that he's willing to bust a cap in yo' ass, but guess what? I really don't blame him.

Now I AM you, and you ARE me, and We are All Together ...

... so get over yourself ... and get over your fears and xenophobias, and stop watching so many scary movies and screwed up YouTube videos.

Learn to accept things like Men in Black and the sequel, and the upcoming silliness of the 3rd installment ... and if you MUST face reality, keep watching Spielberg's ET until you realize just WHY the "government" (yes, your OWN shadow ops type folks) love fear-mongers such as yourself.

You are doing their own work FOR them. And quite well, I might add.

The rest of your post is nothing but testimony precisely to this effect. It is your fear, in print. It is disturbing, but not to me. It is a cry for help, but not to me. And it is sad, but I am not weeping.

ResistETIntervention said:
Abduction is ALWAYS (not almost always) unethical. It undermines the freedom and self-determination of the abductees who apparently cannot take actions as they will it during the abduction because they are physically, sensory-wise, psychologically, and mentally incapacitated.
Let me tell you one last thing, since the misguided cannot be expected to find their way out of a darkened room alone, even if it WAS their own damn fault for wandering in without a light, then shutting the door TO Light and ON Light behind them. :eek:

Compassion will ALWAYS seek to open the door, yet when it cannot, it will whisper through the keyhole ... whatever it can in order to help the person inside to LIGHT the candle on the table, in order to find his way back out. ;) :)

When scientists and researchers in the oceans take dolphins and other creatures aboard their vessels, they tag them in order to track their movements, sometimes to take various samples ... yet those of us who understand the TRUE motives of those scientists do not become xenophobes and fear-mongers, precisely because we DO understand.

When, similarly, these researchers are strongly motivated to PRESERVE or assist the very species which we are seeking to monitor or study, via these abductions :rolleyes: ... no one in their right mind would rant on and on about how horrible this is, and how much we are violating the Free Will and rights of the beings being "abducted."

Dear Friend, ResistETIntervention, you have let your imagination run wild. You have entered a darkened room, and you have done so without a sufficient lightsource.

All that I can do is to try and assist you, yet if you shut me out, I will be forced to remain outside the room, just as ET must do - at this stage in our Cooperation ... and the best I will be able to offer is to exchange with you from here at the keyhole. I can listen, yet right now I do not hear anything productive, and if *you* are not willing to calm down and recognize what is really happening ... how can I possibly be of assistance?

You would not trust me if we were both in that room together, or even if you were outside of the room, here with me ... and with others who realize that things are not as they (sometimes) seem.

Since when was Hollywood the Gospel?

Since when was the voice of FEAR the proper guide?

Since WHEN was the Cosmos a place of social Darwinism, except in the paranoid delusional, xenophobicd, geocentric/anthropocentric, skewed and distored, ignorant little world ... of HUMANITY?

Dear Friend, we are not the scum of the Universe, no matter what Science Fiction may have suggested to us in the past century or so.

Nor are we the crème de la crème, the Crown of Creation, no matter what Christian doctrine may suggest, since the latter has been interpreted in largest part without the benefit of the proper Keys ... and symbolism.

In truth, yes, we are fairly HUMBLE in the Grander Scheme of things ... yet this does not mean that we are unknown to God, or to the Lord of this System [Surya-Sol, Helios, the Solar Logos, etc.]. Even the Sirian Logos is aware of what is taking place on this little planet, and a Sirian Avatar is said to be assisting us - NOW.

Such a statement will likely be meaningless to you, as it is almost the same to me ... yet I do recognize it for its implications, as this is the COSMIC CHRIST, and therefore essentially an OPEN Doorway to all that is Right and Good and Holy, Beautiful and True.

Won't you open that door within the tiny room of your own heart & mind, and realize that what lies on the other side is not a free ride, or even the magical answer to every question ... but is, instead and in the very least, an open invitation to CONTINUE your search for Truth and meaning, with the promise that in time, you like the rest of us WILL FIND IT?

You feel that you have discovered something which is both frustrating and fearful ... and I cannot deny that your findings are either.

But I CAN say that having found these kinds of answers in my own search MANY times before ... I have NEVER given up the search, and I have ALWAYS discovered, with patience & persistence, that there is ALWAYS a bigger picture, always a more true or meaningful perspective into which *everything* manages to fit ... and from which all things have proper significance in the larger Scheme.

It is about BALANCE, which fact alone makes it a true irony that *I* of all people should tell you this ... but from another perspective, it is entirely appropriate, and rather than acknowledge even a SINGLE additional concern of yours, I can but assure you: *IF* you will set these matters aside for the moment, and concern yourself with what really matters, I think you will see, everything will fit properly into place.

Go outside and go for a walk, go bowling if the weather is bad. Go fishing if you like, or do as I must do and go do some yardwork. Forget about these concerns, for they are weighing upon you, and needlessly so.

All things in balance. :)

I'll leave you with a quote which beautifully illustrates the Hylozoistic nature of the Ageless Wisdom:
"All are but parts of one stupdendous whole
whose body Nature is and God the soul."
~ Alexander Pope
hmmm the problem with earth being seeded from elsewhere is that where did the elsewhere seed come from? (say that 3 times quickly!)
heard one chap who said he used some form of bio telescope and claimed to have viewed etheric plant life on mars.
you hear about the fish from the sky etc, i believe some simpler forms of life might appear from thin air if the information is there and the conditions right. this seems to concur with reichs understanding of formation of life.
aliens, i feel, are, in one form, subtle bodied interdimensional beings who form bodies and ships to travel through space or hyperspace.
from The Secret Life of Nature by Peter Tompkins::

How such sublime beings might appear to human eyes is indicated by the prophet Ezekiel in the course of his ecstatic visions when he describes thrones as many-coloured, wheel-like structures built up in such a way as to form wheels within wheels, multicoloured transparent rings, one turning within the other, the inner one with eyes. In this description, angelologist Robert Sorbello sees an indication of flying saucers, as does his Dutch colleague, H.C. Moolenburgh, in his A Handbook of Angels, and as does Billy Graham in his book Angels: all three authors relate the UFO phenomena specifically to the higher hierarchies of angels. (thrones, cherubim, seraphim)

look up ezekiels wheel on google images and also in the same notion as ufo's is the phrase/name: chariots of fire. willow the wisp...
look up ezekiels wheel on google images and also in the same notion as ufo's is the phrase/name: chariots of fire. willow the wisp...

ummm, i have a COMPLETELY different understanding of Ezekiel's chariot....
From my spiritual practice, I would suggest looking up the similarities of the concept of the Merkaba and the descriptions of Ezekiel's chariot, when desiring to understand Ezekiel's experiences....

YOU may ride in that very same chariot....

but please - back to the discussion....
AndrewX said:
Greer is one of these. Check out the Disclosure Project for yourself. You've got two good eyes and ears, a computer and a brain. Much of the material is free and available for streaming or download. I won't tell you what you can learn on your own!
I had already checked out various Disclosure Projects a while ago. I just wasn’t sure what you were trying to say with your statement in the previous post, since the video I mentioned does not deny the “visitation” by ETs. On the contrary, its premise is precisely that we are being “visited.” However, what differs in the observations of those in the video and ufologists such as Stephen Greer is that the former deduced that the ETs currently “visiting” the planet have sinister purposes as indicated by the covert activities they have been carrying out, and the latter is deluded in presuming that the ETs “visiting” are “our friends” here to assist us, while disregarding all the evidences that indicate otherwise.
I include that video again here, since it was posted in a different thread.

AndrewX said:
ResistETIntervention said:
If you consider it honestly, you’ll come to the inevitable conclusion that no human beings can be THE authority in the subject of UFO/ET phenomena, for humanity has not traveled far enough into the space to know anything about life in the universe. Human beings can research for decades, centuries, or even millennia, and still not have a clue about life in the universe. To be truly honest then, the only true education about life in the universe can come from extraterrestrial source or Divine Source. Wouldn’t you agree?
Socrates was wise precisely because he was humble and knew how much he would never know.
You didn’t tell me whether you agree or not.

AndrewX said:
You can demonize ET, which is what you have done ... and pretty soon it's all about RESIST RESIST RESIST.

Or you can angelicize them ... and then it's just a Messiah delusion, wherein ET is the new Messiah, rather than Jesus (or Krishna, or whomever).
You’ve misunderstood me. I neither demonize nor “angelicize” these ETs. They are 3-dimensional beings living in the physical reality, constrained by all the restrictions and requirements this reality imposes upon them as it does upon human beings. In a way, they are very much like us, in that they need resources to survive.

AndrewX said:
When the idiot nextdoor to you is obviously of the troubled sort, psychologically disturbed and going through some difficult crap, it's only natural that you become concerned. When there is constant violence coming from within that household, people yelling and screaming, throwing things inside the house and even out onto the lawn ... isn't it reasonable that you will take notice?

When the house itself, and the plot of land is not properly cared for, why on EARTH (AHEM) wouldn't you begin to become concerned about your *OWN* WELL-BEING ... and unless you're a total selfish sonofabitch, wouldn't you also begin to worry about the other folks in the neighborhood, even the very people in this troubled family, who are going through the CRAP, and who are causing anxiety for yourself and the surrounding neighbors?
It is a grave error to project your own tendency onto the ETs whose thoughts, beliefs, cultures, philosophies, and tendencies are vastly different from that of human beings. Unfortunately, they are self-serving resource-seekers that would use human beings in any way they see fit in order to acquire the resources they need, for they regard us as nothing more than livestock to be used.

Yes, they are concerned about the violent, unruly, and chaotic tendencies of human beings, and view humanity with disdain and horror. What they are concerned about is that, if and when humanity is able to travel far across the space, it may cause disturbances to the trade and commerce routes that have long been established. They are concerned that humanity may war amongst itself with nuclear weapons which will destroy the Earth environment and its precious resources that THEY want to use for themselves.

AndrewX said:
When you begin to hear gunshots, and when the threats rise to a fever pitch, to the point that these folks are literally threatening to destroy each other, and even to take their troubles outside the house ... in an ARMED & DANGEROUS fashion ... what kind of a JERK would YOU be if you DIDN'T do something about it?
Here, there is an aspect of the reason that the ETs take notice of human violence, that is similar to, and yet mainly vastly different from the reason that neighbors’ take notice of a troubled household. Human beings might intervene in their troubled neighbors’ affairs because they bring disturbances to their neighborhood. They are concerned for their own safety, and perhaps for the safety of those troubled neighbors or their families as well. These ETs are also concerned for themselves and their trade routes, should warlike humanity began venturing out into the space in the future, as I have mentioned before. However, they are not concerned about the safety of humanity, but about the destruction of the resources of the Earth they want. Though they will present themselves as “friends” here to help humanity, the sinister activities they carry out paint an entirely different picture. They merely attempt to gain human allegiance so that they can have humanity work for them to get the resources they want.

AndrewX said:
My compassion may be great, but I refuse to demonize the policemen and other authorities, even concerned neighbors, simply because they are worried about you and the violence that you seem determined to perpetuate and even carry forth out into the COMMUNITY at large.
Unfortunately, you’re very much mistaken. These ETs are not policing the planet, though you seem to like to regard them to be such. They are here simply for resources. They are space-traveling resource-seekers, as has humanity traveled for resources to other lands in the world in its history. As with human beings, the ETs do not travel far across the space expending their precious resources, energy, time and effort, unless they deem it worthwhile because they could potentially acquire much more resources through their endeavors. They are not worried about human beings out of concern, benevolence, or brotherly love at all. You need to understand that they, too, are mind-controlled through genetic manipulation. They have lost or never had freedom or self-determination. They do not feel compassion or love for each other. How do you expect them to have such sentiment for a totally difference race such as humanity?

They are concerned that humanity may destroy the precious environment and resources of the planet, through nuclear wars or through degradation of the environment. The former can be verified by many air force officers who witnessed UFOs hovering around nuclear storage sites and pointing light beams onto the weapons, as if warning of its danger. They are not concerned for us, but for the resources they need and COVET. They are not intervening to “save” us. They are intervening to prevent us from destroying the resources THEY want. Make no mistake about their intentions.
AndrewX said:
The rest of your post is nothing but testimony precisely to this effect. It is your fear, in print. It is disturbing, but not to me. It is a cry for help, but not to me. And it is sad, but I am not weeping.
My intention is to alert humanity about the ET Intervention so that it will become educated about it and about the realities of life in the universe. The hour is already late, and humanity is not prepared for any Contact with the extraterrestrial intelligent races. Premature Contact with ETs is detrimental for humanity, and a great risk to the loss of its freedom and self-determination. Humanity is not prepared for contact with any ETs. It does not know what it needs to know to protect itself from the domination by foreign races’ in the universe, to retain its freedom and self-determination, and to prepare itself for the emergence into the Greater Community. It has not gained the skills to discern true allies from adversaries who will present themselves as allies offering anything and making empty promises in order to acquire human allegiance.

AndrewX said:
When scientists and researchers in the oceans take dolphins and other creatures aboard their vessels, they tag them in order to track their movements, sometimes to take various samples ... yet those of us who understand the TRUE motives of those scientists do not become xenophobes and fear-mongers, precisely because we DO understand.

When, similarly, these researchers are strongly motivated to PRESERVE or assist the very species which we are seeking to monitor or study, via these abductions ... no one in their right mind would rant on and on about how horrible this is, and how much we are violating the Free Will and rights of the beings being "abducted."
Do you think these ETs’ planting implants in their abductees is doing so for their abductees’ benefits because their true motives are to monitor or study the abductees’ movements, and to preserve or assist them? Is that what you’re saying? Are you implying that people should allow themselves to be abducted by the ETs so they can poke around them and study them like laboratory animals, or be used like livestock? I, for one, will not be treated like laboratory animals or livestock to be used by those sinister ETs.

AndrewX said:
Since when was Hollywood the Gospel
I never said it was. Hollywood movies have misportrayed the realities of life in the universe by projecting human tendencies and behaviors onto ETs. Is it any wonder why people do not believe that ET’s covert invasion is not occurring because they do not see any overt military invasion that they expect to see as in Hollywood movies? Is it any wonder why people do not believe that, even if ET Intervention were occurring, the ETs must be benign or even benevolent because they do not attack the planet by force as those ETs portrayed in movies? Is it any wonder that people are in hopes that the “visitors” are benevolent beings who are “peaceful” as depicted in the movies, when, in reality, they have no choice but to be “peaceful” because are genetically manipulated to work efficiently and obey their superiors without a fail like biological robots?

AndrewX said:
In truth, yes, we are fairly HUMBLE in the Grander Scheme of things ... yet this does not mean that we are unknown to God, or to the Lord of this System [Surya-Sol, Helios, the Solar Logos, etc.]. Even the Sirian Logos is aware of what is taking place on this little planet, and a Sirian Avatar is said to be assisting us - NOW.
Again, it is a grave mistake to presume that these ETs are some sort of avatars, if that is what you’re trying to insinuate.

AndrewX said:
Forget about these concerns, for they are weighing upon you, and needlessly so.
These ETs want us to remain pacified and unresponsive to its Intervention. They want us to believe that they are here for our benefit. They want us to believe in them. They want us to depend on them. They want us to regard them as our “saviors”, our “friends”, our “space brothers”, … Yet, they are nothing more than self-serving resource-seekers. I’m not needlessly concerned about them.

AndrewX said:
All that I can do is to try and assist you, yet if you shut me out, I will be forced to remain outside the room, just as ET must do - at this stage in our Cooperation ... and the best I will be able to offer is to exchange with you from here at the keyhole. I can listen, yet right now I do not hear anything productive, and if *you* are not willing to calm down and recognize what is really happening ... how can I possibly be of assistance?
What sort of assistance are you planning on providing me? What stage in our “Cooperation” are you speaking of? By posting these posts advocating the ET Intervention as beneficial to humanity, you have no idea how much you’re helping these ETs. If that is your intention, because you’re mind-controlled to serve them, then I truly feel sympathy for you.

Our generations as well as our future generations could potentially become enslaved and corralled to work for and be used as livestock by these sinister ETs, if we don’t take the actions to resist and thwart the Intervention now. We have but a few years before that may become our fate. It is up to each one of us and what sort of decision we make each day. What would be the use of hiding out in the hopes that the ETs would go away or becoming pacified and unresponsive to the ET Intervention in the hopes that we would not draw any negative attention from the ETs?

What would be the use of not taking any actions now, out of fear or false hopes, if our future generations would suffer the consequences of our inactions?

I alone cannot accomplish the task of thwarting the Intervention. Enough human beings all over the world must resist the ET Intervention in order for entire humanity to retain its freedom and self-determination. If one nation fell under the persuasion of the ET Intervention, then these ETs would be allowed to stay within this solar system and they could regain strength in the mental environment to start the covert invasion all over again deterring humanity from preparing to emerge into the Greater Community of Worlds and becoming stronger in the mental environment. That is the reason that it is CRUCIAL that humanity UNITES to declare its sovereignty within this solar system before it is too late. It isn’t because uniting seems like a good idea. It is absolutely essential that humanity unites, out of necessity, in order to offset the ET Intervention.

I’m well aware of the potential danger I’m facing, for I was threatened by an agent (an ET of the ET Intervention, human-alien hybrid, or abductee returned and mind-controlled to serve the ET Intervention) of the ET Intervention in another forum that I'd be harmed if I continued to resist the ET Intervention. Yet, I also know that humanity in its entirety could face a much worse danger of losing its freedom and self-determination, the consequences of which could be extremely difficult to revert, if not potentially permanent. Failing to declare its sovereignty in time, before it’s too late, is then detrimental for humanity. The few of us who know about the true intentions of the ET Intervention must then take the actions now to alert humanity, educate humanity, and to offset the ET Intervention.

If you’d like to offer assistance, then you would resist the ET Intervention, with me, rather than attempting to distort the reality out of fear, false hopes, or misinterpretation of its intentions, as if they are “our friends.” If humanity acquiesced to them, it would be allowing them to use it as their resources. If we, human beings, united and all stood up for our native rights and declare our sovereignty in this solar system, then these ETs would have no choice but to leave, for there are other races of worlds in the universe watching to see whether the ET Intervention is occurring on this planet against the native’s will and wishes. If humanity doesn’t resist the Intervention, it’d, in effect, be acquiescing to the ET Intervention. Then, IF the Intervention successfully conquers the world covertly, those who acquiesce to it would be corralled to work for them and then used like livestock later, and those who resist and rebel against it will be alienated or destroyed.

This is NOT a doom-and-gloom. This is NOT fear-mongering. This is to alert human beings to the very fate that are awaiting them if they don’t unite and declare their sovereignty within this solar system.