Did youknow Muslims Also Believe Jesus Will Return

Zaakir said:
i dont disagree with that statment, because there are fals prophets, as you will see, the bible says they wil not mention christ or beleive in him, whereas out prophet (s.a.w) did...also the bible mentions about how, for a prophet to be false, his prophecies will be unreliable, and hence not happen, i dont know much about Muhammad (s.a.w) because i have not long been muslim for long, but as far as i know he has not prophecised any false prophecies!
so therefore if we look at these bible statements to disprove the prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w) we cannot do it, as he is a prophet of Allah
wouldnt that be because there is nothing to disprove? there would have to be a prophecy first to disprove it.
BlaznFattyz said:
wouldnt that be because there is nothing to disprove? there would have to be a prophecy first to disprove it.

There are plenty of prophecies attributed to Muhammad the messenger of Allah...


Though I admit that from a Christian POV it is difficult to prove that some of these weren't written until AFTER the events that are spoken of, but there are others that haven't happened yet.

well, its nothing like that of self-promotion. islammake us to believe things which are true n also accept only which are true about anyother religion or belief.
"Jesus was God on earth." quote Prince.. If christian is a monotheist religion then how come you it beleives Jesus is the son of god (assosiating anything with god)..? Or even as you said.. God on earth?
Just something iv been wondering about for a long time.. n anyone who can explain why please do :) im not attacking anyone. thnx .x.
"Jesus was God on earth." quote Prince.. If christian is a monotheist religion then how come you it beleives Jesus is the son of god (assosiating anything with god)..? Or even as you said.. God on earth?
Just something iv been wondering about for a long time.. n anyone who can explain why please do :) im not attacking anyone. thnx .x.

Jesus (the human part) was the son of God in the way that each of us is...

The divinity residing (if that term is appropriate) in Jesus was (and is) God.
Quran is for Quran, and the Bible is for the Bible. Do not mix these two up.
Every translation will be different since the prophet or God did not put the text in plain word. We all will never know until that day. As for now, believe what you wanna believe and stop trying to see who is who and who is not.
Christian believe in the son of God ( Jesus). And muslim believe in Muhammad. Lets work on that and not on who is the real prophet.
Do not put Jesus name in shame, or Muhammad name shame by doing this you are telling everyone else that both are fake.
Just remember that we all believe in GOD.
What you guys are arguing about is not even close to the title of this thread.

P.S. correction doesn't mean to correct, its my name in english translation.
Quran is for Quran, and the Bible is for the Bible. Do not mix these two up.
Every translation will be different since the prophet or God did not put the text in plain word. We all will never know until that day. As for now, believe what you wanna believe and stop trying to see who is who and who is not.
Christian believe in the son of God ( Jesus). And muslim believe in Muhammad. Lets work on that and not on who is the real prophet.
Do not put Jesus name in shame, or Muhammad name shame by doing this you are telling everyone else that both are fake.
Just remember that we all believe in GOD.
What you guys are arguing about is not even close to the title of this thread.

P.S. correction doesn't mean to correct, its my name in english translation.

Absolutely correct, C.
Thank you.:)