DT Strain
Spiritual Naturalist
"The distinction is marked by those who 'take on board' what they have learned, then the message becomes simple: Love (as in agape, not eros)." --Thomas
While I have nothing against Spiritual Naturalism or its adherents, this practice holds no interest for those of us on the Left Hand Path.
Please explain this statement.I do not think that is true for all left hand practioners.
I consider myself on a left hand path and Naturalistic spirituality is not only completely compatible with my beliefs and practices but they mesh together quite well for me.
Please explain this statement.
OK. Let's take that as given.There is no God, No Supernaturalism.
Why? 'Beauty' is a matter of perception, and there are enough not-beautiful things in nature to render nature neutral. I think this is a sentimentalism?Just Nature which is beautiful and should be honored and revered or respected.
I agree. It's done to give the person a way of locating themselves in an otherwise cruel and callous world, that's what 'rites of passage' do.2. The Rituals that a Naturalistic Pagan may engage in include celebrations of natural solstices and equinoxes ...
Fun? Is this not delusion? Too many take such things too serious to be fun. Too many casualties, too.... to reach a trance state and astral project all while knowing that its psychological, its fun psychodrama.
But then you've bought into the 'altar' schtick? I mean, an altar is used for offering to a higher power, it's utterly religious.My altar has flowers on it, candles, incense, oil, sage, all tools i could use but all have completely naturalistic uses. again there is nothing supernatural about Naturalistic Paganism/spirituality.
Sacred means 'set aside' for the gods. If not anything exterior to self, then why bang on about 'nature'? Are you not contradicting yourself here?4. naturalistic Pagans do not worship anything exterior to themselves, they see nature as sacred and may seek to honor and respect it but they do not worship it.
Is that not assuming a 'deeper level'? There's only conscious, semi-conscious or unconscious, without getting into super-naturalism, which you've already ruled out.They make seek to immerse themselves deeper into Nature but they do not mean it in a spiritual or theistic sense of merging, they mean going out in nature and connecting on a deeper level in your brain.
Then you will know the word comes from the Hebrew for 'adversary', and specifically the adversary of anything true, good, beautiful, etc. (in a legalistic sense). And yet there cannot be an 'adversary' nor a 'satan' if you don't acknowledge anything outside the self. There is on'e own dark nature, but that's hardly worth setting up as an exterior dimension.I have studied Satanism for a long time ...
Then what is the Goddess if not a supernatural agent? And if not a supernatural agent, why call it 'Goddess'?'I was raised with a belief (raised in a tradition of Witchcraft) that teaches that The Goddess is the Universe/Nature in the first place and she/it is NOT a supernatural agent ...
I don't believe in Christ, or an Abrahamic god."self-deification" and My Will Be Done over the Divine Will?
For once I'd agree with Thomas, were he to point out the danger in this. If only he didn't have such hard time understanding that the Christ Nature also resides in me and you ... and of course, within him TOO.
That is certainly not Self-Deification.So I can quite see how the Pauline dying daily to little self, that the other Self may INCREASE (now who was that telling us how "he must decrease?"), would eventually lead us to the only kind of Deification which can proper(ly) occur:
One man's consonance is another man's dissonanceTo wit, the Soul within the form, itself the vehicle for LIFE (or Spirit), must come to dominate and control the rebellious persona. For whichever MASK we feel will make us big and bad, or bold and strong, each is equally at best a NOTE within the Cosmic SONG. And so I've heard, those notes must flow TOGETHER, with meter and cadence and pitch and rhythm ... not forgetting, a CHORD or two, ere the Grand Symphony may first be witnessed, or made to play.
Master musician/sufi Hazrat Inyat Khan became so perfect that he never played anymore, he just taught.Amazing how a Master musician continues to practice, practice, PRACTICE.
I wonder what all that PRACTICING is for. I mean, surely s/he would be far better off just to IMAGINE a piece of music ... or to dream of what MIGHT be.
What's all this nonsense about PRACTICE?
Thank you for your elaboration, allow me to explain why I don't see this Path as a true Left Hand Path.
I am an ex-member of the Temple of Set and one of the Magi in the Order Luciferi. I consider myself a Luciferian in Principle, and not a Satanist. The difference being that Luciferians are concerned and compassionate about helping mankind to see their full spiritual potential.
The LHP is not about atoning with the natural/objective universe (which many religions understand as god), it is about separating from this 'time in space' and stepping outside in order to look at the True Self and make adjustments.
It is about knowing and conversing with your Higher Self / Dæmon and creating a plan together that will eventually lead you to apotheosis / self-deification.
The LHP is not interested in atoning with god, but rather becoming a god.
That is not to say that mastering the physical plane is not important, it is. It also does not mean that reverence to all living things is not embraced, for they are.
The difference can be summed up with:
Thy Will Be Done (RHP)
My Will Be Done (LHP)
I agree with this.... in spiritual reality which underlies all material world reality and goes unseen most of the time.
I have reservations about this. Ancient man thought we were the playthings of the gods — whether the Epic of Gilgamesh, or the antics of the occupants of Olympus, we were helpless really ... his secret rites reflected this.... material world reality that is actually exactly what many "primitive" peoples thought, a dream, a Great Illusion and Grand Play, but one so well constructed that it fools the audience most every time.
Ho, ho, ho.Religion is like a penis...
Very true, Ecumenist. There are two realities. The 'absolute' and the 'pragmatic'. We exist in the 'pragmatic' reality, but beyond that there is an 'absolute' reality, where PERHAPS there is no duality. Both are realities at their own level. The spiritual journey is to transcend the divide.No, Thomas, some of us are not at all confused by the smokescreen (or pretty purple-white robes and gold candlesticks, and buggery going on) ... and some of us know QUITE WELL that as we row, row, row our boat, life IS "but a dream." I hope someday you'll join us ... and the world will be as ONE.![]()
In Christianity there is only one reality, the Divine.Very true, Ecumenist. There are two realities.
Again, to be 'absolute' would mean there can be no duality, else the absolute would, in fact, be relative.We exist in the 'pragmatic' reality, but beyond that there is an 'absolute' reality, where PERHAPS there is no duality.
Quite. That's precisely what I said. But it then needs to be understood that all realities subsist according to the One, according to the Real.Both are realities at their own level.
Again, that's just what I said ... at which point one realises the division is illusory.The spiritual journey is to transcend the divide.
How very clever ...Religion is like a penis...