Shades of Reason
I'm simply suggesting that we learn from life experience and that it is a good thing. There is little doubt that we live in a world full of suffering and torment which I think is the hell alluded to in scripture. Life here is more like an opportunity to learn, grow, develop, and advance as a people. Humankind is responsible for the evils in life, and I think it wise to avoid them when possible. Some people, however, will attempt to exert their will on our own. Sometimes this cannot be avoided. In any case, this life is a life of opportunity, whether one calls it hell or simply life. My point is that hell isn't a thing to be feared per se, but rather a place to receive a higher education in life matters. It prepares us for the kingdom of heaven, whether heaven is an attitude or a literal place without suffering. In the end, we are stuck here until we learn how to live effectively.