You understand nothing of Krishnamurti's life, nor the trials he went through, nor why he endured them, nor what they meant for him, nor what they mean to him now, nor what they meant for Humanity then, nor what they mean for us now, nor what they meant to the Bodhisattva then, nor what they mean to the Bodhisattva now {Kalki Avatara}.
Do not presume to tell me ~ what you yourself, do not know.
The Transformation you speak of, was perhaps what H. P. Blavaksty was working with in his former incarnation as Allessandro Cagliostrio, when with the 7th Ray Chohan he prepared for the Work ahead. That's a MahaSiddha, by the way.
After his passing in 1891, HPB returned to incarnation, proceeded to advance and transform ... and Served just as before. This he did and still does in his next incarnation, as an American woman. But what's it to you, when you know nothing of HPB's relationship with CWL, Jinarajadasa, Olcott or others? If the Mahatmas are not a reality to you, THEN NEITHER IS HPB.
The Transformation which some are WILLing to choose, is not for everyone. Yet HPB chose that, and twice visited Tibet at the behest of her own Master, and at the invitation of the same ONE INITIATOR Who is presented in every tradition. You know something of this Hierophant? Call Him Sanat Kumara or Siva, if you like; it doesn't matter.
Well if you read the words of HBP herself, you will find a statement indicating her own transition, a time in HER life when she underwent an experience which you, too, will one day undergo. When you do, see that if you handle it as well, as gracefully, and are as EQUALLY misunderstood, slandered, and maligned by a world occupied with its own pettiness, wallowing in its own misery and now crying out LOUDER THAN EVER for the assitance of those who DO hold Sacred BALM, Medicine of BhaisajaGuru and a Thousand Buddhas, no, TEN Thousand Buddhas ... yet ever starving for the clarity, the Wisdom and the softness of even ONE still, small Voice.
IF, you are so lucky ... then perhaps you will awaken to your OWN Call, your OWN Purpose, and your OWN Greatest Potential ~ and do something about fulfilling it. Rather than argue with me here, which gives your EGO greater pleasure. That Awakening, by the way ... that RESPONSE, and its result, is my earnest Prayer for you, as for myself, as for ALL 'ah_of us. Always has been. Though I must brandish swords with the witless. And worse.
You will not understand someone you revile, until after your own death, and no other transition which I sense you will be likely or willing to take ... will show you what errors you commit, as do all who slander and attack the Prophets, the Messengers, and SAVIOURS of every Age. You will murder her, and Him, and every Saviour that approaches, time and again, until you are willing to lay your OWN EGO on that altar, and DIE to self. What else was St. Paul suggesting???
Yet you will sacrifice you own GOD, again and again, daily in trade for EGO.
For that, you will learn as do we all. What is what, who is who, and what is NOT ~ God.
Don't treat others the way you would prefer that they not treat you, and then be surprised when the hand comes round to meet you again, just wearing a different Face.
I am amazed, at the unwillingness, of so many of you to LOOK into the mirror.
Better still, to close the eyes and maintain SILENCE
Find a Guru. Don't pretend to be one.
I differ in that I am not deluded. You will find, that even Krishnaji needed, and still needs one. And no, that's not THE END.
You forgot Maha PARA Nibbana
And if you had an inkling of what Samadhi was, you'd know, this is where it BEGINS
Open to that GREATER LIFE ~ and now welcome, GREET OTHERS, who do the same.
Spitting on them, seems a poor greeting. But then, I ought to know.
Kraftwerk - Ohm Sweet Ohm - YouTube
Yes, I am different. Jesus was different. Krishna was different. Buddha was different. But you clearly don't understand me.
Why then, do you pretend to understand these other men?
Perhaps they ~ had nothing to hide.
And surely, surely, I am nothing if not a liar.