Verily, thus saith the Creator of all things of life and light which are good. Behold the time of tribulation draweth near and is soon at hand; I am in the sun, and the light of the sun and it shall soon darken in the day you perceive not.
Let this be a sign unto the world that tribulation cometh quickly, the day which darkens soon cometh upon the world. Israel shall be attacked which brings retaliation of desolation upon the nation of Syria.
Let it be known unto all nations, kindred's, tongues and people; the light of the Sun which bringeth light and life into the world shall soon withdraw it's light from the world and be taken.
Behold and hearken unto the words of the Most High Creator of all things in life and light which are good; there shall be three souls in thy midst and one taken in the day of apollyon which darkens the day as night. Tribulation cometh quickly upon mankind in the day they perceive not.
The sword of justice and truth brings accountability upon all nations. Abaddon draweth light which releaseth a flare; so shall the days of darkness come upon mankind quick as a lightning.
Hear ye O nations of the earth, the angel of the east which ascendeth cometh through a storm in the day; and behold this is Elias whom is to come.
The cup of abomination and sin is released upon the world and the beginning of many woes to come.
Babylon and it's fall; the cup of accountability and justice upon the heads of all nations shall be outstretched and overthrown into the seas.
The figtree soon shaketh; and in such a day shall the sun darken as sackcloth. Behold, the oceans shall move beyond their bounds as the cup spilleth upon the seas. Verily I say unto you, the sky's shall be filled with darkness, tempests and great thunderstorms never before experienced by mankind.
Babylon trembles and quakes in the day of release. Mountains have erupted, the morning with no day cometh quickly. Days have been numbered; three shall be in thy midst darkened as sackcloth and the sun shall return red a third darkened as the moon.
The decree is given by the Most High and Almighty God, I am he whom was and is to come even Jesus Christ the Son of God of the Father ONE in spirit. Let all nations, kindred's, tongues and people know this is the final warning given to mankind before the day.
May all of you pray in spirit to know if these words be true and blessed are they to whom it is revealed; take caution in what thou sayeth or judgeth knowing whom giveth these words; for as thou hast spoken and judged so shall it come upon thee.
These words are sealed in the name of the Most high and Almighty Creator of all life and light that mankind knoweth and seeth; the earth in time shall pass away and move on, but these words shall not pass away until all is fulfilled.
Let this be a sign unto the world that tribulation cometh quickly, the day which darkens soon cometh upon the world. Israel shall be attacked which brings retaliation of desolation upon the nation of Syria.
Let it be known unto all nations, kindred's, tongues and people; the light of the Sun which bringeth light and life into the world shall soon withdraw it's light from the world and be taken.
Behold and hearken unto the words of the Most High Creator of all things in life and light which are good; there shall be three souls in thy midst and one taken in the day of apollyon which darkens the day as night. Tribulation cometh quickly upon mankind in the day they perceive not.
The sword of justice and truth brings accountability upon all nations. Abaddon draweth light which releaseth a flare; so shall the days of darkness come upon mankind quick as a lightning.
Hear ye O nations of the earth, the angel of the east which ascendeth cometh through a storm in the day; and behold this is Elias whom is to come.
The cup of abomination and sin is released upon the world and the beginning of many woes to come.
Babylon and it's fall; the cup of accountability and justice upon the heads of all nations shall be outstretched and overthrown into the seas.
The figtree soon shaketh; and in such a day shall the sun darken as sackcloth. Behold, the oceans shall move beyond their bounds as the cup spilleth upon the seas. Verily I say unto you, the sky's shall be filled with darkness, tempests and great thunderstorms never before experienced by mankind.
Babylon trembles and quakes in the day of release. Mountains have erupted, the morning with no day cometh quickly. Days have been numbered; three shall be in thy midst darkened as sackcloth and the sun shall return red a third darkened as the moon.
The decree is given by the Most High and Almighty God, I am he whom was and is to come even Jesus Christ the Son of God of the Father ONE in spirit. Let all nations, kindred's, tongues and people know this is the final warning given to mankind before the day.
May all of you pray in spirit to know if these words be true and blessed are they to whom it is revealed; take caution in what thou sayeth or judgeth knowing whom giveth these words; for as thou hast spoken and judged so shall it come upon thee.
These words are sealed in the name of the Most high and Almighty Creator of all life and light that mankind knoweth and seeth; the earth in time shall pass away and move on, but these words shall not pass away until all is fulfilled.