Gordian Knot
Being Deviant IS My Art.
The problem, Tea, is we do not all understand each other. Not when we cannot know what definition is being used because everyone makes up their own. This has nothing to do with language evolving. An example of language evolving is that the use of adverbs has all but disappeared over the past few decades. That is an evolution, a change in language usage, but it does not affect the definition.
The famous Apple slogan "Think different!" is grammatically incorrect. It should be "Think differently!" But we know what they mean so it is okay.
Using a word to mean something other than what its definition is can only cause confusion. And geez, we humans have a hard enough time communicating as it is!
The famous Apple slogan "Think different!" is grammatically incorrect. It should be "Think differently!" But we know what they mean so it is okay.
Using a word to mean something other than what its definition is can only cause confusion. And geez, we humans have a hard enough time communicating as it is!