Dookie Marcus
That is what I believe as well. It is comfortable, and heck.we want a diety to look like us...
Surely not like a cockroach, or a mist...
Based on religious population I have to disagree.
That is what I believe as well. It is comfortable, and heck.we want a diety to look like us...
Surely not like a cockroach, or a mist...
I've often wondered what kind of gods other creatures might believe in if they believed in gods. Do ya suppose a Bigfoot god would be a bigfoot?
Because wouldn't it be a nice thing? A God who cares about us? .....
So, the possibility makes this life more magical to me more open to other things and I love the fantasy.
The possibility makes life more cool for me, just like the possibility of there being a Bigfoot amongst other things.
I believe a great many people would agree with you, Dookie.
For me, it is not necessary to look beyond what is right in front of us - that right there is magical and fantastic. No need to look further....
"When I die and If I no longer exist I guess I won't care either way..."
Yep. That pretty much sums it up! One doesn't have to care to exist, but one must exist to care.
I have noticed a running theme in your posts - you want to be remembered that you had lived. Or, at least, you are troubled about your existence being forgotten. Isn't that the human condition though? How many of the 5.725 gazillion people who have lived since the species began are still remembered today?
Pop quiz. Just off the top of your head, can you remember someone famous who lived during the 1800's? And NO cheating by internet search!