No need to challenge them. What really do you think you could change about a 'born again' believer? If their 'truths' don't work for you then obviously they are not your 'truths'. Enjoy the encounter, leave with best wishes. No harm done.In the past week or two I have been on a couple of US forums where the majority of the posters are extreme and unpleasant 'born agains'. They believe only they have the 'truth' and everyone else, including Christians believing in other doctrines, are destined for the fires of hell! They didn't take kindly to their position being challenged, although I did it quite politely. I was given the heave ho, when I suggested that if Jesus was alive today they might have been the sort of people he had in mind when he came up with the quote, "Depart from me for I never knew you!"
I was thrown out of the DU for endorsing libertarian values. I'm doing okay, still drinking TEA.
Life goes on. Outside of being victimized, the only harm we suffer is at our own action.