'You will burn in hell!'

In the past week or two I have been on a couple of US forums where the majority of the posters are extreme and unpleasant 'born agains'. They believe only they have the 'truth' and everyone else, including Christians believing in other doctrines, are destined for the fires of hell! They didn't take kindly to their position being challenged, although I did it quite politely. I was given the heave ho, when I suggested that if Jesus was alive today they might have been the sort of people he had in mind when he came up with the quote, "Depart from me for I never knew you!":D
No need to challenge them. What really do you think you could change about a 'born again' believer? If their 'truths' don't work for you then obviously they are not your 'truths'. Enjoy the encounter, leave with best wishes. No harm done.

I was thrown out of the DU for endorsing libertarian values. I'm doing okay, still drinking TEA.

Life goes on. Outside of being victimized, the only harm we suffer is at our own action.
"...I will concentrate on living the life I have now."

--> This is an idea that is very important in some forms of Buddhism. They emphasize that we should concentrate on what's happening right here, right now. There is a lot of wisdom in such an idea.
I got started on my spiritual quest back in the mid-70's while reading Baba Ram Dass, Be Here Now
In the past week or two I have been on a couple of US forums where the majority of the posters are extreme and unpleasant 'born agains'. They believe only they have the 'truth' and everyone else, including Christians believing in other doctrines, are destined for the fires of hell! They didn't take kindly to their position being challenged, although I did it quite politely. I was given the heave ho, when I suggested that if Jesus was alive today they might have been the sort of people he had in mind when he came up with the quote, "Depart from me for I never knew you!":D
I have to ask ... why do you go on these forums?

There are 'extreme and unpleasant' types in every walk of life, and from my experience of the same kind of response as you, says more about a certain kind of sociological, perhaps even sociopathic, psyche than a religious one.

But we do try not to engender that kind of mud-slinging here.

I no longer visit such forums. My relationship with this forum waxes and wanes. I no longer discuss my own beliefs here (they're way too 'out there' for that), but I do argue that a traditional Christian faith is reasonable and rational. To say it's not is simply to close one's mind to the evidence.
You are right I shouldn't really visit those crazy forums. But I feel the need to challenge that evil dogma. I don't last on them long as they don't like people who don't see it their way!
Actually there is a very similar discussion going on in another thread in this section. The concept of putting one's energy and effort into beneficial activities rather than detrimental activities. Methinks it applies here. Challenging the crazies serves no useful purpose as there isn't a chance in hell you are going to make any headway.
You are right I shouldn't really visit those crazy forums. But I feel the need to challenge that evil dogma. I don't last on them long as they don't like people who don't see it their way!

You only become the evil they are looking for, confirming all their beliefs, making them draw deeper and deeper lines in the sand.

I know, but if I don't, they're all gonna bu ... oh, hang on ... :D

Fires tend to go out when they run out of fuel. Unless, something keeps feeding them.

But the fires in hell are special as they never go out, and the people being burned in them are never consumed so their torture last forever. What a pleasant thought! :eek:
Well, everyone here is either burning, or dead, but the fires here burn out eventually. This must not be the everlasting hell. When is the improved version due out?
But the fires in hell are special as they never go out, and the people being burned in them are never consumed so their torture last forever. What a pleasant thought! :eek:

I wasn't talking about man-made concepts. I was speaking metaphorically about adding fuel to the fire by responding to those with radical views. ;)
By the scripture, Jesus shared some radical views on representation and hell. "In as much as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me."
By the scripture, Jesus shared some radical views on representation and hell. "In as much as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me."
No victim, no crime. Sounds kinda libertarian to me. And there is no hell in after life unless you venture to near a star. The only hell is suffering the consequence of a guilty conscience... and that's a human thing.
No victim, no crime. Sounds kinda libertarian to me. And there is no hell in after life unless you venture to near a star. The only hell is suffering the consequence of a guilty conscience... and that's a human thing.

I certainly think hell can be in the human psyche!

I did something slightly naughty with a boy of the same age when I was ten. It was no more than I will show you mine if you show me yours. However he pretended to his mates that he had done the business with me, like as if he was capable! For the next few years I was in hell terrified of my parents finding out, as the thrashing I would have incurred would have nearly killed me. Not so much because of what I had done, but who I was with. The lad didn't come from the right sort of family. If it had been one of the little viscounts who visited the Queen's cousin who lived in the next property to ours that would have been tolerated!:confused:
I certainly think hell can be in the human psyche!

I did something slightly naughty with a boy of the same age when I was ten. It was no more than I will show you mine if you show me yours. However he pretended to his mates that he had done the business with me, like as if he was capable! For the next few years I was in hell terrified of my parents finding out, as the thrashing I would have incurred would have nearly killed me. Not so much because of what I had done, but who I was with. The lad didn't come from the right sort of family. If it had been one of the little viscounts who visited the Queen's cousin who lived in the next property to ours that would have been tolerated!:confused:

Naughty girl! ...and with a commoner no less. You're due a right flogging for that! :D
In the past week or two I have been on a couple of US forums where the majority of the posters are extreme and unpleasant 'born agains'. They believe only they have the 'truth' and everyone else, including Christians believing in other doctrines, are destined for the fires of hell! They didn't take kindly to their position being challenged, although I did it quite politely. I was given the heave ho, when I suggested that if Jesus was alive today they might have been the sort of people he had in mind when he came up with the quote, "Depart from me for I never knew you!":D

best stay well away from them, it will just piss you off
As I know for a fact that children and the vulnerable are still being abused in this way, I will have my say about it VERY LOUDLY on the forums where the posters espouse this nasty dogma.
As I know for a fact that children and the vulnerable are still being abused in this way, I will have my say about it VERY LOUDLY on the forums where the posters espouse this nasty dogma.

True enough, but while you're bickering back and forth with the abusers, the kids are getting caught in the middle. :(
As a Christian, I feel disheartened at any Christian salivating over the idea of non-believers going to Hell. I dare say they’re not true Christians. Our Lord cries when anyone falls out of His Hand. How can a Christian be pleased when our Lord is heartbroken? But please understand ... hateful people are everywhere ... it's just sadly religious circles are not an exception. I’ve met atheists who couldn’t be nicer, but there were some who were mean-spirited, too. I see that as the individual’s problem. It's not about his or her belief. It's about having good character or bad.