
Maru the dorky :kitty::'s in da House!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
When I was growing up we had a couple of cats who liked to wear the Pepsi wrapper like the beer box above!
Years ago I had a kitty who could cram himself into very small boxes. He would put his feet in and hunker down. He was a long haired cat and his fur would puff out around him over the edge of the box. He looked like a loaf of homemade bread or even a muffin.
When I was growing up we had a couple of cats who liked to wear the Pepsi wrapper like the beer box above!
Years ago I had a kitty who could cram himself into very small boxes. He would put his feet in and hunker down. He was a long haired cat and his fur would puff out around him over the edge of the box. He looked like a loaf of homemade bread or even a muffin.

And here he is...


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A dog in a :kitty:'s body:
A :kitty: "outing", featuring Maru, Hana and Miri along with their "backpacks"

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I might've posted this compilation of baby :kitty: Nala and her hooman companion, Dean (including his "wipe-out" [no :kitty:s were hurt in the spill]):
Maru, you dork!
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Two :kitty:s were professionally groomed (one ended up in a "rage cage"and the other's human name is Meeshuga):

I apologize for anything against the CoC.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I'm brutally in love with cats, especially big cats are more cuter. Any tiger lion admirer ?
I believe that the two cats who live with me were sent by G-d to bring me back to a path of religious observance. Does that mean I'm insane?
You are probably a bit like me.

Even a pig can bring us closer to God; it's just the problem that we can't live as tightly together as with a cat. For me, living in harmony with God is being attentive and respectful with all around me, be it human, animal a plant...

I read a joke, saying, the pig is the best friend because the dog looks up to you, the cat looks down onto you, but the pig sees you as equal...

It's true that most dogs need a clear hierarchy with a dominant human, but we have a cat, too, and we have no hierarchical relationship from either side, just mutual love. He also recognises if I want to sleep (although it's plain night, but humans are somehow sleepy in the night) and waits until I wake up.
And I once decided to be attentive to a neighbour's pig, just caressing it a bit, and it came out happily every time it saw me (unfortunately, the neighbour didn't eat halal/kosher ... )