All I can say is that if Muslims believe that it is permissible and moral to destroy holy sites....than they should accept when land becomes in control of another that it is acceptable to destroy their holy sites... and if in the laws of the land it is acceptable to draw pictures of Mohamed....then they should accept that law as well?
I think you are trying to steer this into a geopolitical debate. Some issues I have with the way you state it...
1: you say they (we) "SHOULD" accept. Why on an interfaith Forum do you find authority to tell us what we SHOULD do?
2. If you are attempting to understand a POV on a topic you should ask.
3. If attempting to talk about politics, this should be a topic brought up in the political forum (and if I'm not mistaken has been, and discussed)
Now for the sake of easy reference and What I can validate applying to the topic.
From a purely religious standpoint, what difference does it make if a "holy site" is destroyed if the populace doesn't believe that religion. I'm a history nerd, so I wouldn't do it; but from a strictly religious standpoint, If an Islamic country took over Greece I would have no issue with them beheading statues of Zeus and other gods. They are nothing more than idols of false gods. Politically you would anger other people who don't believe in their value either. Really it is nothing more than people holding on to useless junk that means nothing to them other than it looks pretty. Again, I'm a History nerd, I would prefer them to be made into Museums, but since I've already said that, and you still felt the need to issue a statement about what we "SHOULD" do, I'm guessing you didn't understand what permissible means. It simply means that there is nothing sinful about it.
Mosques have been destroyed over time, how are we to stop it if we don't control the area? Now we (Muslims) might still fight to regain that land, that is a choice we as defenders make as to how long we are willing to fight. Once peace is decided and agreed on, however, all that aggression should stop religiously speaking. All treaties should be honored as long as it wasn't created under duress (someone telling them to sign it with a gun to your head).
Now we talk about free speech. A topic I know we discussed in great detail. The truth is there is no such thing. I can't go to the president and call him racist and provocative things in his office without being escorted out, and possibly arrested. If I (as a white man) call a black woman a n**** broad I can be sued, lose my job, etc. depending on the situation if she retaliated violently I couldn't even sue her or have her arrested for assault. Now if someone draws Mouhammed (PBUH) we as Muslims should allow that person to accept his sin and move on. maybe verbally inform him of his error. The problem here is that it isn't considered discriminatory, yet calling a someone a racist term is. So essentially the government is upholding a protection for those against Islam while not offering any protection from this discrimination. The people doing it aren't doing so in kind, they aren't drawing pictures to tell nice stories. They are doing it to be directly offensive. So please tell me how this is any different than the old white guys in sheets making cartoons about blacks as monkeys? These have been sued many times over it.