Is Britain no longer a 'Christian' country?

That would be why I used the word "May". However I see them losing their National Identities if they aren't careful.
Keeping in mind what the Finish and the Swedish anthems are about I don't know why it would change unless some sort of geographical event occurs. But I'm thinking that you're talking about immigration and not climate change.
What evidence have you that this is happening?

Did the states lose their identities when we formed a federal.govt?

This is the claim of the occupiers in Oregon isn't it?

If the Liberal leaders of those named countries and more actually don't start policing their land, Sharia law will be upon them before they know it and be able to do anything about it. There seems to be very little planning done before the influx of refugees into Europe. The whole world saw this coming and did very little to prepare both Security wise and economic wise. Politicians were so gung ho in helping refugees they never thought of what the possible repercussions would be. They believed there own rhetoric to the point that they forgot about their own people. I also fear that as our own Attorney General has done, any outbursts and bad talk about the refugees will be considered a hate crime against their own citizens. Personally I think that if stronger Christian values were at play things would be different.
Omg...fear of sharia law...

Christian values?? Anytime one of our politicians says that one of.their teen progemy has a child out of.wedlock while preaching abstinence, or gets caught in an affair,. Someone uncovers their gambling debt, or they do tap dances in airport bathrooms....
Omg...fear of sharia law...

Christian values?? Anytime one of our politicians says that one of.their teen progemy has a child out of.wedlock while preaching abstinence, or gets caught in an affair,. Someone uncovers their gambling debt, or they do tap dances in airport bathrooms....

Now that's funny right there
Politicians were so gung ho in helping refugees they never thought of what the possible repercussions would be.
Yes I think most of us were surprised when the future homes of immigrants went up in flame. The cruelty of such acts where beyond what we imagined.
From a bit more philosophical point of view, many of these refugees are coming from violent, extremist, hateful, war torn countries. Bringing them to a country in Western Europe where the people live in a completely different environment than they have ever seen before it is only logical that there will be clashes between the two.

To expect refugees to act the way you were brought up, when they have never experienced such a life condition before is naive. In a sense Richard is correct in that the EU leaders should have made preparations for potential clashes between two different societal conditions. People need time to acclimate to a new way of living.
To expect refugees to act the way you were brought up, when they have never experienced such a life condition before is naive.
That is more of a philosophical point of view, based on human nature. I have yet so see any real world indication of such clashes. In my limited experience people are more alike than not.
What preparations did did you have in mind that where not implemented?
People are more alike than not? Well yes. And no.

Yes we all have the basics of being human. We all see the world with the same senses. We all feel the same feelings. Anger is easy to spot in a person no matter the language. Happiness, sadness, etc. We all want what is best for our families. We all want to be allowed to live in peace and have a fair chance at improving our lot in life.

No, because 'how' we define those ideals can be different from culture to culture, and even region to region within the same culture. How we experience those ideals in our lives change us just as much. You and I live in an environment that is essentially safe, reasonably comfortable, and in societies that leaves us to pretty much do as we please (within the confines of our mutual acceptable values). These refugees have had little to none of any of that. And they how they act towards the world is very different because of that. They are afraid, angry, bitter, suspicious. Through no fault of their own; rather because they have had to be just to survive.

Real world examples. They are everywhere. Here is a very simple example. In the U.S. the gulf between Black culture and White culture is immense. To the extent that there is little overlap between the two. I live in an area which is reasonably split between Whites, Blacks and Hispanics. I am friendly towards all of them, and they are all friendly with me. I have few actual friends from those other cultures though. I have only a couple Black friends. People I am close to and spend time with. And that is uncommon. Most Whites do not have any Black friends. There's nothing nefarious about that; people tend to group with those they are comfortable with. And they are comfortable with people who think like they do.

What preparations should have been made? An awareness of everything I just said would have been a good place to start. To expect that these refugees would be so thrilled to escape to a safe haven that they would immediately adjust their life views to the ideals of Western Culture is absurd. Yet that is what Westerners seem to believe should have happened.
What preparations should have been made? An awareness of everything I just said would have been a good place to start. To expect that these refugees would be so thrilled to escape to a safe haven that they would immediately adjust their life views to the ideals of Western Culture is absurd. Yet that is what Westerners seem to believe should have happened.
But everything you have said is, again, a philosophical position. If what you say where the case than I would expect some reposts of this, but there's nothing. Things have been going great, we just don't have a lot of room or bureaucracy.

The only real issue I have with what you are saying is that you are stating it as an objective fact. It is not. It can't be proven in any way or formed. It is your strongest conviction that this is the case, just as it is Picketts. And it is my strong conviction that that it is not the case. Your example is a very simple social construction for me because I come from that background.

So again, we didn't really get anywhere. But still, it's always worth a try I think.
Well we've hit that wall again, you and I. I gave real world examples; they are objective facts. It can be proven just by looking at White & Black societies in America at this time. It's right there for you to see, but you don't seem to want to see. I do not understand why you believe a statement of fact is rather my opinion.
Well we've hit that wall again, you and I. I gave real world examples; they are objective facts. It can be proven just by looking at White & Black societies in America at this time. It's right there for you to see, but you don't seem to want to see. I do not understand why you believe a statement of fact is rather my opinion.
Have you read anything on social constructionism and the difference between quantitative and qualitative data/methods? I keep referencing it but I don't know where we disconnect.
I am familiar with the concepts generally speaking. From your point of view would you say I depend too much on quantitative methods to form my opinions?
Well this is tricky because I don't feel I know you enough to make a valuable assessment. I'll give it a go and throw in what I know about the concepts and we'll work from there?
I'm thinking that you as a person are more familiar with quantitative methods and ways of thinking. You use qualitative data, your personal experience from where you live or grew up, but you use them as objective data in a way a qualitative researcher would not do. Social constructivism values your experience because what you think and feel says something about you and how people there think or feel, but not necessarily about the an objective reality which is dismissed (for it is is either non-existent or unknowable).

So no, I don't think you depend on either too much, but you depend on the one more and I the other. I'm not saying that you are wrong in your assessment but that what you base your assessment on is not enough for me to form my own assessment.

I welcome other people to chime in to correct or expand on what we say, I really would like DAs and my communication to go a bit smoother.