Your Daily Rant

Impossible to hold a cat that doesn't want to be held, imo
To Whom It May Concern,

When a store employee asks you to wear a mask in the store, please, it doesn't mean "please get your loaded gun, kill said employee and severely wound other store patrons." The request that you wear a mask is store policy because not everyone can get vaccinated. Next time you want to kill someone, how about yourself?

To Whom It May Concern #2,

There are too many abandoned/stray/feral animals roaming the streets, plus many of these animals end up procreating. If you want cute baby animals (doesn't matter the species,) why not just go to your local shelter/rescue group and bring one of their rescues into your home? The animal might be grateful! Oh, and please refrain from "dumping" your current nonhuman companion. If you just want baby animals, try fostering!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom It May Concern,

You begged to get Tovarish into her carrier so she would get her shots.

Don't kvetch at me when she gives you several sets of scratches.

Oh, and she doesn't need to bite, unlike most of the other ;kitty:s (I don't declaw unless there's a medical necessity on their part.)

Next time, you're volunteering to "herd :kitty:s"! Solo!

To Whom It May Concern #2,

No, I won't give you any of The Trio. You lost your rights to have a pet courtesy of both HSUS and ASPCA.

If you want something similar to The Trio, get a :kitty: plushie.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

You are the most powerful mutant on earth. With power comes responsibility. Don't blame me if I had to send an intergalactic jailer to contain your enthusiasm. It's not all bad, though. The bars of a prison can be made of many types of material. I have chosen for your prison the bars of pure love and adoration. Don't fight love, don't fight adoration. Rather, come willingly.

-- The Universe
To Whom It May Concern,

I'm rather loud when I sing certain tunes. I was making enough noise that my parents could hear, and they've been dead close to a score ago.

You stepped on my feet, not the other way around.

Be grateful that I didn't bloody strangle you or throw you through a door!

To Whom It May Concern #2,

Where the hell did you put my purse and my digital food scale? One has been missing for a month, the other went MIA two months ago. Shape up or ship out.

To Whom It May Concern #3

I am recovering from something that's going around in the complex. You're going to require a reschedule of my apartment's inspection, especially since I caught it from one of your clients!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom It May Concern,

Please stop blaming others for your forgetting to registering/signing in for your appointment. You were at the clinic before I was, but I got everything taken care of before I was called in (podiatry appointments for both of us.) Hell, I got there so early that I picked up two diet sodas from the attached pharmacy and still had time to do other stuff! (I got there twenty-five minutes before my appointment.) Hell, since you were there for roughly an hour before your appointment, you could've done the same thing or asked your driver to pop into one of the grocery stores nearby (there are two a couple of short blocks down the street from the clinic!) Just register the moment that you arrive and you won't have any trouble

Oh, and by the way, I'm faceblind plus I have the memory for names like a fruit fly. You might remember me but it's not vice versa.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom It May Concern,

I never thought that I would run into a "Karen" irl. Boy, was I wrong. You held up the lane arguing with the cahier about three coupons (one was for "get one package of sponges, get one free", one was "spend $80, get $10 off" and the third was long expired [1992].) The third coupon was so blatant that even I could see that it was expired, and I have to have cataract surgery

To Whom It May Concern #2,

Can't you read the message board on the bus? Masks are required in order to ride, No exceptions]. Hell, masks stop more than just COVID-19 If you won't wear a mask, find some other form of transportation!

To Whom It May Concern #3,

Okay, so you're a fan of the home baseball team, and you desperately want to clap along with the music playing for the home team. Unfortunately, you're more tone deaf than my mother, and she's been dead nearly one score years! It was like listening to Syncopated Clock, except for every single rock song that came over the speakers! Hell, you were syncopated on the song, We Will Rock You! That was just one of the reasons that I was giving you dirty looks! I won't get into the stuff involving me be being on the Jumbotron (or whatever they call the big screen video stuff.) I was just wearing my :kitty: mask and t-shirt! By the way, the fate of the world doesn't depend on who wins/loses a ball game, especially when they had to cart the catcher off the field after he was hit in a rather tender area (the cismale members of I/O might have a sneaking suspicion where the catcher was hit!)

To Whom It May Concern #4,

The gentleman from Texas was wearing swimming trunks, and he stopped stripping before he was able/willing to take those off!! Oh, and they weren't the teeny-tiny kind, either! He got his point across perfectly, decently and nonviolently, unlike some others that I can think of offhand.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom It May Concern,

I'm doing my d@mnedest to get Tovarish to the vet. If a :kitty: doesn't want to get caught, s/he won't be! Not unless you want to end up injured (I've had that problem with Tovarish several times, and I don't want to end up seeing the doctor instead of her!)

To Whom It May Concern #2,

I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times::kitty:s aren't allowed on public transportation If you don't believe me, just contact MCTS offices!

To Whom It May Concern #3,

Your doggo is on his/her last legs, if not past that benchmark. The Trio don't go outside the flat, so the waste that everyone has been stepping in isn't theirs. You are torturing your doggo, keeping him/her alive past their "warrantee": let them bloody go! If you can't stand the thought of their passing, just think of it as they're regaining youthful vigour "on the Other Side".

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom It May Concern,

I was just about to get Tovarish into a bloody carrier when you started pounding on the door with a medical call button/pendant offer. First off, I don't qualify for the pendant, and second, Tovarish bloody escaped from the flat. I refuse to accept blame for that!

To Whom It May Concern #2,

The right temple of my glasses broke off. I have no idea WTH I'm going to do concerning that.

To Whom It May Concern #3,

Your produce is very much infested, plus I am allergic to the milk that you're giving away (it's whole milk, and I end up having nasty side effects from anything higher than lowfat.) Back off! I'll take what I can/will eat or cook with!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom It May Concern,

Stop propping the outside doors open! The Trio don't need to play with any feral mice! Oh, and one of the other neighbours doesn't need you to help him feed his snake! I'm grateful that the snake's usually in its enclosure, don't tempt it! It could go after the :kitty:s and the dogs!

Oh, and both feral mice and many reptiles including snakes can carry several different diseases which can be fatal to many/most of the neighbours!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom It May Concern,

There's a legitimate reason for the walkways around Yellowstone's geysers, plus there's a reason to keep your pets securely leashed to you while in the park. Now you're going to undergo treatments for second- and third-degree burns for the foreseeable future. You're lucky to still be bloody alive, as is your dog! Hell, there have been several human deaths, and one case where the man died, his human companion hasn't been bloody found yet!

I understand that many anime/manga have onsen/hot springs scenes, but that doesn't translate well to reality. Trust me.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom It May Concern,

If I say that I need to vomit, take my word for it! Don't kvetch when I "get you" with my lunch! Moreso when you just want me to sign a paper to get a medical pager that I don't need nor qualify for!

To Whom It May Concern #2,,

Where the helloandhowdoyoudo did you put my purse? This is the third one that's turned up missing! I'm not giving you a fourth chance!

To Whom It May Concern #3,

Why did you try to abscond with Tomodachi? Be grateful that he's neutered!

To Whom It May Concern #4,

The front entrance is in the process of being completely revamped. The entire entrance is blocked off, plus everyone got a message about it. There are five other entrances that you can use instead. Ask one of the other neighbours to show you if you've forgotten.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
If I say that I need to vomit, take my word for it! Don't kvetch when I "get you" with my lunch! Moreso when you just want me to sign a paper to get a medical pager that I don't need nor qualify for!
To Whom It May Concern,

Do I need to go through all of the words for "No" that I know to finally get it through your thick skull that I don't want to participate in the community's Thanksgiving event nor do I want/need a free Thanksgiving meal? The only animals in my flat that eat meat are my flatmates, and they cannot eat either ham nor turkey the way y'all prepare it (lots of garlic and onion, which are toxic to :kitty:s, plus the ham is cured in such a way that they won't touch it with a ten foot litter box [I cannot eat ham due to severe allergies to pork products].) Oh, and it's not even Samhain/Halloween!

To Whom It May Concern #2,

Two words; Wet Paint.

To Whom It May Concern #3,

I don't qualify for the food boxes that are given away (I have another 69 months to go before I qualify, and I have let y'all know that! It's the same sh!t with the bloody medical pager!

To Whom It May Concern #4,

No, I won't let you on my computer. Stop bloody asking before I defenestrate you!

To Whom It May Concern #5,

I am doing you a favour by making some kind of noise when we're in the halls. Stop aiming for me while walking. Next time, I'm doing a leg sweep while directing you into a bloody wall (literally, in some cases) or a vending machine!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom It May Concern,

Just because you couldn't get a babysitter doesn't give you the right to bring your sick kid with you to visit the grandparents, especially if the kid has COVID. I had to reschedule an important doctor's appointment because of this!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom It May Concern,

Just because you couldn't get a babysitter doesn't give you the right to bring your sick kid with you to visit the grandparents, especially if the kid has COVID. I had to reschedule an important doctor's appointment because of this!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Confused: Your grandchild or someone else's?