Do we all pray to the same God?

Thanks for the new word 'hebraism'. I had to check with with google that it is a real word :>).
"to search truth" is too vague to assert that tao and yahweh are the same thing"

Well, I would never debate that, other than to myself. I was just sharing a part of my life journey.
one of the many meanings given to YHVH is 'that which was is and will be'. To me that is the same as the Tao or Brahman or The Word or SatNam or PakNam or Allah or Krishna and the myriad of other names people have used to describe what cannot be described in words. Also we have artists and poets that do the same in their realms.
So , when I read the Tao Te Ching and indeed the BagavadGita, Granth Sahib Ji, NT etc, I concluded that all these writings were, at least in part, coming from the same place(of consciousness).
Have you encountered the I Ching? It predates the Tao te Ching, as a Taoist document.

It's a book of divination, but you can ignore that aspect. I recommend the Wilhelm translation, with forward by Carl Jung.

It gives far more structure to the Taoist system than does the Tao te Ching. Imo
Have you encountered the I Ching? It predates the Tao te Ching, as a Taoist document.

It's a book of divination, but you can ignore that aspect. I recommend the Wilhelm translation, with forward by Carl Jung.

It gives far more structure to the Taoist system than does the Tao te Ching. Imo

well, everything in chinese culture might be seen as a commentary to the i ching.
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well, everything in chinese culture might be seen as a commentary to the i ching.
Thank you. Probably yes, tho I'm not the expert.

But the 'science' of the I Ching makes more impact on me than: 'All I know is l know nothing' or: 'A vessel is only useful by virtue of its emptiness,' etc?

Imo: the I Ching observations are infinitely superior to those 'zen' sayings of 'Lao Tzu'
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Main reason for various religions, denominations, and sects...

They speak to us differently, resonate differently, different strokes for different folks.

Oh yes.
I do regret that post seems to minimise the Tao Te Ching, when really I was just trying to probe a little into qaz' familiarity with the I Ching. There is huge wisdom in the Tao Te Ching.
I do apologize.
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In answer to the main question:
No, we do not all pray to the same God.

Those who pray to Yahweh pray to the Holy One. Holy means set apart.
That is why in the ten commandments he ordered that we should have no other gods before him.
In answer to the main question:
No, we do not all pray to the same God.

Those who pray to Yahweh pray to the Holy One. Holy means set apart.
That is why in the ten commandments he ordered that we should have no other gods before him.
Hello Yessy, welcome to Interfaith Forums. Since you're new here you might want to take a look at our Code of Conduct to get a better idea of where we are coming from.

As to your post, having no other gods before me, essentially means nothing is to be held in higher esteem. However, viewing God from a different cultural perspective does not necessarily amount to worshiping a different god or holding one god over another. For instance, a daughter loves her father, while his wife loves her husband. Both love and revere the same person, but from different perspectives.
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In answer to the main question:
No, we do not all pray to the same God.

Those who pray to Yahweh pray to the Holy One. Holy means set apart.
That is why in the ten commandments he ordered that we should have no other gods before him.

Well, parting from the principle that HaShem is of an absolute Oneness, it is only obvious that we all pray to the same God. What distinguishes the one who prays from another is the knowledge of the way one chooses to approach the Only God there is. Once Jesus said, "Know the Truth and the Truth will set you free." That's in John 17:17. The next step is to understand what the Truth is. Now, if you read Psalm 147:19,20, the Truth is the Word of God which was given to Israel only and to no other people in the world exactly according to the text.
Have you encountered the I Ching? It predates the Tao te Ching, as a Taoist document.

It's a book of divination, but you can ignore that aspect. I recommend the Wilhelm translation, with forward by Carl Jung.

It gives far more structure to the Taoist system than does the Tao te Ching. Imo

I was asked to 'do' the I-Ching just once and received all 1s (1st hexagram). The interpretation said that I didn't need to use the I-ching. I'm not sure why, but that's what the interpreter said. at the time I had just started doing some serious meditation and was not really looking to get into anything new. However, I know many people who do and have used the I-ching for years and appear to get much help from it.
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I was asked to 'do' the I-Ching just once and received all 1s (1st hexagram). The interpretation said that I didn't need to use the I-ching. I'm not sure why, but that's what the interpreter said. at the time I had just started doing some serious meditation and was not really looking to get into anything new. However, I know many people who do and have used the I-ching for years and appear to get much help from it.

Thanks, Craz.
I understand. I'm very wary of the divination aspect of the I Ching. I would not advise anyone to practice it.

It can become an obsession, that can spill over into actual insanity, and worse, in the case of that 'devils book' the Tarot -- which is quite different -- an opening of the door to demonic possession. Very bad.

I almost regret bringing up the 'I'. But I believe it is pure.

But in the 'I' there are also the The Discussion of the Trigrams and The Great Treatise. These sections contain a lot of the roots of Taoism.

However, if your instinct is to stay away from the 'I' I'm sure it is right and that you should follow it.
All the best
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Well, parting from the principle that HaShem is of an absolute Oneness, it is only obvious that we all pray to the same God. What distinguishes the one who prays from another is the knowledge of the way one chooses to approach the Only God there is. Once Jesus said, "Know the Truth and the Truth will set you free." That's in John 17:17. The next step is to understand what the Truth is. Now, if you read Psalm 147:19,20, the Truth is the Word of God which was given to Israel only and to no other people in the world exactly according to the text.

Thanks for your explanation.

I do realize that you come from the absolute unquestionable position of our Oneness with God and with one another. Everything you believe about God and spirituality flows from that platform.

I do not agree with that platform however. Because I see God as Holy foremost, I see Him seperate from everybody that is not atoned for in Christ. That was the entire purpose of the cross and the precious blood of Jesus that was for the atonement of our sin for the very reason that we could become One with the Holy One.

Therefore I see all gods other than Jahweh, as from another realm, even though there may be a sense of oneness within that realm, in fact there is a oneness in the realm of darkness that is seperate from the oneness that is in the realm of light.
Therefore I see all gods other than Jahweh, as from another realm, even though there may be a sense of oneness within that realm, in fact there is a oneness in the realm of darkness that is seperate from the oneness that is in the realm of light.
Out of curiosity, if you see all other faiths springing from darkness, what are you seeking in an interfaith site?
Out of curiosity, if you see all other faiths springing from darkness, what are you seeking in an interfaith site?

He has rescued me from the domain of darkness and transferred me into the kingdom of the Son He loves.
Colossians 1:13 HCSB

I would be a selfish and unloving soul, if I would not want that for others as well.
Out of curiosity, if you see all other faiths springing from darkness, what are you seeking in an interfaith site?
This is an assumption on my part but my best guess Cup is that Yessy seeks nothing. She is here to spread 'the' word. Fulfill the Great Commission. She has had 'the' revelation and now she 'must' impart THE WORD as instructed by scripture. Regardless! Yelp, as I said, my guess...

interesting.... Why.the Holman bible exists....because their were copyrights on the other bibles and the publisher needed to create their it.

Good research, thanks.

Ever looked at the price of Evangelical/Baptist preachers' video/audio Bible study lectures?
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This is an assumption on my part but my best guess Cup is that Yessy seeks nothing. She is here to spread 'the' word. Fulfill the Great Commission. She has had 'the' revelation and now she 'must' impart THE WORD as instructed by scripture. Regardless! Yelp, as I said, my guess...
He has rescued me from the domain of darkness and transferred me into the kingdom of the Son He loves.
Colossians 1:13 HCSB

I would be a selfish and unloving soul, if I would not want that for others as well.
And Verified...

But surely she knows proselytizing is not allowed or that will never happen.